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Emma SCHAFT (born Trapp) was born on month day 1893, in birth place, Michigan.
Emma had 8 siblings: Ernestine Louise Mieseler (born Trapp), William Frederich Trapp and 6 other siblings.
Emma married William Friedrich SATSCHEWSKI on month day 1914, at age 21 in marriage place, Michigan.
William was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Violet Ernestine RUTH (born SCHAFT) and one other child.
Personal Info
Emma lived in address.
She lived in 1900, in address, Michigan.
She lived in 4 more places.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Emma passed away on month day 1979, at age 85 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Emma SCHAFT (born Trapp)
Emma Schaft in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Emma Schaft was born on April 19 1893.
Emma lived in 48024, USA.
Emma passed away in January 1979, at age 85.
Emma Trapp in 1910 United States Federal Census
Emma Trapp was born circa 1894, in birth place, Michigan.
Emma had 3 brothers: Herman M Trapp and 2 other siblings.
Emma lived in 1910, in address, Michigan.
Emma Schaft in 1940 United States Federal Census
Emma Schaft was born circa 1894, in Michigan, USA.
Emma married William Schaft.
William was born circa 1893, in Michigan, USA.
They had one daughter: Violet Ruth.
Emma lived in 1935, in Same House - 4667 28 Street, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 4667 28 Street, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA.
Emma Trapp (born Casper) was born on month day 1862, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma married Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Trapp on month day 1880, at age 18 in marriage place, Illinois.
Johann was born on month day 1849, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Theressa A. Keim (born Trapp) and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1880, in address, Illinois.
She lived in 1885, in address, Nebraska.
She lived in 3 more places.
Emma passed away on month day 1920, at age 58 in death place, Nebraska.
She was buried in burial place, Nebraska.
Emma Trapp (born Brede) was born on month day 1892, in birth place, Minnesota.
Emma had 8 siblings: Avalt F Brede, Fred W Brede and 6 other siblings.
Emma married Albert Theodore Trapp on month day 1914, at age 22.
Albert was born on month day 1886, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 3 daughters: Velna Adeline Ernistine Trapp and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1905, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 1920, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 2 more places.
Emma passed away in month 1986, at age 94 in death place, Minnesota.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Emma Trapp (born Brede)
Emma Trapp in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Emma Trapp was born on March 18 1892.
Emma lived in Hector, Minnesota 55342, USA.
Emma passed away in April 1986, at age 94.
Emma A B Trapp in 1920 United States Federal Census
Emma A B Trapp was born circa 1893, in birth place, Minnesota.
Emma married Albert Trapp.
Albert was born circa 1887, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 2 daughters: Velna A Trapp and one other child.
Emma lived in 1920, in address, Minnesota.
Emma Trapp in 1950 United States Federal Census
Emma Trapp was born circa 1892, in Minnesota, United States.
Emma married Albert T Trapp.
Albert was born circa 1886, in Minnesota, United States.
Emma lived in Begumming Block Eight on First Street.
She lived on April 1 1950, in Begumming Block Eight on First Street, Hector, Renville, Minnesota, United States.
Emma Trapp in 1940 United States Federal Census
Emma Trapp was born circa 1892, in Minnesota, USA.
Emma married Albert Trapp.
Albert was born in Minnesota, USA.
They had one daughter: Ardye Trapp.
Emma lived in 1935, in R, Brown, Minnesota.
She lived in 1940, in Hector Village, Hector Twp, Renville, Minnesota, USA.
EMMA CAROLINE SEINIGER (born TRAPP) was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
EMMA had 5 siblings: Gustav Trapp, Bertha Candrian (born TRAPP) and 3 other siblings.
EMMA married HENRY JOHN SEINIGER on month day 1897, at age 23 in marriage place.
HENRY was born on month day 1872, in birth place, Illinois.
They had 2 children: NN SEINIGER and one other child.
EMMA passed away on month day 1950, at age 76 in death place, Illinois.
Emma Seiniger in 1900 United States Federal Census
Emma Seiniger was born in month 1873, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma married Henry Seiniger circa 1897, at age 23.
Henry was born in month 1872, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma lived in 1900, in address, Illinois.
Emma Seiniger in 1940 United States Federal Census
Emma Seiniger was born circa 1873, in Illinois, USA.
Emma married Henry Seiniger.
Henry was born circa 1872, in Illinois, USA.
Emma lived in 1935, in Same House - 1248 West 72nd Place, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 1248 West 72nd Place, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA.
Emma Seiniger in 1920 United States Federal Census
Emma Seiniger was born circa 1874, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma married Henry Seiniger.
Henry was born circa 1873, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma lived in 1920, in address, Illinois.
Emma Seiniger in 1930 United States Federal Census
Emma Seiniger was born circa 1873, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma married Henry J Seiniger.
Henry was born circa 1872, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma lived in 1930, in address, Illinois.
Emma Gisela Charlotta Trapp (born Henckel) was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Emma had 3 siblings: Siri Ida Elisabeth Håkansson (born Henckel) and 2 other siblings.
Emma married Carl Oscar Ferdinand Trapp.
Carl was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
Emma passed away on month day 1958, at age 85 in death place.
Documents of Emma Gisela Charlotta Trapp (born Henckel)
Emmy Gisela Charlotta Henckel in Sweden Household Examination Books
Emmy Gisela Charlotta Henckel was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Emmy married Oscar Ferdinand Tropp on month day 1902, at age 29.
Oscar was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
They had one son: Karl Ivar Ferdinand Oscar.
Emmy lived in between 1907 and 1915, in address.
Gisela Trapp in Famous People Throughout History
Gisela Trapp was born on April 18 1873.
Her occupations were Painter, Illustrator and Drawer.
Gisela passed away on May 2 1958, at age 85.
Emma Trapp in 1940 United States Federal Census
Emma Trapp was born circa 1874, in Mississippi, USA.
Emma married Oscar T Trapp.
Oscar was born circa 1874, in Mississippi, USA.
Emma lived in 1935, in Same Place - 440 East Side Robins Street, Tupelo, Beat : 3r5t6 : T9s, Lee, Mississippi, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 440 East Side Robins Street, Tupelo, Beat : 3r5t6 : T9s, Lee, Mississippi, USA.
Emma Trapp in 1910 United States Federal Census
Emma Trapp was born circa 1874, in birth place, Mississippi.
Emma married Oscar T Trapp.
Oscar was born circa 1874, in birth place, Mississippi.
They had 6 children: Herman Trapp, Regenia Trapp and 4 other children.
Emma lived in 1910, in address, Mississippi.
Emma Müller (born Trapp) was born on month day 1878, in birth place.
Emma was baptized on month day 1878, in baptism place.
Emma had one sister: Katharina Feyel (born Trapp).
Emma married Jacob Müller on month day 1897, at age 18 in marriage place.
Jacob was born on month day 1869, in birth place.
They had 2 sons: Emil Jakob Müller and one other child.
Emma passed away on month day 1942, at age 64 in death place.
Emma Seefeldt/Seefeld (born Trapp) was born on month day 1882, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Emma married Albert Friedrich August Seefeldt/Seefeld on month day 1901, at age 19 in marriage place, Wisconsin.
Albert was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Viola Seefeldt/Seefeld, Edgar Robert Seefeldt/Seefeld and 3 other children.
Emma passed away on month day 1958, at age 76 in death place, Wisconsin.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Documents of Emma Seefeldt/Seefeld (born Trapp)
Emma Trapp in Wisconsin, Marriage Index, 1808-1907
Emma Trapp married Albert Seefeldt on month day 1901, in marriage place, Wisconsin.
Emily Mila Trapp in Australia Death Notices, 1860-2019
Emily Mila Trapp was born circa 1883.
Emily passed away on May 16 1958, at age 75.
Emma Adeline Janz (born Trapp) was born on month day 1896, in birth place, North Dakota.
Emma married Albert August Janz on month day 1915, at age 18.
Albert was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Werner Herbert Janz and 2 other children.
Emma passed away on month day 1983, at age 86 in death place, North Dakota.
Documents of Emma Adeline Janz (born Trapp)
Emma Adeline Janz (born Trapp) in Grand Forks Daily Herald - Dec 9 1915

