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Jane Pierson Long (born Hardy) was born on month day 1872, in birth place, Virginia.
Jane had 3 siblings: John Andrew Hardy and 2 other siblings.
Jane married Edwin Augustus Long.
Edwin was born on month day 1861, in birth place, Tennessee.
They had 2 children: Carroll Hardy Long and one other child.
Personal Info
Jane lived in 1880, in address, Virginia.
She lived in 1880, in address, Virginia.
She lived in 3 more places.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1955, at age 82 in death place, Tennessee.
She was buried in burial place, Tennessee.
Documents of Jane Pierson Long (born Hardy)
Jane Pierson Hardy Long in BillionGraves
Jane Pierson Hardy Long was born on August 3 1872.
Jane passed away on June 11 1955, at age 82.
She was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Johnson City, Tennessee, United States.
Jane P Long in 1920 United States Federal Census
Jane P Long was born circa 1873, in birth place, Virginia.
Jane married Edwin A Long.
Edwin was born circa 1862, in birth place, Tennessee.
They had 3 children: Mary V Long and 2 other children.
Jane lived in 1920, in address, Tennessee.
Jane P Long in 1910 United States Federal Census
Jane P Long was born circa 1872, in birth place, Virginia.
Jane married Edwin A Lang.
Edwin was born circa 1862, in birth place, Tennessee.
They had 4 children: Mary Long and 3 other children.
Jane lived in 1910, in address, Tennessee.
Jane B. Hardy in 1880 United States Federal Census
Jane B. Hardy was born circa 1873, in birth place, Virginia.
Jane had one brother: John A. Hardy.
Jane lived in 1880, in address, Virginia.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane Bye (born Hardy) was born on month day 1797, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1797, in baptism place.
Jane had 6 siblings: John Hardy, Robert Hardy and 4 other siblings.
Jane married John Bye on month day 1815, at age 18 in marriage place.
John was born on month day 1789, in birth place.
They had 14 children: James Bye, William Bye and 12 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address.
She lived in 1841, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1876, at age 79 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Jane Bye (born Hardy)
Jane Bye in 1871 England & Wales Census
Jane Bye was born circa 1798, in birth place.
Jane married John Bye.
John was born circa 1791, in birth place.
Jane lived in 1871, in address.
Jane Bye in 1851 England & Wales Census
Jane Bye was born circa 1798, in birth place.
Jane married John Bye.
John was born circa 1791, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Emily Bye and one other child.
Jane lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane Hardy in England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
Jane Hardy was born circa 1797.
Jane passed away in month 1876, at age 79 in death place.
Jane Bye in 1861 England & Wales Census
Jane Bye was born circa 1798, in birth place.
Jane married John Bye.
John was born circa 1791, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Emelia Bye and one other child.
Jane lived in 1861, in address.
Jane Hardy (born North) was born on month day 1768, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1768, in baptism place.
Jane had 10 siblings: Mary North, Samuel North and 8 other siblings.
Jane married Edward Hardy on month day 1792, at age 24 in marriage place.
Edward was born on month day 1768, in birth place.
They had 10 children: Elizabeth Millett (born Hardy), Mary Gretton (born Hardy) and 8 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address.
Jane passed away on month day 1835, at age 66 in death place.
Jane Worsencroft (born Hardy) was born on month day 1841, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1841, in baptism place.
Jane had 5 siblings: John Hardy, Thomas Hardy and 3 other siblings.
Jane married Samuel Worsencroft on month day 1865, at age 24 in marriage place, Utah.
Samuel was born on month day 1837, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Sarah Ann Fairbanks (born Worsencroft), William Lorenzo Worsencroft and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in 1880, in address, Utah.
She lived in 1880, in address, Utah.
She lived in 2 more places.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1918, at age 77 in death place, Utah.
She was buried in burial place, Utah.
Documents of Jane Worsencroft (born Hardy)
Jane Worsencroft (born Hardy) in The Deseret News - Dec 3 1918

