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Enrico Giovanni Volpi was born on month day 1911, in birth place.
Enrico had one brother: Vincenzo Primo Volpi.
Enrico married Caterina Irene Volpi (born Cristini) on month day 1936, at age 25 in marriage place.
Caterina was born on month day 1913.
Enrico passed away on month day 1940, at age 28 in death place.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, 1910 - 2002

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Enrico Volpi was born on month day 1910, in birth place.
Enrico had 4 siblings: Annamaria Motta (born Volpi) and 3 other siblings.
Enrico passed away of cause of death in 2002, at age 91 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born 1906

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Enrico Volpi was born in 1906.
Enrico had 4 siblings: Pasquale Volpi and 3 other siblings.
Enrico married Giuseppa Volpi (born Meroni).
Enrico passed away.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, 1851 - 1926

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Enrico Volpi was born in 1851, in birth place.
Enrico married Teresa Volpi (born Franchi).
Teresa was born in 1854, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Severina Virginia Anghinetti (born Volpi).
Enrico passed away in 1926, at age 75 in death place.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born 1858

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Enrico Volpi was born on month day 1858, in birth place.
Enrico married Silvia Amalia Volpi (born Colesanti).
Silvia was born on month day 1860, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Diego Volpi and one other child.
Enrico passed away in death place.
Enrico Nicoletti was born in 1935, in birth place.
Enrico had one sibling.
Enrico married Varinka May Nicoletti (born Nicholls) in month 1970, at age 35 in marriage place.
Varinka was born on month day 1945, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Personal Info
Enrico lived in 1959, in address.
He lived in 2003, in address.
Enrico passed away in 2014, at age 79 in death place.
Record image of enrico volpi

enrico volpi, born 1924

MyHeritage Family Trees
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enrico volpi was born in 1924, in birth place.
enrico had 3 siblings: aldo volpi and 2 other siblings.
enrico married iride volpi (born allievi).
They had 3 children.
enrico passed away.
He was buried in burial place.
Enrico Luigi Volpi was born on month day 1871, in birth place.
Enrico had 6 siblings: Michele Coronato Volpi, Carlo Biagio Volpi and 4 other siblings.
Enrico passed away.
Record image of ENRICO VOLPI

ENRICO VOLPI, born 1855

MyHeritage Family Trees
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ENRICO VOLPI was born in 1855, in birth place.
ENRICO had 6 siblings: ANNA MARIA STRADI (born VOLPI), RICCARDO VOLPI and 4 other siblings.
ENRICO married VIRGINIA VOLPI (born ZANNI) on month day 1888, at age 33 in marriage place.
VIRGINIA was born in 1860, in birth place.
ENRICO passed away.
Record image of enrico volpi

enrico volpi

MyHeritage Family Trees
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enrico volpi was born in birth place.
enrico married piera volpi.
piera was born in birth place.
They had one son: lamberto volpi.
enrico passed away.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Enrico Volpi was born in birth place.
Enrico married Maria Volpi (born Zalar).
Maria was born in birth place.
They had one child.
Enrico passed away.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Enrico Volpi married Ms. Volpi (born Vernier).
They had 2 sons: LIVIO Volpi and one other child.
Enrico passed away.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Enrico Volpi married Clementina Volpi (born Lollini).
Clementina was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Iolanda Volpi and one other child.
Enrico passed away.
Record image of enrico volpi

enrico volpi

MyHeritage Family Trees
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enrico volpi married Ms. volpi (born santoro).
They had one child.
enrico passed away.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi in L'Italia - ‎Sep 22 1905

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... colpito al cuore cadde estinto, l'ingegnere Vinci ferito ad una spalla venne arrestato. I N LADRO CHE MORDE. PAVIA, 1 Nel vicino paese di Visigulfo, un giovane malfattore, certo Enrico Volpi, entr? di nottetempo nel negozio del pizzicagnolo Sara rubando tutto quanto gli capit? alla portata della sua mano. Uscito a deporre la refurtiva in sua casa, ritorn? ancora nella bottega ..."
Publication place: San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Record image of Enrico P Volpi

Enrico P Volpi, Circa 1886 - 1951

New York State Death Index, 1880-1956
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Enrico P Volpi was born circa 1886.
Enrico passed away on month day 1951, at age 65 in death place, New York.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, Circa 1893 - 1967

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Enrico Volpi was born circa 1893.
Enrico passed away in month 1967, at age 74 in death place.
Record image of Enrico P Volpi

Enrico P Volpi, died 1951

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Personal Info
Enrico P Volpi lived in address, New Jersey.
Enrico passed away in month 1951, in death place, New Jersey.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born Circa 1894

1940 United States Federal Census
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Enrico Volpi was born circa 1894, in Italy.
Personal Info
Enrico lived in 1935, in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island.
He lived in 1940, in Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born Circa 1891

1950 United States Federal Census
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Enrico Volpi was born circa 1891, in Italy.
Personal Info
Enrico lived on April 1 1950, in Cranston, Providence, Rhode Island, United States.
Record image of Enrico P Volpi

Enrico P Volpi, 1886 - 1951

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Enrico P Volpi was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Enrico passed away on month day 1951, at age 65.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born 1921

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Leo Ugo Volpi was born on month day 1921, in birth place, New Jersey.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born 1866

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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John Volpi was born on month day 1866, in birth place.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, 1892 - 1986

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Enrico Volpi was born on July 2 1892.
Personal Info
Enrico lived in Cranston, Rhode Island 02910, USA.
Enrico passed away in February 1986, at age 93.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born 1923

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Enrico Volpi was born on month day 1923, in birth place.
Enrico had 6 siblings: Pietro Volpi, Giovanni Volpi and 4 other siblings.
Enrico passed away in death place.
Enrico Giovanni Volpi was born on month day 1911, in birth place.
Enrico had 2 siblings: Vincenzo Primo Volpi and one other sibling.
Enrico passed away in death place.
Enrico Gastone Arturo Volpi was born on month day 1884, in birth place.
Enrico had 5 siblings: Savonarola Volpi, Domenica Volpi and 3 other siblings.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born 1831

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Enrico Volpi was born in 1831, in birth place.
Enrico married Arduina Volpi (born Cerati).
Arduina was born in 1843.
They had one son: Filiberto Volpi.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born Circa 1886

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Enrico Volpi was born circa 1886.
Personal Info
Enrico lived in address.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born Circa 1870

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Enrico Volpi was born circa 1870.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born Circa 1886

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Enrico Volpi was born circa 1886.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi, born Circa 1887

New York Castle Garden Immigrants
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Emilia Volpi was born circa 1887, in birth place.
Emilia married Enrico Volpi.
Personal Info
Emilia lived in address.
She lived in address, New York.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Enrico Volpi
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Enrico Volpi
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Enrico Volpi
Record image of Enrico Volpi

Enrico Volpi

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Enrico Volpi
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