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... Swear and Garfield Sannes were married at Towner. They reside six miles northeast of Bantry. Ralph Muell-ir of Fair.lale and Miss Emma Feierabend were married at the bride's home in Grey Eagle, Minn. Albert Janz of Lucca and Miss Emma Trapp of Fingal, N. D., were married in Fargo. Mr. and Mrs. Jans! will make their home on the groom's farm near Lucca. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the ..."
Publication place: Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA
Emma Janz in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Emma Janz was born on September 28 1896.
Emma lived in Fingal, North Dakota 58031, USA.
Emma passed away in October 1983, at age 87.
Emma Siebert (born Trapp) was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
Emma married Albert Siebert.
Albert was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Paula Siebert and one other child.
Emma passed away on month day 1965, at age 76 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Emma Siebert (born Trapp)
Emma Siebert in BillionGraves
Emma Siebert was born on May 9 1889.
Emma passed away on July 20 1965, at age 76.
She was buried in Cemitério 13 De Maio Baixo - Massaranduba, Massaranduba, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Emma Ferry (born Trapp) was born on month day 1870, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Emma had 9 siblings: Hulda Koch (born Trapp), Emil Trapp and 7 other siblings.
Emma married Edward Ferry on month day 1890, at age 19.
Edward was born in 1870.
They had 4 children: Percy Clifford Ferry and 3 other children.
Emma passed away in month 1906, at age 36 in death place, South Dakota.
Documents of Emma Ferry (born Trapp)
Emma Ferry in 1901 Canada Census
Emma Ferry was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
Emma married Edward Ferry.
Edward was born on month day 1869, in birth place.
They had 2 sons: Percy Ferry and one other child.
Emma lived on month day 1901, in address.
Emma Trapp in 1880 United States Federal Census
Emma Trapp was born circa 1870, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Emma had 7 siblings: William Trapp, Hulda Trapp and 5 other siblings.
Emma lived in 1880, in address, Wisconsin.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Emma April (born Trapp) was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
Emma had 8 siblings: Karl Trapp, Elisabeth Mehrer (born Trapp) and 6 other siblings.
Emma married Valentin Aprill.
Valentin was born on month day 2007.
They had 3 children: Brigitte Knoll (born April) and 2 other children.
Emma passed away on month day 1984, at age 75 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
EMMA EMÍLIA Duncke (born KRIGER TRAPP) was born on month day 1902, in birth place.
EMMA had 10 siblings: Iola Marta Trapp and 9 other siblings.
ERNESTO was born in 1891, in birth place.
They had 3 children.
EMMA passed away on month day 1985, at age 82 in death place.
Emma, Ida Trapp (born Sommer) was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
Emma had 9 siblings: Auguste Klara Sternagel (born Sommer), Klara Emma Zipper (born Sommer) and 7 other siblings.
Emma married Siegmund Trapp.
Emma passed away on month day 1961, at age 86 in death place.
Emma Trapp (born Tesche) was born on month day 1874.
Emma had 9 siblings: Karl Tesche, Henrique Tesche and 7 other siblings.
Emma married Carlos Frederico Trapp.
Carlos was born on month day 1872, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Willy Fredolino Trapp and one other child.
Emma then married Mr. Lutke.
Emma passed away of cause of death on month day 1957, at age 83 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Emma Augusta Johanna Trapp (born Pett) was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
Emma married Henry A. Trapp on month day 1891, at age 20.
Henry was born on month day 1864, in birth place.
Emma passed away on month day 1957, at age 86 in death place.
She was buried in burial place, North Dakota.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp in Portsmouth Daily Times - ‎June 11 1996

