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Record image of Eric Lillis

Eric Lillis in Evening times-Republican. - ‎Sep 3 1904

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... hushing up of the affair and denial of the .incident is therefore, certain. 'i' SMALL BOY ELECTROCUTED. Lad Takes Hold of Live Wire Dangling From Pole. Aurora, III., Sept. 3.?Eric Lillis, 14 year old, son of of Herman Lillis was electrocuted yesterday while on his way to school by a live wire whfch dangled from the pole. He took hold of ..."
Publication place: Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa
Record image of Eric Lillis

Eric Lillis in Kingman Daily Miner - ‎Aug 6 1999

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... through Aug. 1, his first visit since his parents took him to the park in 1976 when he was 6. He said some things were familiar; many were not. Lillis recalled ERIC LILLIS seeing geysers like Old Faithful when hc was boy. bul little else. “Wc saw thc mud pots and thc wildlife, including bison, elk and a few bighorn sheep." Lillis said. “There was onc sighting of a (grizzly) but it was carly on lhe morning of our arrival and we missed it." A fellow teacher from went with Lillis, and they mct two other friends at thc park. Lillis said those two friends arc law students at Gonzaga University in Spokane. Wash., onc of whom is an avid fiy fisherman who did sonic fishing in the park. There is ..."
Publication place: Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, United States
Record image of Eric Lillis

Eric Lillis in Kingman Daily Miner - ‎May 20 2001

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... got lhc best Reed said. i'm in lhc dash, long jump and race. "They're all fun. I to play with my friends in a competition and sometimes. I Win." Eric Lillis, thc school's physical education teacher, organized thc Field Day, last done lwo years ago at Manzanita. Hc said thc water balloon challenge, wheelbarrow race, hurdles and Frisbee toss arc new ..."
Publication place: Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, United States
Record image of Eric Lillis

Eric Lillis in Kingman Daily Miner - ‎Jan 24 2003

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Ihe information from them into computers when they returned to Ihe classroom. "What we're doing will tell us thc condition the kids are in before and after exercise," said Eric Lillis, physical education teacher at Manzanita elementaryschool "They'll better understand the importance of warmup and Jennifer Collins, a Certified Polar technology trainer with Polar Health First, conducted the training on her ..."
Publication place: Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, United States
Record image of Eric Lillis

Eric Lillis, born 1868

1895 Minnesota State Census
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Eric Lillis was born in 1868, in birth place.
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Eric lived in 1895, in address, Minnesota.
Record image of Eric Raymond Lillis

Eric Raymond Lillis, Circa 1901 - 1907

Australia, Victoria Death Index, 1836-1985
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Eric Raymond Lillis was born circa 1901.
Eric passed away in 1907, at age 6 in death place.
Record image of Eric Raymond Lillis

Eric Raymond Lillis, born 1901

Australia, Victoria Birth Index, 1837-1920
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Eric Raymond Lillis was born in 1901, in birth place.
Record image of Eric Lillis

Eric Lillis

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Eric Lillis
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