Utah Newspapers, 1850-2003

"... arrivals in y quality —the inexpensive gift Designs that teem with irresistible chann Styles for mcn, women and children. Prices range from $1.25 to $3.50. u B ROADWAY •saut lake Girr Mrs. Jane Worsencroft Dies of Old Age Mrs. Hardy Worsencroft, widow of Samuel Worsencroft, and nn old time resident of Payson, died this morning of old age and general debility nt the home of hcr son ln city. Mrs ..."
Publication place: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, UT, USA
Jane Worsencroft (born Hardy) in The Salt Lake Herald - Aug 9 1895

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... Reece Mrs Hattie Higham Hyrum Lemmon Karl Huish T H Wilson jr Herman Oberhansby F M Elmer Mrs Amy Hancock Mrs Charles Sel man Miss Clara Oberhansby Mrs Christian Huish Mrs Jane Wightman II Mrs Jane Worsencroft TV S Pace Mrs Lillie Barker J J Loveless Justin A Loveless B H Crook Edward Wilson Miss Rose Hyett James Reece Alternates M Ballard L A Thustrup William H McClellan Miss Anna Jones Miss ..."
Publication place: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Jane Hardy in BillionGraves
Jane Hardy was born in 1841.
Jane passed away in 1918, at age 77.
She was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, United States.
Jane Hardy Worsencroft in Utah, Salt Lake County Death Records, 1908-1949
Jane Hardy Worsencroft was born on month day 1841, in birth place.
Jane passed away on month day 1918, at age 77 in death place, Utah.
Jane Joan Terry (born Hardy Hardey) was born on month day 1604, in birth place.
Jane had 4 siblings: Hester Hardy and 3 other siblings.
Jane married Stephen Terry.
Stephen was born on month day 1608, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Abigail Martha Kellogg (born Terry), Elizabeth Russell (born Terry) and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address, Connecticut.
Jane passed away on month day 1647, at age 42 in death place, Connecticut.
She was buried in burial place, Connecticut.
Documents of Jane Joan Terry (born Hardy Hardey)
Joan Hardy in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
Joan Hardy was born on month day 1604, in birth place.
Joan passed away on month day 1647, at age 42 in death place, Massachusetts.
Joan Hardy in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
Joan Hardy was born on month day 1604, in birth place.
Joan passed away on month day 1647, at age 42 in death place, Connecticut.
Jane Hardey in England Marriages, 1538-1973
Jane Hardey married Stephen Terry on month day 1633, in marriage place.
Jane Hardy (born Howison) was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Jane had 7 siblings: Susanna Howison, William Howison and 5 other siblings.
Jane married Henry Thomas Hardy on month day 1899, at age 26 in marriage place.
Henry was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Margaret Grace Hardy and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived on month day 1881, in address.
She lived on month day 1891, in address.
She lived in 2 more places.
Jane passed away on month day 1958, at age 84 in death place.
Documents of Jane Hardy (born Howison)
Jane Howison in 1891 England & Wales Census
Jane Howison was born circa 1874, in birth place.
Jane had 5 siblings: Susanna Howison, William Howison and 3 other siblings.
Jane lived in 1891, in address.
Jane Hardy in 1901 England & Wales Census
Jane Hardy was born circa 1873, in birth place.
Jane married Harry Hardy.
Harry was born circa 1873, in birth place.
Jane lived in 1901, in address.
Jane Hardy in 1939 Register of England & Wales
Jane Hardy was born on month day 1873.
Jane married Harry T Hardy.
Harry was born on month day 1873.
Jane lived on month day 1939, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane Hardy in 1911 England & Wales Census
Jane Hardy was born circa 1874, in birth place.
Jane married Henry Thomas Hardy circa 1900, at age 26.
Henry was born circa 1874, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Margaret Grace Hardy and one other child.
Jane lived on month day 1911, in address.
Jane Hardy (born Conyers) was born on month day 1756, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1756, in baptism place.