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... wife, Nellie Jones Trapp, in April 1991, he is survived by two sons, Arnold Trapp of Columbus and Thomas Trapp Jr. of Wadsworth; a brother, Lewis Trapp; a sister, Emma Trapp of Oak Hill; six grandchildren; and seven He also was preceded in death by six brothers and two sisters. Services will be held at ll Wednesday at Kuhner- Lewis Funeral ..."
Publication place: Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, United States
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp in The Pittsburgh Press - ‎June 1 1914

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... missing daughter of Dr. W. A. Winters, of New Ostle, Ind., has been held in the detention home here since Saturday. An old woman, who says she ls Mrs. Emma Trapp, of Des Molnes, la., and the giri were found ln a homo here Friday by a newspaper man, who- Informed the police. Dr. Winters waa a description by telephone. He ..."
Publication place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States
Emma Trapp (born Casper) was born on month day 1862, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma married Frederick Trapp.
Frederick was born on month day 1849, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Theressa A. Keim (born Trapp) and one other child.
Emma passed away on month day 1920, at age 58.
She was buried in burial place, Nebraska.
Emma, Therese Trapp was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
Emma had 4 sisters: Johanne Trapp and 3 other siblings.
Emma married Ferdinand, Adolf Krause.
Ferdinand was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Erwin Adolf Krause and 3 other children.
Emma passed away on month day 1961, at age 79 in death place.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, 1893 - 1979

