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Henrik Matinpoika Tyckyläin was born on month day 1786, in birth place.
Henrik was baptized on month day 1786, in baptism place.
Henrik had 7 siblings: Christina Matintytär Nevalain (born Tykkyläinen), Johan Matinpoika Tyckyläin and 5 other siblings.
Henrik passed away.
Documents of Henrik Matinpoika Tyckyläin
Henric in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Henric Tÿckÿläin, Matsson, Matspoika was born on month day 1786.
Henric had 2 sisters: Walborg Tÿckÿläin Matsdotter Matstytär and one other sibling.
Henric lived in between 1798 and 1811, in address.
Henric Tyckylain in Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
Henric Tyckylain was baptized on month day 1786, in baptism place.
Henric Tyckylain in Finland, Marriages, 1682-1892
Magdalena Bengtin married Henric Tyckylain on month day 1813, in marriage place.
Hindrich Tykkyläinen was born on month day 1737, in birth place.
Hindrich married Anna Tykkyläinen (born Bengtin).
Anna was born on month day 1740, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Märtha Vattulainen (born Tykkyläinen), Walborg Nevalainen (born Tykkyläinen) and 7 other children.
Hindrich passed away.
Heikki, Markuksenpoika, Henric, Marcusson Tykkyläinen, Tyckyläin was born on month day 1772, in birth place.
Heikki was baptized on month day 1772.
Heikki had 12 siblings: Kerttu Markuksentytär Tykkyläinen (born Tyckyläin), Liisa Markuksentytär Tykkyläinen Tyckyläin and 10 other siblings.
Heikki married Anna, Juhontytär Ryhänen.
Anna was born on month day 1767, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Markus Heikinpoika Tykkyläinen, Anna Heikintytär Anna Heikintytär Tykkyläinen Tykkyläinen (born Tyckyläin) and 3 other children.
Heikki then married Maalin, Ollintytär, Magdalena, Olofsdotter Penttinen (born Bengtin).
Maalin was born on month day 1771, in birth place.
Heikki passed away on month day 1842, at age 70 in death place.
Record image of Henrik

Henrik, born 1815

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrik Tyckyläin, Markusson, Markuspoika was born on month day 1815.
Henrik had 3 siblings: Staffan Tyckyläin Markusson Markuspoika and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Henrik lived in between 1815 and 1829, in address.
Record image of Henrik

Henrik, born 1818

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrik Tyckyläin, Henriksson, Henrikpoika was born on month day 1818.
Henrik had 6 brothers: Johan Tyckyläin Henriksson Henrikpoika, Matts Tyckyläin Henriksson Henrikpoika and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Henrik lived in between 1824 and 1845, in address.
Record image of Henrik Tyckyläin

Henrik Tyckyläin, born 1794

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrik Tyckyläin was born on month day 1794.
Personal Info
Henrik lived in between 1835 and 1845, in address.
Record image of Henrik Tyckyläin

Henrik Tyckyläin, born 1819

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrik Tyckyläin was born on month day 1819.
Personal Info
Henrik lived in between 1821 and 1843, in address.
Record image of Henrik Tyckyläin

Henrik Tyckyläin

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Henrik Tyckyläin was born in birth place.
Henrik married Ingeborg Tyckyläin (born Sastamoin).
Ingeborg was born in 1672, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Johan Tyckyläin and one other child.
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