Jane had 4 siblings: Dorothy Barker (born Conyers) and 3 other siblings.
Jane married William HARDY on month day 1778, at age 22 in marriage place.
William was born in 1748, in birth place.
They had 9 children: William Conyers Hardy, Thomas Hardy and 7 other children.
Jane passed away on month day 1835, at age 79 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Jane Vessey, Hood (born Hardy) was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1843, in baptism place.
Jane had 7 siblings: Frederick Hardy, Margaret Vessey (born Hardy) and 5 other siblings.
Jane married Thomas D Vessey on month day 1871, at age 28 in marriage place.
Thomas was born in 1843, in birth place.
Jane then married Warren Hood on month day 1874, at age 31 in marriage place.
Warren was born on month day 1850, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Henry “Hardy” Hood, Unnamed Hood and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived on month day 1891, in address.
She lived on month day 1901, in address.
She lived in month 1911, in address.
Jane passed away in 1917, at age 74 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Jane Vessey, Hood (born Hardy)
Jane Hood in 1891 Canada Census
Jane Hood was born circa 1843, in birth place.
Jane married Warren Hood.
Warren was born circa 1850, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Wallace G Hood, Laura M Hood and 3 other children.
Jane lived on month day 1891, in address.
Jane Hood in 1901 Canada Census
Jane Hood was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Jane married Warren Hood.
Warren was born on month day 1850, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Wallace Hood, Laura Hood and 3 other children.
Jane lived on month day 1901, in address.
Jane Hood in 1911 Canada Census
Jane Hood was born in month 1842, in birth place.
Jane married Warren Hood.
Warren was born in month 1850, in birth place.
Jane lived in month 1911, in address.
Jane Hardy in North Carolina, Deaths, 1906-1930
Jane Hardy was born circa 1843, in birth place, North Carolina.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1917, at age 74 in death place, North Carolina.
She was buried in burial place.
Jane Margaret Lawrie (born Hardy) was born on month day 1839, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1844, in baptism place.
Jane had one sister: Margaret Torry (born Hardy).
Jane married James "Jack" Lawrie.
James was born on month day 1838, in birth place.
They had 9 children: John Hardy Lawrie, Andrew Hunter LAWRIE and 7 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in 1869, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1903, at age 63 in death place.
Documents of Jane Margaret Lawrie (born Hardy)
Margaret Lawrie in 1891 Scotland Census
Margaret Lawrie was born circa 1839, in birth place.
Margaret married James Lawrie.
James was born circa 1828, in birth place.
Margaret lived in address.
She lived on month day 1891, in address.
Janet Lawrie in 1861 Scotland Census
Janet Lawrie was born circa 1840, in birth place.
Janet married James Lawrie.
James was born circa 1836, in birth place.
They had one son: James Lawrie.
Janet lived in address.
She lived on month day 1861, in address.
Janet Lawrie in 1901 England & Wales Census
Janet Lawrie was born circa 1839, in birth place.
Janet married James Lawrie.
James was born circa 1840, in birth place.
Janet lived in 1901, in address.
Janet Lawrie in 1871 Scotland Census
Janet Lawrie was born circa 1840, in birth place.
Janet married James Lawrie.
James was born circa 1836, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Henry Lawrie, James Lawrie and 3 other children.
Janet lived in address.
She lived on month day 1871, in address.
Jane Hardy (born Scott) was born on month day 1834, in birth place.
Jane had 4 siblings: Samuel Scott and 3 other siblings.
Jane married John Thomas Hardy.
John was born circa 1826, in birth place.
They had 12 children: Bertha Eva Margaret Mckenzie (born Hardy), Mary Jane Corbet (born Hardy) and 10 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in 1901, in address.
