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Francisco Silverio Arrechea was born on month day 1902, in birth place.
Francisco married Celina Concepciòn Arrechea (born Compas).
Celina was born on month day 1904, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Francisco passed away on month day 1988, at age 85 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Francisco Arrechea was born in 1826, in birth place.
Francisco married Maria Jesus Arrechea (born Gorostidi).
Maria was born on month day 1833, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Teresa Etchemendigaray (born Arrechea) and 3 other children.
Francisco passed away on month day 1916, at age 90 in death place.
Francisco Antonio Arrechea was born in 1923.
Francisco had 2 siblings: Gloria Nohemy Arrechea Murcillo and one other sibling.
Francisco passed away on month day 1928, at age 5 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Francisco ARRECHEA JORAJURIA was born on month day 1804, in birth place.
Francisco married Maria Teresa Francisca ARRECHEA JORAJURIA (born ADO PETRIRENA) on month day 1828, at age 23 in marriage place.
Maria was born on month day 1804, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Maria (Rafaëla) RUIZ LATEGUI (born ARRECHEA ADO).
Francisco Antonio Arrechea was born on month day 1831.
Francisco was baptized on month day 1831, in baptism place.
Francisco had 4 siblings: Maria Eulalia Oronoz (born Arrechea) and 3 other siblings.
Francisco Arrechea was born in 1876.
Francisco married Josefa Dolores Arrechea.
Josefa was born in 1884.
They had 8 children.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in 1895, in address.
Francisco Arrechea was born in 1841, in birth place.
Francisco had one sister: Juana Teresa Harriet Carricaburu (born Arrechea).
Francisco married Juana de Arrechea (born Zabaleta).
Juana was born in 1850, in birth place.
They had 3 daughters: Maria Hourbeigt (born Maria Juana Arrechea) and 2 other children.
Francisco passed away.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Francisco Arrechea was born in birth place.
Francisco married Francisca Arrechea (born Agesta).
Francisca was born in birth place.
They had one daughter: Juana Francisca Zozaya Machicote [Serorenea] (born Arrechea Agesta).
Francisco passed away.
*Francisco Arrechea Zelaieta was born in birth place.
*Francisco married *Ana María Arrechea Zelaieta (born Echegoyen Garaicoa).
*Ana was born in from Circa 1725 to 1735, in birth place.
They had one daughter: *Micaela Donaveitia Irurzun (born Arrechea Echegoyen).
*Francisco passed away.


MyHeritage Family Trees
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They had 4 children.
FRANCISCO passed away.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Francisco ARRECHEA was born in birth place.
Francisco married Juana Josefa Lorenza ARRECHEA (born VIDART).
Juana was born in birth place.
They had one daughter: Mar¡a Eulalia ORONOZ (born ARRECHEA).
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Francisco Arrechea married Teresa Arrechea (born Arrachea Urrutia).
They had 5 children: Federico Arrechea, Alfredo Arrechea and 3 other children.
Francisco passed away.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Francisco Arrechea married Unknown.
They had one son: Jorge Arrechea.
Francisco passed away.
"... oblecttons md contest said matter ot the settlement d said account. Dated uct. 23, 1880. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By E. H. OWEN, Deputy. Notice to Creditors. :state of FRANCISCO ARRECHEA, Deoeased. Notice Is hereby given by the under- Igned, administrator of the estate ol ranoisoo arreobea. deoeased, to the redltora of, und all persons having laims agalnet the said deceased, ..."
Publication place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
"... on Spring Btreet, known as the City of Parle, in theclty and county of Los Angeles. Dated at Los Angeles, Octeber 91, MBO, EUGENEMEYER, Administrator of the estate ot Francisco Arrechea, deceased. 021 BUBINKBB OABDB. JUDSON, GILLETTE & GIBSON, EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANCERS, Rooms 18 and v, McDonald Block, Main St., LOR ANGELES, Oal. septs tf PHINEAB BANNING, FORWARDING AND ..."
Publication place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
"... their objections and contest said matter ol the settlement of said account. Dated Oct. 23,1880. A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By E. H. OWEN, Deputy. Notice to Creditors. Estate of FRANCISCO ARRECHEA, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administrator of the estate of 1 rancisco Arrechea. deceased, to the creditors 01, and all persons having claims agaiust the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the neoessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this ..."
Publication place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
"... of Paris, iv the city and county of Los Angeles. Dated at Dos Angelos, October 81,1880. . . , . , . EUGKNK MEYKIt, Administrator of the estate ol Francisco Arrechea, deceased. 021 Notice to Creditors. Estate of Francisco Duarte do Lugo, deceased?Notice Is hereby given by the . undersigned, executor of the esta'e of i Franclsca Duarte do Lugo, deoeased. ..."
Publication place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Francisco Arrechea was born in 1831, in birth place.
Francisco married Gracianne Ithurriague on month day 1869, at age 38 in marriage place.
Gracianne was born on month day 1837, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Ramon Arrechea, Francisco Arrechea and 3 other children.
Francisco passed away on month day 1889, at age 58 in death place.
Francisco Reyes Arrechea was born circa 1875, in birth place.
Francisco had one brother: Agustín Reyes Arrechea.
Francisco married Pascuala Reyes Arrechea (born Tobar) circa 1910, at age 35 in marriage place.
Pascuala was born circa 1880, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Pedro Antonio Reyes Tovar, Victor Reyes Tobar and 3 other children.
Francisco passed away on month day 1952, at age 77 in death place.
Francisco Antonio Arrechea was born in 1923.
Francisco had 2 sisters: Gloria Nohemy Arrechea Murcillo and one other sibling.
Francisco passed away on month day 1928, at age 5 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Jose Francisco Arrechea Endara was born in month 1833, in birth place.
Jose was baptized on month day 1833, in baptism place.
Jose had 7 siblings: Miguel Esteban Arrechea Endara, Maria Francisca Ramona Erasun Amorena (born Arrechea Endara) and 5 other siblings.
Jose married Maria Bautista Arrechea Endara (born Olazar).
Maria was born on month day 1825, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Jose Angel Arrechea Camio and 2 other children.
Jose then married Ana Bautista Arrechea Endara (born Camio Ariztegui).
Ana was born on month day 1828, in birth place.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born Circa 1880

