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Record image of Jarnes Atkinson

Jarnes Atkinson in The Telegraph-Herald - ‎Jan 13 1924

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... ©vi I le. transacted business in Dubuque last X Helburg, of Chicago. Iff th© guest #»f relatives here. Mrs. c. Schaumburg, who has been very sick, ls some Letter. Jarnes Atkinson was at Sherrill last Sunday. Mis© Kliza spent Sunday evening at the home. Henre Maxwell, who spent the with hi© sister. Mrs in Oi ica go. has return# d home. ..."
Publication place: Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, United States
"... considera- tion SOOO. B. F. Hoskinson and "-ife. Clay v, county, Mo., to II. W. Hoskinson, ,.t the nw of the nw of the ne of sec. consideration $550. Jarnes W. Atkinson and wife, Y ivi Jefferson county, Kansas, to Caroline Gray, part of the ne corner of the nw fractional of sec. consideration A Card From Mr. Mitcheff. A large number ..."
Publication place: Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, United States
Record image of Jarnes Atkinson

Jarnes Atkinson in The Nevada Daily Mail - ‎Sep 8 1886

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... to Dutler. the cily will meot ln adjourned session next Monday night. W. D. of Detroit, Mioli., is registered nt Hotel- Mitchell. W- JP. of Ala., is registered Mitchell. Jarnes Atkinson tilis morning from n business trip to Kansas City. for vears, aud one who is aud bns thu credit of horng tmo best dry goods man in Kew York with ..."
Publication place: Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri, United States
Record image of Jarnes Atkinson

Jarnes Atkinson in The Robesonian - ‎Aug 26 1920

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... in bar of recovery. All indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned administrator. This thc day of 1020. e. v• mckellar. Administrator of the of Jarnes Atkinson, deceased. 3 zf 6 Thurs johnson Johnson, Attorneys. CARD OF THANKS. Wt wish to thank our friends for the kindness shown us during the nu. -(sickness and death of husband ..."
Publication place: Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina, United States
Record image of Jarnes B. Atkinson

Jarnes B. Atkinson

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