Jane passed away of cause of death on month day 1923, at age 89 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Jane Hardy (born Scott)
Jane Scott in Canada, Burials, 1800-2019
Jane Scott was born in 1834.
Jane passed away in 1923, at age 89.
She was buried in Swinton Park Presbyterian Church / St Andrew's Cemetery, Grey County, Ontario, Canada.
Jane Hardy in 1861 Canada Census
Jane Hardy was born circa 1835, in birth place.
Jane married John Hardy.
John was born circa 1826, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Mary Hardy and 3 other children.
Jane lived in 1861, in address.
Jane Hardy in BillionGraves
Jane Hardy (born Scott) was born in 1834.
Jane married John Hardy.
They had 6 children: Mary Jane (Hardy) Corbet, William Hardy, Hugh A Hardy, Alfred E Hardy, Thomas E Hardy and Ann Bertha Hardy.
Jane passed away in 1923, at age 89.
She was buried in Swinton Park Cemetery, Grey County, Ontario, Canada.
Jane Hardy in 1901 Canada Census
Jane Hardy was born on month day 1834, in birth place.
Jane had 2 children: John Hardy and one other child.
Jane lived on month day 1901, in address.
JANE HARDY (born BENNETT) was born on month day 1837, in birth place, Virginia.
JANE had 13 siblings: Phoebe Raines (born Bennett), ELIZABETH BENNETT and 11 other siblings.
JANE married William George Schartiger.
William was born in month 1839, in birth place, New York.
They had 3 children: Andrew Burns Schartiger and 2 other children.
Personal Info
JANE lived in 1850, in address, Virginia.
She lived in 1860, in address, Virginia.
JANE passed away on month day 1925, at age 87 in death place, West Virginia.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of JANE HARDY (born BENNETT)
Jane Schartiger in 1900 United States Federal Census
Jane Schartiger was born in month 1837, in birth place, West Virginia.
Jane married William G Schartiger circa 1865, at age 27.
William was born in month 1839, in birth place, New York.
They had 2 sons: Andrew B Schartiger and one other child.
Jane lived in 1900, in address, West Virginia.
Jane Bennett in 1860 United States Federal Census
Jane Bennett was born circa 1837, in birth place, Virginia.
Jane had 2 siblings: Henry Bennett and one other sibling.
Jane lived in 1860, in address, Virginia.
Jennie Bennett in Missouri Death Certificates, 1910 - 1960
Jennie Bennett passed away on month day 1925, in death place, Missouri.
Virginia ScHartiger in West Virginia, Deaths
Virginia ScHartiger was born circa 1838, in birth place, Virginia.
Virginia passed away on month day 1925, at age 87 in death place.
Jane Hardy (born Lambert) was born on month day 1827, in birth place.
Jane had one brother: Robert Lambert.
Jane married John Hardy.
John was born on month day 1820, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 12 children: Zachary Taylor Hardy, Alice Eldora Morefield (born Hardy) and 10 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address.
She lived in 1851, in address.
She lived on month day 1870, in address, Illinois.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1898, at age 70.
She was buried in burial place, Illinois.
Documents of Jane Hardy (born Lambert)
Jane Hardy in 1870 United States Federal Census
Jane Hardy was born circa 1827, in birth place.
Jane married John Hardy.
John was born circa 1821, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 7 children: Zack Hardy, Harry Hardy and 5 other children.
Jane lived on month day 1870, in address, Illinois.
Jane Hardy in 1860 United States Federal Census
Jane Hardy was born circa 1827, in birth place.
Jane married John Hardy.
John was born circa 1822, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 6 children: Frank Hardy, Rebecca Hardy and 4 other children.
Jane lived in 1860, in address, Illinois.
Jane Hardy in 1851 England & Wales Census
Jane Hardy was born circa 1827, in birth place.
Jane married John Hardy.
John was born circa 1823, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Alfred Hardy and 2 other children.
Jane lived in 1851, in address.
Jane Hall (born HARDY) was born on month day 1821, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1821, in baptism place.
Jane had 6 siblings: Jane Hall (born Hardy) and 5 other siblings.
