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Jose Jesus Apaez Uribe was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
Jose was baptized on month day 1920, in baptism place.
Jose had one brother: JUAN DE DIOS APAEZ URIBE.
Jose married Maria del Carmen Apaez Uribe (born Cruz Marban) on month day 1949, at age 28 in marriage place.
Maria was born in 1930, in birth place.
They had 2 sons: Arturo Apaez Cruz and one other child.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Jose passed away on month day 2003, at age 82 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Jose Antonino Justino Apaez was baptized on month day 1896, in baptism place.
Jose de Jesus Juan Adolfo Apaez was baptized on month day 1881, in baptism place.
Record image of Jose Miguel Apaez

Jose Miguel Apaez

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Jose Miguel Apaez married Maria Josefa Apaez (born Sadoval) on month day 1783, in marriage place.
Record image of Jose Miguel Apaez

Jose Miguel Apaez, born 1768

Mexico, Marriages, 1570-1950
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Maria Josefa Sadoval (born Sandoval) was born in 1768.
Maria married Jose Miguel Apaez on month day 1783, at age 15 in marriage place.
Record image of Jose Simon Cenobio Apaez

Jose Simon Cenobio Apaez

Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950
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Jose Simon Cenobio Apaez was baptized on month day 1873, in baptism place.
Record image of Jose Miguel Apaez

Jose Miguel Apaez

Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950
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Nasario Celso Agustin Apaez Cano was baptized on month day 1809, in baptism place.
Record image of Jose Miguel Apaez

Jose Miguel Apaez

Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950
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Jose Agustin Timoteo De Jesus Apaez Cano was baptized on month day 1812, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Jose lived in address.
Record image of Jose Manuel Apaez

Jose Manuel Apaez, born 1888

Venezuela Voter Lists, 2006 - 2007
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Jose Manuel Apaez was born on month day 1888.
Personal Info
Jose lived in 2007, in address.
He lived in 2007, in address.
Record image of Jose Estanislao Apaez

Jose Estanislao Apaez, born 1940

Venezuela Voter Lists, 2006 - 2007
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Jose Estanislao Apaez was born on month day 1940.
Personal Info
Jose lived in 2007, in address.
He lived in 2007, in address.
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