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Geneva Imogene Schmedemann (born Klover) was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
Geneva married Harvey Edwin Schmedemann.
Harvey was born on month day 1907, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Larry Schmedemann and 4 other children.
Geneva then married Paul S Moxley.
Paul was born on month day 1907, in birth place.
Geneva then married Joseph J Hurley.
Joseph was born on month day 1902, in birth place.
Geneva passed away on month day 1990, at age 81 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Geneva Imogene Schmedemann (born Klover)
Geneva Imogene Schmedemann (born Klover) in Daily Union - Mar 15 1990

Kansas Newspapers, 1869-2009

"... Burial will be in the Abilene Cemetery. Memorial contributions in the name of Geneva Schmedemann may be given to the Immanuel Lutheran Church. Doris Mae Scroggins Norbert F. Junghans Funeral arrangements for Norbert F. Junghans, 93, Junction City, are pending at the Johnson Funeral Chapel. Mr Junghans died Wednesday, March 14, at Valley View Professional Care Center. Geneva I. 'GeBe' Schmedemann A ..."
Publication place: Junction City, Geary County, KS, USA
Geneva I Schmedemann in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Geneva I Schmedemann was born on December 20 1908.
Geneva lived in USA.
Geneva passed away on March 14 1990, at age 81.
Record image of Geneva Klover

Geneva Klover in Abilene weekly reflector. - ‎June 16 1921

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
View record
"... Lucille Stuck, Nina Sharp, Frances Seybold, Arlene Swan, Jennie Marie Ward. McKinley School Glenn Geoffrey, Wllmer. Hartman, John Jobnts. Don Jolley, John Saner, Lois Bennett, Catherine Jobnts. Lillian Butterfleld, Geneva Klover, Katherlne Callahan,. Thelma Shepherd, Allene Davis. MUST BAR THE PUBLIC Mrs. MH. Malott, left for Michigan where she will spend the summer, "Today's news today" is our plaa yoa get' ..."
Publication place: Abilene, Dickinson, Kansas
Record image of Geneva Klover

Geneva Klover in Abilene weekly reflector. - ‎Apr 12 1917

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Lois Dennett; Flowers, Fritz Lucler, Wilfred Klliott, Robert Shearer, Russell Weckel, Miller Troup, Robert Gommill, Ward Hilton, Dale Teeters, Hazel Koby, Dorothy Valentino, Inez Harrington, Mary Nichols, Frances Iirewer, Geneva Klover, Catherine Johntz, Gertrude Tremer. rtcsides these there are fairies, brownies, bees, butterflies, overall boys, Bunbonnet babies and sunKILLED BY TRAIN FARMER MEETS INSTANT DEATH AT DILLON CROSSING William Sandow Jr. ..."
Publication place: Abilene, Dickinson, Kansas
Geneva Imogene Klover was born on month day 1908, in birth place, Kansas.
Geneva had 4 siblings: William Wilber Klover and 3 other siblings.
Geneva married Paul Samuel Moxley.
Paul was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Kansas.
Geneva then married Joseph Jeremiah Hurley.
Joseph was born on month day 1902, in birth place, Kansas.
Geneva then married Harvey Edwin Schmedemann.
Harvey was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Kansas.
Personal Info
Geneva lived in 1910, in address, Kansas.
She lived in 1920, in address, Kansas.
She lived in 1930, in address, Kansas.
Geneva passed away on month day 1990, at age 81 in death place, Kansas.
She was buried in burial place.
Geneva Eileen Klover (born Krippner) was born on month day 1943, in birth place, Minnesota.
Geneva had 7 siblings: Isabelle Anna Krippner, Evelyn Tesch (born Krippner) and 5 other siblings.
Geneva married Raymond Francis Klover on month day 1962, at age 18 in marriage place, Minnesota.
Raymond was born on month day 1939, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Geneva I Klover

Geneva I Klover, born Circa 1909

1920 United States Federal Census
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Geneva I Klover was born circa 1909, in birth place, Kansas.
Geneva had 4 siblings: William W Klover and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Geneva lived in 1920, in address, Kansas.
Record image of Geneva Klover

Geneva Klover, born Circa 1910

1930 United States Federal Census
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Geneva Klover was born circa 1910, in birth place, Kansas.
Geneva had 3 sisters: Alice Klover and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Geneva lived in 1930, in address, Kansas.
Record image of Geneva I Klover

Geneva I Klover, born Circa 1909

1910 United States Federal Census
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Geneva I Klover was born circa 1909, in birth place, Kansas.
Geneva had 2 siblings: William W Klover and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Geneva lived in 1910, in address, Kansas.
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