Jane married John Hall in 1850, at age 28 in marriage place, Pennsylvania.
John was born circa 1825, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Margaret McSherry (born Hall), John George Hall and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address.
She lived in 1841, in address.
She lived in 4 more places.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1911, at age 89 in death place, New Mexico.
Documents of Jane Hall (born HARDY)
Jane Hall in 1851 England & Wales Census
Jane Hall was born circa 1821, in birth place.
Jane married John Hall.
John was born circa 1821, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Mary Hall and one other child.
Jane lived in 1851, in address.
Jane Hall in 1871 England & Wales Census
Jane Hall was born circa 1821, in birth place.
Jane married John Hall.
John was born circa 1829, in birth place.
They had 2 children: John Hall and one other child.
Jane lived in 1871, in address.
Jane Hall in 1861 England & Wales Census
Jane Hall was born circa 1821, in birth place.
Jane married John Hall.
John was born circa 1825, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Elizabeth Hall and one other child.
Jane lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane Hall in 1861 Scotland Census
Jane Hall was born circa 1821, in birth place.
Jane married John Hall.
John was born circa 1816, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Agnes Hall.
Jane lived in address.
She lived on month day 1861, in address.
Jane "Jennie" O'Neill Hardy (born Madsen) was born on month day 1916, in birth place, Idaho.
Jane had 7 siblings: Sarah Mabel Orwig (born Madsen), Elmer Nyel Madsen and 5 other siblings.
Jane married Stanley Laird Hardy on month day 1963, at age 47 in marriage place, Nevada.
Stanley was born on month day 1906, in birth place, Utah.
They had 4 children: James Hardy and 3 other children.
Jane then married Robert Newland O'Neill.
Robert was born on month day 1897, in birth place, Missouri.
Personal Info
Jane lived in 1920, in address, Wyoming.
She lived in 1930, in address, Wyoming.
Jane passed away on month day 2002, at age 85 in death place, Nevada.
She was buried in burial place, Nevada.
Documents of Jane "Jennie" O'Neill Hardy (born Madsen)
Jennie M Hardy in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Jennie M Hardy was born on June 30 1916.
Jennie lived in Las Vegas, Nevada 89146, USA.
Jennie passed away on March 31 2002, at age 85.
Jennie Madsen in 1920 United States Federal Census
Jennie Madsen was born circa 1917, in birth place, Idaho.
Jennie had 6 siblings: Mabel Madsen, Nyel Madsen and 4 other siblings.
Jennie lived in 1920, in address, Wyoming.
Jane Swinbank (born Hardy) was born on month day 1808, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1808, in baptism place.
Jane had 3 brothers: George Hardy and 2 other siblings.
Jane married Matthias Swinbank on month day 1832, at age 23 in marriage place.
Matthias was born on month day 1804, in birth place.
They had 7 children: John Swinbank, Robert Hardy Swinbank and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived on month day 1841, in address.
She lived on month day 1851, in address.
She lived in 2 more places.
Jane passed away on month day 1885, at age 76 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Jane Swinbank (born Hardy)
Jane Swinbank in 1841 England & Wales Census
Jane Swinbank was born in between 1807 and 1811, in birth place.
Jane married Mathias Swinbank.
Mathias was born in between 1807 and 1811, in birth place.
They had 3 children: George Swinbank and 2 other children.
Jane lived in 1841, in address.
Jane Hardy in England Marriages, 1538-1973
Jane Hardy married Matthew Swinbank on month day 1832, in marriage place.
Jane Swinbank in England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991
Jane Swinbank was born in 1808.
Jane lived in address.
Jane was buried on month day 1885, in burial place.
Jane Swinbank in England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
Jane Swinbank was born circa 1808.
Jane passed away in month 1885, at age 77 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy in The Boston Advertiser - ‎May 5 1859