1895 Argentina National Census
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Francisco Arrechea was born circa 1880, in birth place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in 1895, in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born Circa 1846

1895 Argentina National Census
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Francisco Arrechea was born circa 1846, in birth place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in 1895, in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born Circa 1847

1895 Argentina National Census
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Francisco Arrechea was born circa 1847, in birth place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in 1895, in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born Circa 1881

1895 Argentina National Census
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Francisco Arrechea was born circa 1881, in birth place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in 1895, in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born 1861

1869 Argentina National Census
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Francisco Arrechea was born in 1861, in birth place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in 1869, in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born 1840

1869 Argentina National Census
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Francisco Arrechea was born in 1840.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in 1869, in address.
Record image of Francisco J Arrechea

Francisco J Arrechea, 1930 - 2006

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Francisco J Arrechea was born on January 22 1930.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in Palmdale, California 93550, USA.
Francisco passed away on November 7 2006, at age 76.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

Argentina, Baptisms, 1645-1930
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Francisco Arrechea was baptized on month day 1875, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

Argentina, Baptisms, 1645-1930
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Francisco Arrechea was baptized on month day 1871, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

Argentina, Baptisms, 1645-1930
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Francisco Arrechea was baptized on month day 1869, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Francisco lived in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

Argentina, Baptisms, 1645-1930
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José Arrechea was baptized on month day 1887, in baptism place.
Personal Info
José lived in address.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born 1865

Argentina, Marriages, 1722-1911
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Micaela Arroqui was born in 1865, in Juarbe, Navarra, Spain, to Graciano and Josefa Mariazcurrena.
Micaela married Francisco Arrechea on April 11 1885, at age 20 in Nuestra Señora De La Asunción, Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

Argentina, Marriages, 1722-1911
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Micaela Arroqui was born to Graciano and Josefa Mariazcurrena.
Micaela married Francisco Arrechea on April 11 1885, in Nuestra Señora De La Asunción, Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Record image of Francisco Bernardino Arrechea

Francisco Bernardino Arrechea

Spain, Baptisms, 1502-1940
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Francisco Bernardino Arrechea was baptized on month day 1879, in baptism place.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

Spain, Baptisms, 1502-1940
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Fermin Arrechea Ado was baptized on month day 1831, in baptism place.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born 1873

Spain, Baptisms, 1502-1940
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Maria Bautista Ramona Arrechea Camio was born on month day 1873.
Maria was baptized on month day 1873, in baptism place.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea

Spain, Baptisms, 1502-1940
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Maria Theresa Lorenza Arrechea Usurbil was baptized on month day 1817, in baptism place.
Record image of Francisco Javier Arrechea

Francisco Javier Arrechea, born 1930

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Francisco Javier Arrechea was born on month day 1930, in birth place.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA, born 1884

Spain, Navarre, Index of Baptisms, 1559-1910
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Ambrosio JORAJURIA ARRECHEA was born on month day 1884, in birth place.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA, born 1791

Spain, Navarre, Index of Baptisms, 1559-1910
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Joaquin Francisco ARRECHEA EZPELOSIN was born on month day 1791, in birth place.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA, born 1895

Spain, Navarre, Index of Baptisms, 1559-1910
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Josefa Antonia ARRECHEA OHARRIS was born on month day 1895, in birth place.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA, born 1801

Spain, Navarre, Index of Baptisms, 1559-1910
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Maria Esteban ARRECHEA IBARRA was born on month day 1801, in birth place.
Francisco ARRECHEA was born circa 1771, in birth place.
Francisco married Graciosa ARIZTIA.
Graciosa was born circa 1776, in birth place.
They had one son: Juan Felipe ARRECHEA ARIZTIA.
Record image of Francisco Arrechea

Francisco Arrechea, born Circa 1886

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Francisco Arrechea was born circa 1886.
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Francisco lived in address.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA

Spain, Navarre, Index of Marriages, 1577-1940
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Francisco ARRECHEA was born to Francisco ARRECHEA and Francisca AGESTA.
Francisco married Maria Antonia ZOZAYA on June 3 1765, in Donamaria, Navarre, Spain.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA

Spain, Navarre, Index of Marriages, 1577-1940
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Francisco ARRECHEA was born to Joan ARRECHEA and Maria Lorenza JORAJURIA.
Francisco married Pascuala OTEIZA on January 22 1758, in Sunbilla, Navarre, Spain.
Record image of Francisco ARRECHEA

Francisco ARRECHEA

Spain, Navarre, Index of Marriages, 1577-1940
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Francisco ARRECHEA was born to Francisco ARRECHEA and Maria Josefa Cathalina ESPELOSIN.
Francisco married Maria Manuela GALZAGORRI on September 17 1804, in Elgorriaga, Navarre, Spain.
Record image of Francisco Antonio ARRECHEA

Francisco Antonio ARRECHEA

Spain, Navarre, Index of Marriages, 1577-1940
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Francisco Antonio ARRECHEA was born to Josef Antonio ARRECHEA and Feliciana ESPELOSIN.
Francisco married Maria Lorenza IBARRA on October 23 1815, in Sunbilla, Navarre, Spain.
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