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Friedrich* Ludwig Balthasar Amelung was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Friedrich* had 7 siblings: Julie Emilie Johanna von Schulmann (born Amelung), Anton Carl Friedrich* Amelung and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Friedrich* lived in address.
He lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Friedrich* passed away on month day 1909, at age 67 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Friedrich* Ludwig Balthasar Amelung
Friedrich Amelung in Biographical Summaries of Notable People
Friedrich Amelung was born on March 23 1842, in Kolga-Jaani Parish.
Friedrich lived in Livonia.
He lived in Viljandi.
His occupation was a journalist.
Friedrich passed away on March 22 1909, at age 66 in Riga.
Friedrich Amelung in Famous People Throughout History
Friedrich Amelung was born on March 23 1842, in Kolga-Jaani Rural Municipality, Estonia.
His occupations were Chess Composer, Chess Player, Historian and Businessperson.
Friedrich passed away on March 22 1909, at age 66 in Riga, Latvia.
He was buried in Tartu, Sweden.
Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1910, in birth place.
Friedrich had 6 siblings: Elli Steinheuer (born Amelung), Gertrud Göpfert (born Amelung) and 4 other siblings.
Friedrich married Käthe Amelung (born Sattler) on date, in marriage place.
Käthe was born on month day 1910, in birth place.
They had one child.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Friedrich passed away of cause of death on month day 2001, at age 91 in death place.
Friedrich Karl Amelung was born on month day 1882, in birth place.
Friedrich had one brother: Wilhelm ? Amelung.
Friedrich married Martha Amelung (born Brauns) on month day 1909, at age 27 in marriage place.
Martha was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Friedrich Amelung, Elli Steinheuer (born Amelung) and 5 other children.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1945, at age 63 in death place.
Friedrich (Fred) Wilhelm Amelung was born on month day 1861, in birth place, Missouri.
Friedrich had 7 siblings: Georg Heinrich (Henry) Amelung, Johann Ludwig Amelung and 5 other siblings.
Friedrich married Ida Florence Amelung (born London) in 1899, at age 37 in marriage place, Missouri.
Ida was born on month day 1876, in birth place, Tennessee.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1916, at age 54 in death place, Missouri.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Friedrich (Fred) Wilhelm Amelung
Fred Amelung in 1900 United States Federal Census
Fred Amelung was born in month 1861, in birth place, Missouri.
Fred married Ida F Amelung.
Ida was born in month 1875, in birth place, Missouri.
Fred lived in 1900, in address, Missouri.
Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
Friedrich married Wilhelmina Amelung (born Stephan).
Wilhelmina was born on month day 1829, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Wilhelmine Krumme (born Amelung).
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in 1830, in address.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1904, at age 73 in death place.
Documents of Friedrich Amelung
Friedrich Amelung in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
Friedrich Amelung was born circa 1831, in birth place.
Friedrich married Anna Wilhelmine.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1904, at age 73 in death place.
Carl Friedrich Melchior Diedrich Amelung in Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
Carl Friedrich Melchior Diedrich Amelung was born on month day 1830.
Carl was baptized on month day 1830, in baptism place.
Carl lived in 1830, in address.
Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
Friedrich married Martha Elisabeth Amelung (born Barchfeld) on month day 1840, at age 26 in marriage place.
Martha was born on month day 1813, in birth place.
They had one son: Heinrich Amelung.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1895, at age 81 in death place.
Documents of Friedrich Amelung
Friedrich Amelung in Germany, Hesse, Deaths
Friedrich Amelung was born circa 1814, in birth place.
Friedrich married Martha Elisabeth.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1895, at age 81 in death place.
Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung was born on month day 1835, in birth place.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1836, at age one in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung
Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung in Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung was born on month day 1835, in birth place.
Friedrich was baptized on month day 1835, in baptism place.
Friedrich lived in 1835, in address.
Friedrich Amelung was born in 1816, in birth place.
Friedrich married Katharine Amelung (born Schäfer) in marriage place.
Katharine was born in 1827, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Karoline Kleber (born Amelung).
Friedrich passed away on month day 1903, at age 87 in death place.
Documents of Friedrich Amelung
Friedrich Konrad Amelung in Germany, Hesse, Deaths
Friedrich Konrad Amelung was born circa 1817, in birth place.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1903, at age 86 in death place.
Friedrich August Amelung was born on month day 1739, in birth place.
Friedrich had 6 siblings: Anton* Christian Friederich Amelung, Georg Wilhelm Christian Amelung and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1740, at age less than one in death place.
Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung was born on month day 1823, in birth place.
Friedrich married Meta Amelung (born Plate).
Meta was born in 1834, in birth place.
They had one son: Christian Karl Friedrich Amelung.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1892, at age 68 in death place.
Friedrich AMELUNG was born on month day 1799, in birth place.
Friedrich married Elisabeth AMELUNG (born NÖLTE) in 1820, at age 20 in marriage place.
Elisabeth was born in 1804, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Carolina Friederika Wilhelmina VOGLER (born AMELUNG), Joachim Friedrich AMELUNG and 3 other children.
Friedrich then married Carolina Wilhelmina AMELUNG (born STIMMING) on month day 1833, at age 33 in marriage place.
Carolina was born on month day 1812, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Carl Friedrich Wilhelm AMELUNG and 2 other children.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1844, at age 45 in death place.
Friedrich August Wilhelm Amelung was born on month day 1896, in birth place.
Friedrich had 6 siblings: Hermine Clara Auguste Anna Liebner (born Amelung), Gertrud Schillig (born Amelung) and 4 other siblings.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1973, at age 77 in death place.
Friedrich Michael Amelung was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Friedrich married Rosina Christina Amelung (born Hannemann) on month day 1911, at age 24.
Rosina was born on month day 1891.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1978, at age 91 in death place.
Friedrich Herman Amelung was born on month day 1871.
Friedrich had 8 siblings: Louis Otto Amelung, Minna Ida Amelung and 6 other siblings.
Friedrich married Emma Marta Amelung (born Hempel).
Emma was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Albert Hermann Max Amelung, Frieda Dockhorn (born Amelung) and 3 other children.
Friedrich then married Rosa Minna Amelung (born Taumer).
Friedrich passed away on month day 1969, at age 98.
Friedrich* Ludwig, Balthasar Amelung was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Friedrich* had 7 siblings: Julie Emilie Johanna von Schulmann (born Amelung), Anton Carl Friedrich Amelung and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Friedrich* passed away on month day 1909, at age 67 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Heinrich, Friedrich August Christian Amelung was born on month day 1833, in birth place.
Heinrich married Johanne, Auguste Caroline Koch.
Johanne was born in birth place.
They had one son: Christian Friedrich Ludwig Amelung.
Heinrich passed away on month day 1910, at age 76 in death place.
Friedrich August Amelung was born on month day 1739, in birth place.
Friedrich had 6 siblings: Anton Christian Friederich Антон Кристиан Amelung Амелунг, Georg Wilhelm Christian Amelung and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1740, at age less than one in death place.
Johann, Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung was born on month day 1741, in birth place.
Johann married Friederike, Magdalena Carolina Lucia Von Leseberg -.
Friederike was born in 1757, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Fredericka Christina Sophie Amelung.
Johann passed away on month day 1798, at age 57 in death place, Maryland.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, 1840 - 1904