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
View record
"... he having voted that year for Vau Buren for President. He then settled iu Utica, where he remained practicing law until his death. He mar- tied, lith March, 1848, Jane Hardy of Utica. His children were: 1, Emily Henshaw, born Kth July, died July, 1848; 2, John Henshaw, boru July, 1850; 3, Abbie L., boru 1851. He published, 1. Philosophy ot ..."
Publication place: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States
Record image of Jane E. Hardy

Jane E. Hardy in The Daily state journal. - ‎Nov 8 1873

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
View record
"... WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please to take notice hereby, lhat a petition has been, to wit: on the 27ih day of Ocl'bcr, 187S, filed in said Dislrict court by Jane E Hardy, of Mecklenbnrg county in said district, pho has been heretofore duly declared bankrupt underact ofCongressentitled "An act to establish uniform system ef bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved March 2d, ..."
Publication place: Alexandria, Virginia
Jane, Joan Terry (born Hardy) was born on month day 1604, in birth place.
Jane was baptized on month day 1604, in baptism place.
Jane married Stephen Terry on month day 1633, at age 28 in marriage place, Massachusetts.
Stephen was born on month day 1608, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Samuel Terry, Mary Goodman (born Terry) and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address, Connecticut.
Jane passed away on month day 1647, at age 42 in death place, Connecticut.
She was buried in burial place, Connecticut.
Jane Hall (born Hardy) was born on month day 1821, in birth place.
Jane had 6 siblings: Mary HARDY (born Hardy), Jane HARDY (born Hardy) and 4 other siblings.
Jane married John Hall in 1850, at age 28 in marriage place, Pennsylvania.
John was born on month day 1811, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Mary Jane Wilding (born Hall), Mary Hall and 5 other children.
Jane passed away on month day 1911, at age 89 in death place, New Mexico.
Mary, Jane Hardy (born Higley) was born on month day 1847, in birth place, Iowa.
Mary had 10 siblings: Nelson Higley, Clarissa Martin (born Higley) and 8 other siblings.
Mary married Nephi, Preston Hardy.
Nephi was born on month day 1844, in birth place, Illinois.
They had 16 children: Eliza Jane Fowles (born Hardy), Nephi Edwin Hardy and 14 other children.
Mary passed away on month day 1934, at age 87 in death place, Utah.
She was buried in burial place, Utah.
Lusanna, Jane Hardy was born on month day 1863, in birth place, Utah.
Lusanna was baptized on month day 1871, in baptism place.
Lusanna had 8 siblings: Leonard Goodridge Hardy, Oscar Harvey Hardy and 6 other siblings.
Lusanna married Henry Thomas McEwan on month day 1883, at age 20 in marriage place, Utah.
Lusanna passed away on month day 1894, at age 30 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, 1861 - 1939

South Carolina, Deaths, 1915-1943
View record
Jane Hardy was born on month day 1861, in birth place, North Carolina.
Jane married W.E. Hardy.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address, South Carolina.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1939, at age 77 in death place, South Carolina.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, died 1934

South Carolina, Deaths, 1915-1943
View record
Jane Hardy was born in birth place, South Carolina.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1934, in death place, South Carolina.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, died 1936

South Carolina, Deaths, 1915-1943
View record
Will Hardy was born in birth place.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Will passed away on month day 1936, in death place, South Carolina.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1876 - 1923

North Carolina, Deaths, 1906-1930
View record
Jane Hardy was born circa 1876, in birth place.
Jane married Ash Hardy.
Personal Info
Jane lived on month day 1923, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Jane passed away on month day 1923, at age 47 in death place, North Carolina.
She was buried in burial place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1868 - 1914

North Carolina, Deaths, 1906-1930
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W Mc D Cuthbertson was born circa 1868, in birth place, North Carolina.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
W passed away on month day 1914, at age 46 in death place, North Carolina.
He was buried in burial place, North Carolina.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, 1896 - 1918

North Carolina, Deaths, 1906-1930
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Janet Hardy was born on month day 1896.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Janet passed away on month day 1918, at age 21 in death place, North Carolina.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1878 - 1927

North Carolina, Deaths, 1906-1930
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Louis Hardy was born circa 1878, in birth place.
Louis married Catherine Hardy.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Louis passed away on month day 1927, at age 49 in death place, North Carolina.
He was buried in burial place.
Record image of Jane C Hardy

