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Jeanne RACINE (born SCONIN) was born on month day 1612, in birth place.
Jeanne married Claude Jean RACINE on month day 1642, at age 30.
Claude was born on month day 1615, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Jean III RACINE and one other child.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1641, at age 28 in death place.
Jeanne REGNAULT (born SCONIN) was born in 1634.
Jeanne had 3 sisters: Anne DELAGROUE (born SCONIN) and 2 other siblings.
Jeanne married François REGNAULT.
François was born in 1632.
They had 6 children: Adrien REGNAULT, Anne RACINE (born REGNAULT) and 4 other children.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1694, at age 60 in death place.
Jeanne RACINE (born SCONIN) married Jean RACINE.
They had one son: Jean Babtiste RACINE.
Jeanne Racine (born Sconin) married Claude Jean Racine.
They had one son: Jean Racine.
Jeanne passed away.
Record image of Jeanne Sconin Racine

Jeanne Sconin Racine

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Jeanne Sconin Racine married jean racine.
They had 3 children: Jean Racine and 2 other children.
Jeanne passed away in death place.
Jeanne SCONIN (born RAMIER) married Pasquier SCONIN.
They had 6 children: Paulline SCONIN, Nicolas SCONIN and 4 other children.
Jeanne SCONIN was born on month day 1612, in birth place.
Jeanne had 12 siblings: Pierre SCONIN, Jean SCONIN and 10 other siblings.
Jeanne married Jean RACINE on month day 1638, at age 26 in marriage place.
Jean was born on month day 1615, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Marie RACINE and one other child.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1641, at age 28 in death place.
Jeanne SCONIN was born on month day 1612, in birth place.
Jeanne had 12 siblings: Pierre SCONIN, Jean SCONIN and 10 other siblings.
Jeanne married Jean RACINE on month day 1638, at age 26 in marriage place.
Jean was born on month day 1615, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Jean Baptiste RACINE and one other child.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1641, at age 28 in death place.
Jeanne SCONIN was born on month day 1612.
Jeanne had 12 siblings: Pierre SCONIN, Jean SCONIN and 10 other siblings.
Jeanne married Jean RACINE on month day 1638, at age 25 in marriage place.
Jean was born on month day 1615.
They had 2 children: Jean RACINE and one other child.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1641, at age 28 in death place.
Jeanne SCONIN was born on month day 1612, in birth place.
Jeanne married Jehan RACINE on month day 1638, at age 26 in marriage place.
Jehan was born on month day 1615, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Jean RACINE and one other child.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1641, at age 28 in death place.
Jeanne Racine (born Sconin) was born on month day 1612, in birth place.
Jeanne married Jean Racine on month day 1638, at age 26 in marriage place.
Jean was born circa 1615, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Jean Racine and one other child.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1641, at age 28 in death place.
Jeanne Sconin was born in 1612.
Jeanne had 7 siblings: Antoine Sconin, Cosme Sconin and 5 other siblings.
Jeanne married Claude Jean Racine on month day 1638, at age 26.
Claude was born on month day 1615, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Jean Racine and one other child.
Jeanne passed away on month day 1641, at age 29.
Record image of Jeanne Sconin

Jeanne Sconin, 1612 - 1641

GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
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Jeanne Sconin was born in 1612.
Jeanne passed away in 1641, at age 29.
Pierre Jean FAGEZ was born circa 1749.
Pierre married Marguerite FAIVRE on month day 1773, at age 24 in marriage place.
Record image of Jeanne Sconin

Jeanne Sconin

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Jeanne Sconin
Record image of Jeanne Sconin

Jeanne Sconin

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Jeanne Sconin
Record image of Jeanne Sconin

Jeanne Sconin

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Jeanne Sconin
Record image of Jeanne Sconin

Jeanne Sconin

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Jeanne Sconin
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