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Karen Marie Jensen (born Vutborg) was born on month day 1902, in birth place.
Karen married Jens Nicolaj Andreas Jensen.
Jens was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
Karen passed away on month day 1973, at age 70 in death place.
Documents of Karen Marie Jensen (born Vutborg)
Karen Marie Vutborg in 1916 Denmark Census
Karen Marie Vutborg was born on month day 1902.
Karen lived on month day 1916, in address.
Karen Marie Jensen in BillionGraves
Karen Marie Jensen was born on May 20 1902.
Karen married Nicolaj Jensen.
Karen passed away on January 21 1973, at age 70.
She was buried in Nr. Vorupør Kirkegård, Thisted, Denmark.
Karen Marie Vutborg in 1930 Denmark Census
Karen Marie Vutborg was born on month day 1902.
Karen lived on month day 1930, in address.
Karen Marie Nielsen Vutborg was born on month day 1905, in birth place.
Karen had 3 brothers: niels christian vutborg and 2 other siblings.
Karen passed away on month day 1926, at age 21 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Karen Marie Nielsen Vutborg
Karen Maria Nielsen Votborg in 1911 Denmark Census
Karen Maria Nielsen Votborg was born on month day 1905.
Karen had 2 siblings: Kels Kristian Nielsen Votborg and one other sibling.
Karen lived on month day 1911, in address.
Karen Marie Nielsen Vietborg in 1925 Denmark Census
Karen Marie Nielsen Vietborg was born on month day 1905.
Karen had one sister: Martha Marie Nielsen Vietborg.
Karen lived on month day 1925, in address.
karen marie vutborg (born poulsen) was born on month day 1835, in birth place.
karen married niels christian pedersen vutborg.
niels was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
They had 5 sons: martin nielsen vutborg, Poul Nielsen Vuthborg and 3 other children.
karen passed away on month day 1914, at age 78 in death place.
Documents of karen marie vutborg (born poulsen)
Karen Marie Poulsen in Denmark Burials, 1640-1917
Karen Marie Poulsen was born in 1836.
Karen married Niels Christian Pedersen Vutborg.
Karen passed away on month day 1914, at age 78.
She was buried in burial place.
Karen Poulsen in 1890 Denmark Census
Karen Poulsen was born circa 1836.
Karen married Niels Pedersen.
Niels was born circa 1836.
Karen lived on month day 1890, in address.
Karen Marie Poulsen in 1870 Denmark Census
Karen Marie Poulsen was born circa 1836.
Karen married Niels Chr Votborg.
Niels was born circa 1836.
They had 3 sons: Poul Nielsen Votborg and 2 other children.
Karen lived on month day 1870, in address.
Karen Marie Vutborg (born Poulsen) was born in 1836.
Karen married Niels Kristian Pedersen Vutborg.
Niels was born in 1831.
They had 6 children: Anders Nielsen, Peder Nielsen and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Karen lived in 1880, in address.
Karen passed away on month day 1914, at age 78.
She was buried in burial place.
Karen M N Vutborg was born on month day 1907.
Karen had one sister: Morta M N Vutborg.
Personal Info
Karen lived on month day 1921, in address.
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