Jane C Hardy, 1932 - 2010

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Jane C Hardy was born on month day 1932, in birth place, New York.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address, New Jersey.
Jane passed away on month day 2010, at age 78 in death place, New Jersey.
Jane B Hardy was born on January 30 1875.
Jane married Wm Hardy.
Jane passed away on February 9 1906, at age 31.
She was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Montrose, Colorado, United States.
Jane E Hardy (born Fisher) was born on July 24 1878.
Jane married Nathan C Hardy.
Jane passed away on December 31 1964, at age 86.
She was buried in Rock Point Cemetery, Vernal, Utah, United States.
Jane Hardy was born on June 12 1841.
Jane passed away on April 2 1922, at age 80.
She was buried in Brookline Cemetery, Brookline, Missouri, United States.
Jane Minton Hardy was born on June 30 1926.
Jane passed away on August 10 1976, at age 50.
She was buried in Roselawn Cemetery, Tallahassee, Florida, United States.
Record image of Jane Rice Hardy

Jane Rice Hardy, 1921 - 2015

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Jane Rice Hardy was born on month day 1921.
Jane passed away on month day 2015, at age 94.
She was buried in burial place, Tennessee.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, died 2008

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Jane Hardy passed away on month day 2008.
She was buried in burial place, Ohio.
Record image of Jane E. Hardy

Jane E. Hardy, 1930 - 2015

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
View record
Jane E. Hardy was born on month day 1930.
Jane married Unknown Ernest.
Jane passed away on month day 2015, at age 85.
She was buried in burial place, New York.
Record image of Jane Alice Hardy

Jane Alice Hardy, 1967 - 2009

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Jane Alice Hardy was born on month day 1967.
Jane married Unknown Michael.
Jane passed away on month day 2009, at age 42.
She was buried in burial place, Pennsylvania.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1904 - 1904

Jamaica, Civil Registration, 1880-1999
View record
Jane Hardy was born circa 1904.
Jane passed away on month day 1904, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1832 - 1912

Jamaica, Civil Registration, 1880-1999
View record
Jane Hardy was born circa 1832.
Jane married Thomas Hardy.
Jane passed away on month day 1912, at age 80 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1861 - 1917

Jamaica, Civil Registration, 1880-1999
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Jane Hardy was born circa 1861.
Jane married Robert Hardy.
Jane passed away on month day 1917, at age 56 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1850 - 1878

Jamaica, Civil Registration, 1880-1999
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Jane Hardy was born circa 1850.
Jane passed away on month day 1878, at age 28 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, 1889 - 1979

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Jane Hardy was born on month day 1889.
Jane passed away in month 1979, at age 89 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, 1898 - 1979

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Jane Hardy was born on month day 1898.
Jane passed away in month 1979, at age 80 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, 1901 - 1972

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Jane Hardy was born in month 1901.
Jane passed away in month 1972, at age 71 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, 1947 - 1978

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Jane Hardy was born in month 1947.
Jane passed away in month 1978, at age 31 in death place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, Circa 1850 - 1850

1850 United States Federal Census (Mortality Schedule)
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Jane Hardy was born circa 1850, in birth place, Ohio.
Personal Info
Jane lived in 1850, in address, Ohio.
Jane passed away in month 1850, at age less than one.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy, born Circa 1798

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941
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Jane Hardy was born circa 1798.
Jane was buried on month day 1814, in burial place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941
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Jane Hardy was baptized on month day 1846, in baptism place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941
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Jane Hardy was baptized on month day 1822, in baptism place.
Record image of Jane Hardy