Geni World Family Tree
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Emma Trapp was born on month day 1893, in birth place, Michigan.
Emma had 8 siblings: August Trapp, Johann Trapp and 6 other siblings.
Emma married William, Frederick Schaft.
William was born on month day 1893, in birth place, Michigan.
They had 2 children: Violet Ernestine Ruth Schaft and one other child.
Emma passed away on month day 1979, at age 85 in death place, Michigan.
She was buried in burial place.
Emma, Henrietta Conner (born Trapp) was born on month day 1874, in birth place, Ohio.
Emma had 3 brothers: Adolph Trapp and 2 other siblings.
Emma married Frank Conner on month day 1897, at age 23 in marriage place, Ohio.
Frank was born on month day 1871, in birth place, Ohio.
They had 2 children: Frank W Conner and one other child.
Emma passed away on month day 1950, at age 76 in death place, Ohio.
Emma Trapp (born Cawein) was born on month day 1887, in birth place.
Emma married Konard Trapp.
Emma passed away on month day 1957, at age 70 in death place.
Emma Trapp (born Matthes) was born circa 1863, in birth place.
Emma married Wilhelm Trapp.
Emma passed away on month day 1891, at age 28 in death place.
Emma Katharina Trapp was born circa 1903, in birth place.
Emma passed away on month day 1903, at age less than one in death place.
Emma Trapp was born circa 1860, in birth place.
Emma passed away on month day 1885, at age 25 in death place.
Record image of Emma Trapp (born Freund)

Emma Trapp (born Freund), Circa 1885 - 1905

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Emma Trapp (born Freund) was born circa 1885, in birth place.
Emma married Wilhelm Trapp.
Emma passed away on month day 1905, at age 20 in death place.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, Circa 1895 - 1895

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1895, in birth place.
Emma passed away on month day 1895, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Emma (born Trapp)

Emma (born Trapp), Circa 1910 - 1910

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Ida Sender was born circa 1910, in birth place.
Ida passed away on month day 1910, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Emma (born Trapp)

Emma (born Trapp), Circa 1890 - 1915

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Johann Wehner was born circa 1890, in birth place.
Johann married Emma.
Johann passed away on month day 1915, at age 25 in death place.
Emma Ana Trapp (born Dröser) was born on July 28 1920.
Emma married Alfredo Trapp.
Emma passed away on March 24 1982, at age 61.
She was buried in Cemitério Itoupava Rega l - Blumenau, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Emma Trapp (born Erickson) was born on November 24 1882.
Emma passed away on March 19 1973, at age 90.
She was buried in Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park, Millcreek, Utah, United States.
Emma Ruth Trapp was born on July 17 1895.
Emma passed away on August 10 1977, at age 82.
She was buried in St John's Lutheran, Phoenix, Maryland, United States.
Emma Francis Trapp was born on March 29 1874.
Emma passed away on May 24 1941, at age 67.
She was buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Tupelo, Mississippi, United States.
Record image of Emma E Trapp

Emma E Trapp, 1934 - 2003

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Emma E Trapp was born on month day 1934.
Personal Info
Emma lived in address, New Jersey.
Emma passed away on month day 2003, at age 69 in death place, New Jersey.
Record image of Emma Marie Sophie Trapp

Emma Marie Sophie Trapp, Circa 1859 - 1873

Germany, Prussia, Brandenburg and Posen, Church Book Duplicates, 1794-1874
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Emma Marie Sophie Trapp was born circa 1859.
Emma passed away on month day 1873, at age 14 in death place.
Record image of Emma Marie Sophie Trapp

Emma Marie Sophie Trapp

Germany, Prussia, Brandenburg and Posen, Church Book Duplicates, 1794-1874
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Emma Marie Sophie Trapp was baptized on month day 1858, in baptism place.
Record image of Emma Alvine Trapp

Emma Alvine Trapp

Germany, Prussia, Brandenburg and Posen, Church Book Duplicates, 1794-1874
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Emma Alvine Trapp was baptized on month day 1868, in baptism place.
Record image of Emma M Trapp

