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Khaye LEVIN (born AVNER) was born in 1827, in birth place.
Khaye had 6 siblings: Arye Leyb AVNER, Frejda Gisia AVNER and 4 other siblings.
Khaye married Mortchel Zelversky LEVIN on month day 1845, at age 18 in marriage place.
Mortchel was born on month day 1828, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Czisza SIMON (born LEVENE), Chana Sora GUTMACKER (born LEVENE) and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Khaye lived on month day 1881, in address.
Khaye passed away in month 1907, at age 80 in death place.
Khaye Zelversky (born Avner) was born circa 1828, in birth place.
Khaye had 6 siblings: Arye Leyb Avner, Freyde Gele Avner and 4 other siblings.
Khaye married Mortkhe Zelversky on month day 1845, at age 17 in marriage place.
Mortkhe was born on month day 1826, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Kitty Simon (born Levene), Anna Gutmacher (born Levene) and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Khaye lived on month day 1881, in address.
She lived on month day 1891, in address.
Khaye passed away in month 1913, at age 85 in death place.
Record image of Khaye AVNER


MyHeritage Family Trees
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Khaye AVNER married Leyb AVNER.
Leyb was born in 1760.
They had 3 sons: Yoshue AVNER and 2 other children.
Khaye passed away in death place.
Khaye Levene (born Avner) was born circa 1827, in birth place.
Khaye had 6 siblings: Arye Leyb Avner, Frejda Gisia Avner and 4 other siblings.
Khaye married Mortchel, Zelversky Levin.
Mortchel was born on month day 1828, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Czisza "Kitty" Simon (born Levene Levin), Chana Sora Gutmacker (born Levene Levin) and 5 other children.
Khaye passed away in month 1907, at age 80 in death place.
Record image of Khaye Avner

Khaye Avner, 1827 - 1907

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Khaye Avner was born in 1827, in birth place.
Khaye had 8 siblings: Arye Leyb Avner, Freida Gisia Avner and 6 other siblings.
Khaye passed away in 1907, at age 80 in death place.
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