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Haya Pinkhasovna (Clarice) Gurgel Valente (born Lispector) was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
Haya had 2 sisters: Leia (Elisa) Lispector and one other sibling.
Haya married Mr. Gurgel Valente on date, in marriage place.
They had 2 children.
They divorced in 1959.
Personal Info
Her occupations were occupation, occupation and occupation.
Haya passed away on month day 1977, at age 56 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Haya Pinkhasovna (Clarice) Gurgel Valente (born Lispector)
Clarice Lispector in Famous People Throughout History
Clarice Lispector was born on December 10 1920, in Chechelnyk, Ukraine.
Clarice had one sibling: Elisa Lispector.
Her occupations were Model, Screenwriter, Translator, Journalist, Novelist and Writer.
Clarice passed away on December 9 1977, at age 56 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Clarice Lispector in Biographical Summaries of Notable People
Clarice Lispector was born on December 10 1920, in Chechelnyk, to Pinkhas Lispector and Mania Krimgold Lispector.
Clarice had 2 sisters: Elisa Lispector and Tanya Lispector.
Clarice married Maury Gurgel Valente on January 23 1943, at age 22.
They had 2 sons: Pedro Gurgel Valente and Paulo Gurgel Valente.
Her occupation was Writer, Journalist.
Clarice passed away on December 9 1977, at age 56 in Rio de Janeiro.
Haya Pinkhasovna (Clarice) Gurgel Valente (born Lispector) in Record-Journal - Oct 27 1986

Connecticut Newspapers, 1791-2009

"... City Briefs Library lists new books The following books have been added to the collection at the Meriden Public Library: FICTION "To Kill the Potemkin," Joseph Mark; "Hour of the Star,” Clarice Lispector; "Winter's Child," Dea Trier Morch; “Lady Killer," Masako Togawa; "Night Games," Colin Wilcox. nonfiction "Africa News Cookbook: African Cookery for Western Kitchens;” "Heads, Hides, and Horns ..."
Publication place: Meriden, New Haven County, CT, USA
Haya Pinkhasovna, (Clarice), חיה פינחסובנה, קלריס, Клариси Lispector, ליספקטור (born Лиспектор) was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
Haya had 3 sisters: Leia (Elisa) Lispector and 2 other siblings.
Haya married Maury Gurgel Valente in 1943, at age 22.
Maury was born on month day 1921, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Personal Info
Haya lived in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Haya passed away on month day 1977, at age 56 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
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