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Record image of Juhhan Zirkel

Juhhan Zirkel, 1816 - 1870

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Juhhan Zirkel was born on month day 1816, in birth place.
Juhhan married Matli Zirkel (born Müürsep).
Matli was born on month day 1821, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Liso Zirkel, Ann Sikk (born Zirkel) and 7 other children.
Juhhan passed away on month day 1870, at age 53 in death place.
Record image of Juhhan Zirkel

Juhhan Zirkel, 1852 - 1852

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Juhhan Zirkel was born on month day 1852, in birth place.
Juhhan had 7 siblings: Marri Zirkel, Ann Silm (born Zirkel) and 5 other siblings.
Juhhan passed away on month day 1852, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Juhhan Zirkel

Juhhan Zirkel, 1832 - 1862

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Juhhan Zirkel was born on month day 1832, in birth place.
Juhhan married Liis Zirkel (born Allev).
Liis was born on month day 1832, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Peter Zirkel and 3 other children.
Juhhan passed away on month day 1862, at age 29.
Juhhan Zirkel was born on month day 1813, in birth place.
Juhhan had 8 siblings: Adam Zirkli, An Zirkli (born Zirkli/Zirkel) and 6 other siblings.
Juhhan married Liso Hark (born Zirkel) on month day 1836, at age 22 in marriage place.
Liso was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Mari Hark (born Zirkel) and 3 other children.
Juhhan passed away on month day 1850, at age 36.
Juhhan Zirkel was born on month day 1816, in birth place.
Juhhan had 7 siblings: Liso Hark (born Zirkel), Andres Zirkel and 5 other siblings.
Juhhan married Matli Zirkel (born Müürsep) on month day 1843, at age 26.
Matli was born on month day 1821, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Liis Säädus (born Zirkel), Ann Sikk (born Zirkel) and 7 other children.
Juhhan passed away on month day 1870, at age 53.
Juhhan Zirkel was born on month day 1832, in birth place.
Juhhan had 8 siblings: Peter Zirkel, Mari Rõigas - Neumann (born Zirkel) and 6 other siblings.
Juhhan married Liis Zirkel (born Allev).
Liis was born on month day 1832, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Peter Zirkel and 3 other children.
Juhhan passed away on month day 1862, at age 29.
Juhhan Zirkel was born on month day 1852.
Juhhan had 7 siblings: Marri Zirkel (born Zirkli/Zirkel), Ann Silm (born Zirkel Zirkli/Zirkel) and 5 other siblings.
Juhhan passed away on month day 1852, at age less than one.
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