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1840, in birth place.
Friedrich married Anna.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1904, at age 63 in death place.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, 1850 - 1887

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1850, in birth place.
Friedrich married Hulda Amelung.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1887, at age 37 in death place.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, 1882 - 1882

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1882, in birth place.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1882, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, Circa 1853 - 1897

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Friedrich Amelung was born circa 1853, in birth place.
Friedrich married Anna.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1897, at age 44 in death place.
Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1868, in birth place.
Friedrich married Julie Anna Margaretha Amelung.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1951, at age 82.
Friedrich Heinrich Amelung was born on month day 1871.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1871, at age less than one in death place.
Friedrich Heinrich Amelung was born circa 1884, in birth place.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1885, at age one in death place.
Friedrich Michael Amelung was born circa 1913, in birth place.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1913, at age less than one in death place.
Friedrich Amelung was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
Friedrich was baptized on month day 1814, in baptism place.
Friedrich had 8 siblings: Heinrich Seeger, Anna Gertrud Seeger and 6 other siblings.
Friedrich married Martha Elisabeth Barchfeld on month day 1840, at age 26 in marriage place.
Martha was born on month day 1813.
They had 8 children: Unknown Amelung, Heinrich Amelung and 6 other children.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1895, at age 81 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Friedrich AMELUNG was born on month day 1799, in birth place.
Friedrich had 4 siblings: Peter Friedrich AMELUNG and 3 other siblings.
Friedrich married Elisabeth AMELUNG (born NÖLTE).
Elisabeth was born in 1804, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Joachim Friedrich AMELUNG, Dorothea Sophia Louise FRIEDEL (born AMELUNG) and 7 other children.
Friedrich then married Carolina Wilhelmina AMELUNG (born STIMMING).
Carolina was born on month day 1812, in birth place.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1844, at age 45 in death place.
Friedrich Michael Amelung was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Friedrich had 6 siblings: Maria Amelung, Anna Amelung and 4 other siblings.
Friedrich married Rosina Christina Amelung (born Hannemann) on month day 1911, at age 24 in marriage place.
Rosina was born on month day 1891, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Maria Laun (born Amelung).
Friedrich passed away on month day 1978, at age 91 in death place.
Friedrich Karl Amelung was born on month day 1882, in birth place.
Friedrich had one sister: Elli Amelung.
Friedrich married Martha Amelung (born Brauns).
Martha was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Friedrich Amelung, Gertrud Göpfert (born Amelung) and 5 other children.
Friedrich then married Martha Amelung (born Brauns).
Martha was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1945, at age 63 in death place.
Record image of Friedrich Heinrich Amelung

