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Josef Trkovsky was born on month day 1909, in birth place.
Josef married Marie Trkovska (born Petrlikova).
Marie was born on month day 1909.
They had one daughter: Zdenka Eidlpezova (born Trkovska).
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Josef passed away on month day 1976, at age 66.
Record image of Josef Trkovsky

Josef Trkovsky

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Josef Trkovsky married Maria Trkovsky (born Kulhan).
They had one son: Johann Trkovsky.
Josef passed away.
Record image of Josef Trkovsky

Josef Trkovsky, born 1880

Baltimore, Maryland Passenger Lists, 1891-1943
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Josef Trkovsky was born circa 1881.
Personal Info
Josef lived in address.
Record image of Josef Trkovsky

Josef Trkovsky

Austria, Vienna, Catholic Church Records
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Josef Trkovsky was buried on month day 1906, in burial place.
Record image of Josef Trkovsky

Josef Trkovsky, born 1893

Austria-Hungary, Roman Catholic Indexes, 1612-1966
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Josef Trkovsky was born in 1893, in birth place.
Personal Info
Josef lived in address.
Record image of Josef Trkovsky

Josef Trkovsky

Austria-Hungary, Roman Catholic Indexes, 1612-1966
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Personal Info
Josef Trkovsky lived in address.
Josef was buried in 1894, in burial place.
Record image of Josef Trkovsky

Josef Trkovsky, born 1892

Austria-Hungary, World War I Casualty Lists, 1914-1918
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Josef Trkovsky was born in 1892, in birth place.
Record image of Josef Trkovsky

Josef Trkovsky, born 1897

Austria-Hungary, World War I Casualty Lists, 1914-1918
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Josef Trkovsky was born in 1897, in birth place.
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