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Katherine Penelope Gordon (born Woolrych) was born on month day 1864, in birth place.
Katherine had 8 siblings: Isabel Amy Raftopoulos (born Woolrych), Penelope Emily Woolrych and 6 other siblings.
Personal Info
Katherine lived on month day 1939, in address.
Katherine passed away on month day 1946, at age 81.
Documents of Katherine Penelope Gordon (born Woolrych)
Penelope Gordon in BillionGraves
Penelope Gordon married Robert Murray Gordon.
Penelope passed away on June 5 1946.
She was buried in Woughton on The Green (Saint Mary) Churchyard, Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom.
Katherine P Gordon in 1939 Register of England & Wales
Katherine P Gordon was born on month day 1864.
Katherine married Robert M Gordon.
Robert was born on month day 1873.
Katherine lived on month day 1939, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Kate Gordon in England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
Kate Gordon was born circa 1865.
Kate passed away in month 1946, at age 81 in death place.
Katherine Elizabeth Woolrych (born Terry) was born on month day 1897, in birth place, Missouri.
Katherine had 3 siblings: Alfred William Terry and 2 other siblings.
Katherine passed away on month day 1975, at age 77 in death place, Missouri.
Documents of Katherine Elizabeth Woolrych (born Terry)
Katherine Woolrych in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Katherine Woolrych was born on July 11 1897.
Katherine lived in Farmington, Missouri 63640, USA.
Katherine passed away in May 1975, at age 77.
Katherine Penelope Gordon (born Woolrych) was born on month day 1864, in birth place.
Katherine had 7 siblings: Penelope Emily Woolrych, Francis Humphrey William Woolrych and 5 other siblings.
Katherine married Robert Murray Gordon in 1908, at age 43 in marriage place.
Robert was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Personal Info
Katherine lived on month day 1939, in address.
Katherine passed away on month day 1946, at age 81.
Record image of Katherine Woolrych

Katherine Woolrych, born Circa 1898

1950 United States Federal Census
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Katherine Woolrych was born circa 1898, in Missouri, United States.
Katherine married Humphry Woolrych.
Humphry was born circa 1889, in France.
Personal Info
Katherine lived in Arsenal St.
She lived on April 1 1950, in 3855 Arsenal St, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
Record image of Katherine Woolrych

Katherine Woolrych, born 1907

1939 Register of England & Wales
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Katherine Woolrych was born on month day 1907.
Personal Info
Katherine lived on month day 1939, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Katherine E Woolrych passed away on month day 1975, in death place, Missouri.
Mary, Katherine Woolrych (born Watson) married Humphry, Fitzroy Woolrych.
Humphry was born on month day 1823.
They had 3 children: Kate Penelope Gordon (born Woolrych) and 2 other children.
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