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Johann Simon Hofmokel was born on month day 1861, in birth place.
Johann married Marie Margarete Elisabeth Hofmockel (born Ortner) on month day 1898, at age 36.
Marie was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Frederic Wilhelm Hofmokel and 2 other children.
Johann passed away on month day 1938, at age 76 in death place.
Documents of Johann Simon Hofmokel
John Hufnagel in 1940 United States Federal Census
John Hufnagel was born circa 1862, in Kentucky, USA.
John married Elizabeth Hufnagel.
Elizabeth was born circa 1866, in Ohio, USA.
John lived in 1935, in Same House - 3518 Lincoln, Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA.
He lived in 1940, in 3518 Lincoln, Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA.
John Hufnagel in 1910 United States Federal Census
John Hufnagel was born circa 1862, in birth place, Kentucky.
John married Elizabeth Hufnagel.
Elizabeth was born circa 1866, in birth place, Ohio.
They had one son: Charles Hufnagel.
John lived in 1910, in address, Kentucky.
Johan Hofmockel in Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1891-1943
Johan Hofmockel was born circa 1861.
Johan lived in address.
Record image of Johann Hofmokel

Johann Hofmokel, born Circa 1860

New York Castle Garden Immigrants
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Johann Hofmokel was born circa 1860, in birth place.
Personal Info
Johann lived in address.
He lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Johann Hofmokel

Johann Hofmokel, born Circa 1860

Germans Immigrating to the United States
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Johann Hofmokel was born circa 1860, in birth place.
Personal Info
Johann lived in address.
He lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Johann Hofmokel

Johann Hofmokel, born Circa 1860

Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1500 - 1900
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Johann Hofmokel was born circa 1860.
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