Friedrich Heinrich Amelung, born 1884

Germany, Hesse Marriage Index, 1849-1931
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Friedrich Heinrich Amelung was born on December 19 1884, in Obermelsungen, Hesse, Germany, to Heinrich Amelung and Elisabeth Sophia Ressler.
Friedrich married Frieda Paula Hencke on March 26 1913, at age 28 in Melsungen, Hesse, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Heinrich Amelung

Friedrich Heinrich Amelung, born 1890

Germany, Hesse Marriage Index, 1849-1931
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Friedrich Heinrich Amelung was born on December 29 1890, in Wischausen, to Carl Christian Gottlieb Amelung and Henriette Christiane Unger.
Friedrich married Johanna Catharina Stumpf on April 20 1885, in Frankfurt Am Main, Hesse, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, born 1868

Germany, Hesse Marriage Index, 1849-1931
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Friedrich Amelung was born on June 18 1868, in Clarmstadt, to Johann Carl Amelung and Eva Koch.
Friedrich married Julie Anna Margaretha Pullmann on April 24 1897, at age 28 in Frankfurt Am Main, Hesse, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Michael Amelung

Friedrich Michael Amelung, born 1886

Germany, Hesse Marriage Index, 1849-1931
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Friedrich Michael Amelung was born on November 27 1886, in Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Hesse, Germany, to Peter Amelung and Maria Loh.
Friedrich married Rosina Christina Hannemann on June 5 1911, at age 24 in Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Hesse, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Heinrich Amelung

Friedrich Heinrich Amelung, born 1884

Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Friedrich Heinrich Amelung was born on month day 1884.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in address.
Record image of Friedrich Michael Amelung

Friedrich Michael Amelung, born 1886

Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Friedrich Michael Amelung was born on month day 1886.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in address.
Record image of Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung

Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung, born 1895

Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Friedrich Wilhelm Amelung was born on month day 1895.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in address.
Friedrich Amelung passed away on January 17 1918.
He was buried in Friedhof Jeserig, Jeserig, Brandenburg, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Heinrich Amelung

Friedrich Heinrich Amelung, 1871 - 1871

Germany Deaths and Burials, 1582-1958
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Friedrich Heinrich Amelung was born on month day 1871.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1871, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, 1865 - 1869

Germany Deaths and Burials, 1582-1958
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Friedrich Amelung was born in 1865.
Friedrich passed away on month day 1869, at age 4 in death place.
Record image of Friedrich Heinrich Amelung

Friedrich Heinrich Amelung, 1852 - 1852

Germany Deaths and Burials, 1582-1958
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Johanna Maria Catharina Amelung was born on month day 1852.
Johanna passed away on month day 1852, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, born 1879

Belgium, Antwerp Police Immigration Index, 1840-1930
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Friedrich Amelung was born in 1879, in birth place.
Christina Elisabethe Schrodt was born on August 16 1825, in Frankfurt, to Johann David Schrodt and Anna Elisabetha Meister.
Christina married Friedrich Heinrich Amelung on May 10 1847, at age 21 in Frankfurt (main), Hessen-Nassau, Preußen, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, born 1821

Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929
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Sophia Lusetta Theresia Augusta Chirong was born in 1821, to Christian Chirong and Josephina Puett.
Sophia married Friedrich Amelung on August 22 1852, at age 31 in Paderborn, Westfalen, Preußen, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Dietrich Amelung

Friedrich Dietrich Amelung

Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929
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Wilhelmine Hulda Kritzler was born to Carl Kritzler and Wilhelmine Graeff.
Wilhelmine married Friedrich Dietrich Amelung on May 4 1877, in Evangelisch, Deilinghofen, Westfalen, Prussia.
Record image of Friedrich Simon Amelung

Friedrich Simon Amelung

Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929
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Emilie Karoline Sieker was born to Christian August Sieker and Karoline Sophie Delker.
Emilie married Friedrich Simon Amelung on December 18 1877, in Evangelisch, Hillentrup, Lippe, Germany.
Record image of Friedrich Carl Diedrich Amelung

Friedrich Carl Diedrich Amelung, born 1867

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Friedrich Carl Diedrich Amelung was born on month day 1867.
Friedrich was baptized on month day 1867, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in 1867, in address.
Record image of Friedrich Simon Conrad Amelung

Friedrich Simon Conrad Amelung, born 1851

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Friedrich Simon Conrad Amelung was born on month day 1851.
Friedrich was baptized on month day 1851, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in 1851, in address.
Record image of Friedrich Ernst Amelung

Friedrich Ernst Amelung, born 1884

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Friedrich Ernst Amelung was born on month day 1884.
Friedrich was baptized on month day 1884, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in 1884, in address.
Record image of Friedrich Conrad Amelung

Friedrich Conrad Amelung

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Friedrich Conrad Amelung was baptized on month day 1828, in baptism place.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, born Circa 1841

New York Castle Garden Immigrants
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Friedrich Amelung was born circa 1841, in birth place.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in address.
He lived in address.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, born Circa 1841

Germans Immigrating to the United States
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Friedrich Amelung was born circa 1841, in birth place.
Personal Info
Friedrich lived in address.
He lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Friedrich Amelung

Friedrich Amelung, born Circa 1841

Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1500 - 1900
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Friedrich Amelung was born circa 1841.
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