Emma M Trapp, Circa 1876 - 1939

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Emma M Trapp was born circa 1876.
Emma passed away in month 1939, at age 63 in death place.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, Circa 1831 - 1908

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1831.
Emma passed away in month 1908, at age 77 in death place.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, Circa 1855 - 1914

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1855.
Emma passed away in month 1914, at age 59 in death place.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, Circa 1869 - 1870

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1869.
Emma passed away in month 1870, at age one in death place.
Martha Emma Trapp (born Anderson) was born on month day 1881, in birth place, Tennessee.
Martha had 9 siblings: Eva Lena Judkins (born Anderson), Mary Josie Page (born Anderson) and 7 other siblings.
Martha married John Jefferson Trapp on month day 1900, at age 18 in marriage place, Tennessee.
John was born on month day 1873, in birth place, Tennessee.
They had 5 children: Clarence Roy Trapp, Bettie Mai Jones (born Trapp) and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Martha lived in 1900, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 1910, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 1920, in address, Tennessee.
Martha passed away on month day 1922, at age 41 in death place, Tennessee.
Emma Trapp (born Casper) was born on month day 1862, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma had 9 siblings: Jacob Herman Casper, Antje G Lucht (born Casper) and 7 other siblings.
Emma married Fred Trapp on month day 1880, at age 18 in marriage place, Illinois.
Fred was born on month day 1849, in birth place.
They had 10 children: John Fred Trapp, George Trapp and 8 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1880, in address, Illinois.
She lived in 1885, in address, Nebraska.
She lived in 3 more places.
Emma passed away on month day 1920, at age 58 in death place, Nebraska.
She was buried in burial place, Nebraska.
Emma Eleanora Trapp (born Becker Trapp) was born on month day 1900, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Emma had 11 siblings: Albert Edward Becker, Augusta Wilhelminia Fiedler (born Becker Fiedler) and 9 other siblings.
Emma married Edward John Trapp on month day 1927, at age 26 in marriage place, Pennsylvania.
Edward was born on month day 1896, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 6 children: Eleanor M. Trapp, Robert Edward Trapp and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1910, in address, Pennsylvania.
She lived in 1920, in address, Pennsylvania.
She lived in 5 more places.
Emma passed away on month day 1966, at age 65 in death place, Pennsylvania.
She was buried in burial place.
Emma Bilek (born Trapp) was born on month day 1888, in birth place, Illinois.
Emma had 9 siblings: Edward H. Trapp, Paul A. Trapp and 7 other siblings.
Emma married James J. Bilek on month day 1909, at age 21 in marriage place, Illinois.
James was born on month day 1884, in birth place, Illinois.
They had 7 children: Edward Bilek, James Bilek and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in address.
She lived in 1900, in address, Illinois.
She lived in 3 more places.
Emma passed away on month day 1923, at age 35 in death place, Illinois.
Emma TRAPP was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
Emma had 8 siblings: John TRAPP, August TRAPP and 6 other siblings.
Emma married William Frederick SCHAFT in 1914, at age 20.
William was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Evelynn SCHAFT and one other child.
Personal Info
Emma lived on month day 1930, in address.
Emma passed away on month day 1979, at age 85 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Emma M. TRAPP was born on month day 1887, in birth place.
Emma married Julius Valentine NEUTZLING on month day 1907, at age 19 in marriage place.
Julius was born on month day 1885, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 4 children: Roland William NEUTZLING and 3 other children.
Emma passed away on month day 1979, at age 91 in death place.
Emma TRAPP was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
Emma married Thâeodore Jacques Alfred SCHLUMBERGER on month day 1867, at age 20 in marriage place.
Thâeodore was born on month day 1840, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Hélène SCHLUMBERGER and 2 other children.
Emma passed away on month day 1888, at age 41 in death place.
Emma TRAPP was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
Emma married Théodore Jacques Alfred SCHLUMBERGER on month day 1867, at age 20 in marriage place.
Théodore was born on month day 1840, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Paul Albert Edouard SCHLUMBERGER and 2 other children.
Emma passed away on month day 1888, at age 41 in death place.
Record image of Emma Katarina Trapp

Emma Katarina Trapp, born 1867

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Emma Katarina Trapp was born on month day 1867, in birth place.
Emma married Karl Johan Gustafsson on month day 1907, at age 40.
Karl was born on month day 1860, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Augusta Cecilia and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in between 1906 and 1914, in address.
Record image of Emma Katarina Trapp