Jane Hardy

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941
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Jane Hardy was baptized on month day 1862, in baptism place.
Jane Tait Jeffrey was born circa 1885.
Jane passed away in 1980, at age 95.
She was buried in burial place.
Marinda Jane Hardee (born Surratt) was born on month day 1837, in birth place, Virginia.
Marinda had 5 siblings: James Alfred Surratt, Susannah O'Dell (born Surratt) and 3 other siblings.
Marinda married John Vincent Hardee on month day 1860, at age 22 in marriage place, Virginia.
John was born in month 1840, in birth place, Virginia.
They had 10 children: Lucity Jane Sawyers (born Hardee), Elaine Elizabeth Bratton (born Hardee) and 8 other children.
Personal Info
Marinda lived in 1850, in address, Virginia.
She lived in 1860, in address, Virginia.
She lived in 2 more places.
Marinda passed away on month day 1914, at age 76 in death place, Virginia.
She was buried in burial place, Virginia.
Sarah Jane Hill (born Hardy) was born on month day 1857, in birth place, Georgia.
Sarah had 3 brothers: James Hardy and 2 other siblings.
Sarah married Daniel Webster Hill on month day 1878, at age 21 in marriage place, Georgia.
Daniel was born on month day 1853, in birth place, Georgia.
They had 7 children: William Jasper Hill, Bessie L Coggins (born Hill) and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Sarah lived in 1860, in address, Georgia.
She lived in 1870, in address, Georgia.
She lived in 5 more places.
Sarah passed away on month day 1935, at age 78 in death place, Georgia.
She was buried in burial place, Georgia.
Edith Jane Hardy was born on month day 1871, in birth place.
Edith had 8 siblings: John William Hardy, Mary Eliza MacDonald (born Hardy) and 6 other siblings.
Edith married Henry Nelson Hardy on month day 1892, at age 20 in marriage place.
Henry was born on month day 1868, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Lucy Jemima Elizabeth "Bessie" Bagnell (born Hardy) and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Edith lived in address.
She lived in 1871, in address.
She lived in 3 more places.
Edith passed away on month day 1950, at age 79 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Jane Amelia Hardy (born Groesbeck) was born on month day 1885, in birth place, Utah.
Jane had 6 sisters: Josephine Alice Green (born Groesbeck), Jane Amelia Hardy (born Groesbeck) and 4 other siblings.
Jane married George Henry Hardy on month day 1906, at age 20 in marriage place.
George was born on month day 1883, in birth place, Utah.
They had 3 children: Harold George Hardy and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in 1910, in address, Utah.
She lived in 1920, in address, Utah.
She lived in 1930, in address, Utah.
Jane passed away on month day 1974, at age 88.
She was buried in burial place, Utah.
Jane HARDY was born on month day 1795, in birth place.
Jane had 8 siblings: Mary HARDY, Dinah HARDY and 6 other siblings.
Jane married James LIDDLE on month day 1815, at age 20 in marriage place.
James was born on month day 1790, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Anthony LIDDLE, Margaret LIDDLE and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address.
She lived in 1841, in address.
She lived in 1851, in address.
Jane passed away on month day 1864, at age 69 in death place.
Jane HARDY was born on month day 1795, in birth place.
Jane had 8 siblings: William Conyers HARDY, Isabella HARDY and 6 other siblings.
Jane married James LIDDLE on month day 1815, at age 20 in marriage place.
James was born on month day 1790, in birth place.
They had 7 children: William LIDDLE, Margaret LIDDLE and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Jane lived in address.
She lived in 1841, in address.
She lived in 1851, in address.
Jane passed away on month day 1864, at age 69 in death place.
Jane HARDY was born on month day 1841, in birth place.
Jane married Samuel WORSENCROFT on month day 1865, at age 24 in marriage place, Utah.
Samuel was born on month day 1837, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Ada Mary WORSENCROFT, Agnes Vilate WORSENCROFT and 6 other children.
Jane passed away on month day 1918, at age 77 in death place, Utah.
She was buried in burial place, Utah.
Jane HARDY was born on month day 1831.
Jane had 2 siblings: Caroline HARDY and one other sibling.
Jane married Mark Leavenworth ELKINS on month day 1851, at age 19 in marriage place.
Mark was born on month day 1829, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Julia Mina ELKINS, Lydia Maria ELKINS and 4 other children.
Jane passed away on month day 1899, at age 67.
She was buried in burial place.
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