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Johanna Carolina Maria Haas (born Andert) was born on month day 1858, in birth place.
Johanna was baptized on date, in baptism place.
Johanna had one brother: Frederick Andert.
Johanna married August Dreyer on month day 1878, at age 20 in marriage place.
August was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Carl John Dreyer and 2 other children.
Johanna then married Joseph Haas on date.
Joseph was born on month day 1851, in birth place.
They had one son: Henry Frederick William Dreyer.
Personal Info
Johanna lived on month day 1885, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 1895, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 3 more places.
Johanna passed away in 1945, at age 86 in death place, Minnesota.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Johanna Carolina Maria Haas (born Andert)
Johanna Haas in 1900 United States Federal Census
Johanna Haas was born in month 1857, in birth place.
Johanna married Joseph Haas circa 1879, at age 21.
Joseph was born in month 1849, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had 3 sons: John Haas and 2 other children.
Johanna lived in 1900, in address, Wisconsin.
Johanna Dreyer in Minnesota, Death Index, 1904-2001
Johanna Dreyer passed away on month day 1945, in death place, Minnesota.
Johanna Sophia Augusta Kanitz (born Andert) was born on month day 1854, in birth place.
Johanna married Johann Gottleib Henry Kanitz.
Johann was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Anna Augusta Ruehling, Emma Johanna Karnitz and 5 other children.
Johanna passed away on month day 1925, at age 71 in death place, Minnesota.
Documents of Johanna Sophia Augusta Kanitz (born Andert)
Johanna Karnitz in Minnesota, Death Index, 1904-2001
Johanna Karnitz passed away on month day 1925, in death place, Minnesota.
Johanna Kanitz in 1900 United States Federal Census
Johanna Kanitz was born in month 1854, in birth place.
Johanna married Gottleif C Kanitz circa 1876, at age 21.
Gottleif was born in month 1847, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Minnie Kanitz, Emma Kanitz and 5 other children.
Johanna lived in 1900, in address, Minnesota.
Johanna Andert was born on month day 1920.
Johanna had 2 siblings: Albert Andert and one other sibling.
Johanna married Unknown.
They had one child.
Johanna passed away on month day 2007, at age 87.
Documents of Johanna Andert
Johanna Andert in BillionGraves
Johanna Andert was born on June 24 1920.
Johanna passed away on September 29 2007, at age 87.
She was buried in Erskine Cemetery, Pickering, Ontario, Canada.
Johanna Daniella Andert (born Gottschalk) was born on month day 1892, in birth place.
Johanna had 6 siblings: Jakobine Andert (born Gottschalk), Johann Gottschalk and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Johanna lived in 1930, in address, Wisconsin.
Johanna passed away on month day 1979, at age 87 in death place, California.
Johanna Andert (born Peters) was born in birth place.
Johanna had 4 siblings: Wilhelm Peters and 3 other siblings.
Johanna married Herrmann Andert.
They had one child.
Johanna passed away.
She was buried in burial place.
Johanna IRMGARD Andert (born Brückner) was born on month day 1907, in birth place.
Johanna had 2 sisters: GERTRUD Geppert (born brückner) and one other sibling.
Johanna married HEINRICH Andert on month day 1929, at age 21.
HEINRICH was born on month day 1907, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Johannes SIEGFRIED Andert, ANNELIESE Andert and 4 other children.
Johanna passed away of cause of death in death place.
Johanna Wagner (born Andert) was born on month day 1919.
Johanna had 2 siblings: Albert Andert and one other sibling.
Johanna passed away in death place.
Johanna Andert (born Lunzer) had 5 siblings: Maria Kierein (born Lunzer), Franz Lunzer and 3 other siblings.
Johanna passed away.
Record image of Johanna Andert

