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Record image of Jeanell Mungle Atkinson

Jeanell Mungle Atkinson in Daily News - ‎Feb 3 1999

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... 1999. at Regional Hospital. The Logan County native was a retired backhoe operator. Hc was a son of thc late and Mazzie Forshee Atkinson and the longtime companion of Jeanell Mungle Atkinson of Bowling Green. Funeral will bc at 2 Thursday at Crafton Funeral Home with bunal in Cemetery. Visitation is in progress today at thc funeral home. Survivors include a daughter. ..."
Publication place: Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, United States
Record image of Jeanell M. Atkinson

Jeanell M. Atkinson in Daily News - ‎Nov 25 1996

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Green Gardens. Visitation was scheduled to begin at 2 today at thc funeral home. Survivors include his wife. Fugua Mungle; a brother. Oakley Mungle of Hartsville, Tenn.; a daughter, Jeanell M. Atkinson of Bowling Green; a granddaughter; two and several nieces and nephews. Gladys Jacob Rowland FRANKLIN Gladys Jacob Rowland, 59, of Franklin died at Nov. 23, 1996, at Thc Medical Center ..."
Publication place: Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, United States
Record image of Jeanell Mungle Atkinson

Jeanell Mungle Atkinson in Daily News - ‎Aug 29 1976

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... and brace makers, a cabinet maker and a machinist. Dwight Driver, a bearded research (brace maken ls thc man responsible Slip nutrition into snacks MISS PATRICIA ANDREA ATKINSON Ms Jeanell Mungle Atkinson, 1519 Neal St., announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Andrea Atkinson, to Toby Mlller, son of Mr. and Mrs Davld Mlller of Rich Pond. Atkinson ls also the daughter ..."
Publication place: Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, United States
Record image of Jeanell Atkinson

Jeanell Atkinson, 1929 - 2004

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Jeanell Atkinson was born on June 27 1929.
Personal Info
Jeanell lived in Bowling Green, Kentucky 42103, USA.
Jeanell passed away on August 8 2004, at age 75.
Record image of Jeanell J Clark (Atkinson)

Jeanell J Clark (Atkinson)

Colorado, Marriages, 1975 - 2004
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Edwin J Atkinson married Jeanell J Clark on month day 1998, in marriage place, Colorado.
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