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Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, 1781 - 1785

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born in month 1781, in birth place.
Eva was baptized on month day 1781, in baptism place.
Eva had 5 siblings: Catharina Kubisa (born Ambrus), Adam Ambrus and 3 other siblings.
Eva passed away in Before 1785, at age 3 in death place.
Eva Ambrus (born Bajer) was born on month day 1925.
Eva married Stefan Ambrus in marriage place.
Stefan was born on month day 1923, in birth place.
They had one child.
Eva passed away in 2014, at age 88.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, 1912 - 1924

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born in 1912, in birth place.
Eva had 3 siblings: José Ambrus and 2 other siblings.
Eva passed away in 1924, at age 12 in death place.
Eva Ambrus (born Welzenbach) was born in 1911.
Eva married Deziderius Ambrus.
Deziderius was born in 1908.
They had 2 children: Rozina Ambrus and one other child.
Eva passed away in 1937, at age 26.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1739

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born on month day 1739, in birth place.
Eva was baptized on month day 1739, in baptism place.
Eva had 5 siblings: Theresia Behon (born Ambrus), Vitus Ambrus and 3 other siblings.
Eva married Unknown on month day 1764, at age 24.
Eva passed away.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1761

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born on month day 1761, in birth place.
Eva was baptized on month day 1761, in baptism place.
Eva had 10 siblings: Theresia Ambrus, Andreas Ambrus and 8 other siblings.
Eva passed away.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1682

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born on month day 1682, in birth place.
Eva was baptized on month day 1682, in baptism place.
Eva had 6 siblings: Paulus Ambrus, Ursula Ambrus and 4 other siblings.
Eva passed away.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1793

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born on month day 1793, in birth place.
Eva had 7 siblings: Sári Szokolóczy (born Ambrus), Péter Ambrus and 5 other siblings.
Eva passed away.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1801

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born on month day 1801, in birth place.
Eva had 7 siblings: Sári Szokolóczy (born Ambrus), Péter Ambrus and 5 other siblings.
Eva passed away.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1787

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was born in month 1787, in birth place.
Eva was baptized on month day 1787, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on date, in baptism place.
Eva had 7 siblings: Lukács Ambrus, Theresia Ambrus and 5 other siblings.
Eva passed away.
Record image of Eva Kalaj (born Ambrus)

Eva Kalaj (born Ambrus)

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Kalaj (born Ambrus) married Michael Kalaj.
They had one daughter: Anna Chapo (born Kalaj).
Eva passed away of cause of death.
Record image of Eva Ambrus (born Tolner)

Eva Ambrus (born Tolner)

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eva Ambrus (born Tolner) married Mr. Ambrus.
They had 2 children.
Eva passed away.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus in Canberra Times (ACT) - ‎Aug 13 1976

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Hopkins. Toni Kelly, Robyn Kirkland. Jain* Matthew, Anne Matthews. Judy Murray, Dcnisc Perrin. Sarah Rob.son, Kathy Ward: coach, Ken Ryan; manageress-scorer, Jan Cox. BRIEF Canberra Karate Club's promising junior, Eva Ambrus, 14, of Stirling, has attained her 4th kyu in the green belt. Miss Ambms. who is also one of Canberra's out standing young athletes, is regarded by many as Aus ..."
Publication place: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus in Canberra Times (ACT) - ‎July 27 1970

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... at St Christopher's Cathedral, Manuka. Form erly Miss Cherie Oakley, daughter of Mrs K. Oakley, of Marrickville, Sydney, the bride had as Matron-of-honour, Mrs L. Kochner, and as flowergirl, Eva Ambrus. Brett Kochner was pageboy. The groom, the son of Mr and Mrs I. Radovanovic, of Yugoslavia, was attended by Mr Miro Konsul. MUSIC Quartet attraction By W. L. HOFFMANN The ..."
Publication place: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, 1840 - 1840

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Eva Ambrus was born on month day 1840, in birth place.
Eva was baptized on month day 1840, in baptism place.
Eva had 7 siblings: Theresia Ambrus, Paulus Ambrus and 5 other siblings.
Eva passed away on month day 1840, at age less than one in death place.
Eva Sebok (born Ambrus) was baptized on month day 1865, in baptism place.
Eva had 5 siblings: Rosalia Ambrus, István Ambrus and 3 other siblings.
Eva married Istvan Sebok.
Eva passed away in 1912.
Eva Ambrus (born Horvath) was born in 1764.
Eva married Michael Ambrus on month day 1781, at age 17 in marriage place.
Michael was born in 1756, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Andreas Ambrus and 3 other children.
Eva passed away on month day 1789, at age 25 in death place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, 1912 - 1924

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Eva Ambrus was born in 1912, in birth place.
Eva had 3 siblings: Verka Fejes (born Ambrus) and 2 other siblings.
Eva passed away in 1924, at age 12 in death place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1863, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910
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Eva Ambrus was baptized in 1741, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910
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Eva Ambrus was baptized in 1712, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910
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Eva Ambrus was baptized in 1781, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1781

Geni World Family Tree
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Eva Ambrus was born in month 1781, in birth place.
Eva had 5 siblings: Catharina Kubisa (born Ambrus), Michal Ambrus and 3 other siblings.
Eva passed away in death place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1785

Geni World Family Tree
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Eva Ambrus was born in month 1785, in birth place.
Eva had 5 siblings: Catharina Kubisa (born Ambrus), Michal Ambrus and 3 other siblings.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Hungary Reformed Church Christenings, 1624-1895
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1787, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Hungary Reformed Church Christenings, 1624-1895
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1889, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Hungary Reformed Church Christenings, 1624-1895
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1789, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Hungary Reformed Church Christenings, 1624-1895
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1803, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Hungary Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1806, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Hungary Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1823, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva. Ambrus

Eva. Ambrus

Hungary Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895
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Eva. Ambrus was baptized on month day 1856, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Hungary Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895
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Eva Ambrus was baptized on month day 1780, in baptism place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus, born 1952

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Eva Riedl Verheughe was born on month day 1952, in birth place.
Record image of Eva Ambrus

Eva Ambrus

Brazil, São Paulo Immigration Cards
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Personal Info
Desiderio Gantner lived in address.
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