Emma Katarina Trapp, born 1867

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Emma Katarina Trapp was born on month day 1867, in birth place.
Emma married Karl Johan Gustafsson on month day 1907, at age 40.
Karl was born on month day 1860, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Mia Kristina Karlsson and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in between 1910 and 1914, in address.
Record image of Emma Katarina Trapp

Emma Katarina Trapp, born 1867

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Emma Katarina Trapp was born on month day 1867, in birth place.
Emma married Anders Hallqvist on month day 1907, at age 40.
Anders was born on month day 1868, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Alma Naimi.
Personal Info
Emma lived in between 1915 and 1919, in address.
Record image of Emma Katarina Trapp

Emma Katarina Trapp, born 1867

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Emma Katarina Trapp was born on month day 1867, in birth place.
Emma had 2 sons: Karl Herman and one other child.
Personal Info
Emma lived in between 1905 and 1909, in address.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born Circa 1841

1851 England & Wales Census
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1841, in birth place.
Emma had 3 siblings: Mary Trapp and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born 1887

Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Emma Trapp was born on month day 1887.
Personal Info
Emma lived in address.
Record image of Emma Lina Trapp

Emma Lina Trapp, born 1895

Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Emma Lina Trapp was born on month day 1895.
Personal Info
Emma lived in address.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born 1876

Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Emma Trapp was born on month day 1876.
Personal Info
Emma lived in address.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born 1896

Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Anna Martha Pflüger was born on month day 1896.
Personal Info
Anna lived in address.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born Circa 1910

1940 United States Federal Census
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1910, in Ohio, USA, to Thomas Trapp and Mary Ellen Trapp.
Emma had 5 siblings: Lewis Trapp, William Trapp, Leo Trapp, Rosemary Trapp and Ernest Trapp.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1935, in Same House - R # 1 Wheelersburg, Hope, Bloom Twp, Scioto, Ohio, USA.
She lived in 1940, in R # 1 Wheelersburg, Hope, Bloom Twp, Scioto, Ohio, USA.
Record image of Emma Dicie Trapp

Emma Dicie Trapp, born Circa 1926

1940 United States Federal Census
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Emma Dicie Trapp was born circa 1926, in Oklahoma, USA, to Clarence F Trapp and Nina Lee Trapp.
Emma had 5 siblings: Ruby Jo Trapp, Ollie Frances Trapp, Garland Glenn Trapp, Billy Ruth Trapp and Mary Helen Trapp.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1935, in Denton, Denton, Texas.
She lived in 1940, in 1001 East Leonard Treet, Precinct 1 Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, USA.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born Circa 1886

1940 United States Federal Census
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1886, in Georgia, USA.
Emma married Seymour H Trapp.
Seymour was born circa 1883, in Georgia, USA.
They had 6 children: Thomas Trapp, Nina Trapp, Ruby Trapp, Henry F Trapp, Nellie M Trapp and Mary J Trapp.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1935, in Same House - River Road, North Carolina M D 855, Floyd, Georgia, USA.
She lived in 1940, in River Road, North Carolina M D 855, Floyd, Georgia, USA.
Record image of Emma R Trapp

Emma R Trapp, born Circa 1897

1940 United States Federal Census
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Emma R Trapp was born circa 1897, in Pennsylvania, USA.
Emma married Edward J Trapp.
Edward was born circa 1890, in Pennsylvania, USA.
They had 10 children: Fredrick J Trapp, Althea M Trapp, Dorothea V Trapp, Kenneth C Trapp, Jean R Trapp, Clifford J Trapp, Edwin J Trapp, Arabella K Trapp, Richard J Trapp and Joan N Trapp.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1935, in Same Place - Salisbury Township, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, USA.
She lived in 1940, in Salisbury Township, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born Circa 1853

1881 England & Wales Census
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1853, in birth place.
Emma married William Trapp.
William was born circa 1840, in birth place.
They had 4 children: William Trapp and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born Circa 1829

1881 England & Wales Census
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1829, in birth place.
Emma had one son: Edward Trapp.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Emma Trapp

Emma Trapp, born Circa 1869

1881 England & Wales Census
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Emma Trapp was born circa 1869, in birth place.
Personal Info
Emma lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
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