Johanna Andert

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Johanna Andert had 4 siblings: Frederick Andert and 3 other siblings.
Johanna Andert was born on February 3 1914.
Johanna passed away on April 17 1945, at age 31.
She was buried in Murstetten, Perschling, Lower Austria, Austria.
Johanna Daniella Andert (born Gottschalk) was born on month day 1892, in birth place.
Johanna had 7 siblings: Johann Gottschalk, Bertha Gottschalk and 5 other siblings.
Johanna married Adam Andert on month day 1916, at age 24 in marriage place, Illinois.
Adam was born on month day 1895, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Clarence Oscar Andert and one other child.
Personal Info
Johanna lived in 1930, in address, Wisconsin.
Johanna passed away on month day 1979, at age 87 in death place, California.
Johanna Sophia Augusta Karnitz (born Andert) was born on month day 1854, in birth place.
Johanna was baptized on month day 1854, in baptism place.
Johanna had one sister: Marie Friederike Ernestine Bauman (born Andert).
Johanna married Johann Gottleib Henry Karnitz on month day 1876, at age 22 in marriage place, Minnesota.
Johann was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Wilhelmine Caroline "Minnie" Otto (born Karnitz), Emma Johanna Eibs (born Karnitz) and 3 other children.
Johanna passed away on month day 1925, at age 71 in death place, Minnesota.
Johanna Andert was born on month day 1858, in birth place.
Johanna was baptized on month day 1858, in baptism place.
Johanna had 4 siblings: Carl Andert and 3 other siblings.
Johanna married Joseph Haas.
Joseph was born on month day 1853, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Heinrich "Henry" Fredrick Dreyer and 3 other children.
Johanna then married August Dreyer.
August was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
Personal Info
Johanna lived in 1875, in address, Minnesota.
She lived on month day 1875, in address, Minnesota.
Johanna passed away in 1945, at age 86 in death place, Minnesota.
Johanna Juliana Andert (born Riedrich) married Carl Friedrich Andert.
They had one son: Carl Alfred Andert.
Johanna, Sophia Augusta Andert was born on month day 1854, in birth place.
Johanna had one sister: Mary Andert.
Johanna married Johann, Gottleib Henry Kanitz.
Johann was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Wilhemina Caroline Otto (born Karnitz Kanitz), Anna Augusta Ruehling (born Karnitz Kanitz) and 5 other children.
Johanna passed away on month day 1925, at age 71 in death place, Minnesota.
Estella, Johanna Andert (born Koch) was born on month day 1905, in birth place, Minnesota.
Estella had 4 siblings: Clarence Koch and 3 other siblings.
Estella married William Andert.
William was born in 1903.
Estella passed away on month day 1998, at age 92 in death place, Minnesota.
She was buried in burial place, Minnesota.
Johanna, Sophia Andert was born on month day 1754, in birth place.
Johanna had 4 siblings: Maria Christiana Andert and 3 other siblings.
Johanna passed away on month day 1757, at age 3 in death place.
Johanna, Carolina Maria Andert was born on month day 1858, in birth place.
Johanna was baptized in baptism place.
Johanna had one brother: Frederick Andert.
Johanna married Joseph Haas.
Joseph was born on month day 1851, in birth place.
They had one son: Henry Frederick William Dreyer.
Johanna passed away in 1945, at age 86 in death place, Minnesota.
She was buried in burial place.
Record image of Johanna Andert

Johanna Andert, born Circa 1895

1940 United States Federal Census
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Johanna Andert was born circa 1895, in Russia.
Johanna married Adam Andert.
Adam was born circa 1896, in Russia.
They had 2 children: Clarence Andert and Annie Andert.
Personal Info
Johanna lived in 1935, in Same Place - 3502 Potomac, Cook, Illinois, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 3502 Potomac, Cook, Illinois, USA.
Record image of Johanna D Andert

Johanna D Andert, 1892 - 1979

California Deaths, 1940 - 1997
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Johanna D Andert was born on month day 1892, in birth place.
Johanna passed away on month day 1979, at age 87 in death place, California.
Record image of Johanna Andert

Johanna Andert, born 1858

1875 Minnesota State Census
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Johanna Andert was born in 1858, in birth place.
Personal Info
Johanna lived in 1875, in address, Minnesota.
Record image of Johanna Andert

Johanna Andert, 1893 - 1979

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Johanna Andert was born on June 24 1893.
Personal Info
Johanna lived in Redwood City, California 94061, USA.
Johanna passed away in August 1979, at age 86.
Record image of Johanna Andert

Johanna Andert, born 1884

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Carl John Dreyer was born on month day 1884, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Johanna Andert

Johanna Andert, born 1892

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Otto Karnitz was born on month day 1892, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Johanna Andert

Johanna Andert, born 1876

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Henry Frederick Dreyer was born on month day 1876, in birth place, Minnesota.
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