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Jami Rochell Powell (born Woody) was born on month day 1959, in birth place.
Jami had 4 siblings: Monte Russell Woody and 3 other siblings.
Jami married Mr. Joyce.
They had 2 children.
Jami then married Mr. Powell.
Jami passed away on month day 2006, at age 46 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Jami Rochell Powell (born Woody)
Jami Powell in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Jami Powell was born on April 17 1959.
Jami lived in USA.
Jami passed away on February 24 2006, at age 46.
Record image of Jami Joyce

Jami Joyce in The Muncie Daily News - ‎Nov 17 1888

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... afternoon. Tia timo to fatten your giving turkeys. C. Hussey went to Indianapolis this morning. Mias Ollio Balwin ia visiting in Winchester. Mat Lindsay Farmland today. waa down from Jamen Doyce., r jun, gun P. T. XING, Proprietor. Nico day. Tho Mowers aro being flushed. Pote Baldus is on the siok list. Carl Bobinson is in Ind. Now crossing at high ..."
Publication place: Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, United States
Record image of Jami Joyce

Jami Joyce in New-York tribune. - ‎Aug 6 1922

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Press" is, the oldest of the three and has the most distinguished record. Dur ing the past six years it has issued the p ..."
Publication place: New York, New York, New York
Record image of Jami Joyce

Jami Joyce in The Pittsburgh Press - ‎May 2 1937

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Ave., on Monday, nt 2 p. invited. Kl Wednesday. April 28. at p. m.. Theresa Kollmer, widow of Paul Kuchler, mother of Mrs. Wiiliam Eibeck. Mrs. Charlca Jahn. Mrs. Jamen Joyce. Saul. Paul. Jr., and Andrew. Also survived by 12 grandchildren and two sisters. Funeral from her home. 120 Dengler Sl.. Kith Ward, on Monday at 0 a. m. Solemn requiem ..."
Publication place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Jami C. Joyce

Jami C. Joyce in Greensburg Daily Tribune - ‎Sep 2 1944

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... expected to ^>o an event of January. Wedding To Be Event Oct. 1 AND MRS. E. W. MOH LEU of 321 Oakland announce the engagement ot their daughter, to Jamen C. Joyce, aon of Mr. and Mis. C. V. Joyce, of 710 Westmoreland avenue, Mias Mollier. a graduate of Greensburg High School, ln tho clans of 1041, attended Bethany College. Bethany, W. Vn., for two years, and ls a member ..."
Publication place: Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Jami Rochelle Joyce

Jami Rochelle Joyce, born 1959

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Jami Rochelle Joyce was born on month day 1959, in birth place, Arkansas.
Record image of Jami Rochelle Joyce

Jami Rochelle Joyce, born 1959

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Jami Joyce Powell was born on month day 1959, in birth place, Arkansas.
Record image of Jami Lee A Joyce

Jami Lee A Joyce, born 1993

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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Jami Lee A Joyce was born in month 1993, in birth place.
Record image of Jami Lu Carr (Joyce)

Jami Lu Carr (Joyce)

Florida, Marriages, 1970 - 1999
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Randall Craig Joyce married Jami Lu Carr on month day 1975, in marriage place, Florida.
Record image of Jami Joyce

Jami Joyce

Florida, Divorces, 1970 - 1999
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Randall Craig Joyce married Jami Joyce.
They divorced on month day 1977, in divorce place, Florida.
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