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Elliott Atwood was born on month day 1908, in birth place, Washington.
Elliott had 6 siblings: Henry Richard Atwood, Ruth Vicoria Atwood and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1910, in address, Washington.
He lived in 1930, in address, Washington.
Elliott passed away on month day 1993, at age 84 in death place, Washington.
Documents of Elliott Atwood
Elliott Atwood in The Spokesman-Review - Mar 23 1993

Washington Newspapers, 1855-2009

"... sisler. Louise Smith, and onc brother, Ralph Mark, both of Irma, Alberta, and several nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions may bc made to lhc Diabetes Inland Empire Association. Spokane Graveside service for Elliott "Babe" Atwood was held nt 2 Monday at Spokane Memorial Gardens. Mr. Atwood, 84, died Thursday. Hc bom tn Wasil. Mr. Alwood served in England with lbc Army Atr Corps during World ..."
Publication place: Spokane, Spokane County, WA, USA
Elliott Atwood in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Elliott Atwood was born on July 28 1908.
Elliott lived in Spokane, Washington 99205, USA.
Elliott passed away on March 18 1993, at age 84.
Elliott McIntoch Atwood was born on month day 1884, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliott had 7 siblings: Louise McIntosh Hudson (born Atwood), Henry Grantland Atwood and 5 other siblings.
Elliott married Mattie Cornell Atwood (born Perrin) on month day 1917, at age 33 in marriage place, Georgia.
Mattie was born on month day 1885, in birth place, Iowa.
They had one daughter: Adeline Cornell Hubbard (born Atwood).
Elliott passed away in 1942, at age 57 in death place, Georgia.
He was buried in burial place, Georgia.
Documents of Elliott McIntoch Atwood
Elliott McIntosh Atwood in BillionGraves
Elliott McIntosh Atwood was born on February 8 1884.
Elliott passed away on February 15 1942, at age 58.
He was buried in Atwood Cemetery, Valona, Georgia, United States.
Elliott Edward Atwood was born on month day 1902, in birth place, Virginia.
Elliott had one brother: William Hartley Atwood.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1910, in address, Virginia.
He lived in 1910, in address, Virginia.
He lived in 2 more places.
Elliott passed away on month day 1986, at age 83 in death place, Virginia.
Documents of Elliott Edward Atwood
Elliott Atwood in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Elliott Atwood was born on December 31 1902.
Elliott lived in Norfolk, Virginia 23502, USA.
Elliott passed away in July 1986, at age 83.
Elliott Raines Atwood, Jr was born on month day 1922, in birth place, Florida.
Elliott married Ann Virginia Atwood (born Kinard) in marriage place, Florida.
Ann was born on month day 1927, in birth place, Florida.
They had one son: Elliott R Atwood.
Elliott passed away on month day 1977, at age 54.
Documents of Elliott Raines Atwood
Elliott Atwood in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Elliott Atwood was born on November 17 1922.
Elliott lived in USA.
Elliott passed away in September 1977, at age 54.
Elliott Ray Jr Atwood in
Elliott Ray Jr Atwood was born on month day 1922.
Elliott passed away on month day 1977, at age 54.
He was buried in burial place, Missouri.
Elliott D Atwood was born in 1851, in birth place, Vermont.
Elliott had 6 siblings: Hale Mark Atwood, Julia Emeline Patterson (born Atwood) and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1860, in address, Vermont.
He lived in 1880, in address, Massachusetts.
Elliott passed away on month day 1894, at age 43.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Elliott D Atwood
Elliott D Atwood in Orleans County Monitor - Dec 24 1894

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... friends. Prouty & Miller lost a valuable horse from lock-jaw caused by having a nail run into its knee. Mrs. F. J. Campbell was called to St. Johnsbury Dec. 15, to attend the funeral of her brother,Elliott Atwood. Rev. E.A George is in Brooklyn and New York. Rev. Mr. Ward of St. Johnsbury supplied the desk the 16th. Josiah Cobb and Harry Cowles came from Morrisville, and assisted in the music ..."
Publication place: Barton, Orleans, Vermont, USA
Elliot D Atwood in 1860 United States Federal Census
Elliot D Atwood was born circa 1851, in birth place, Vermont.
Elliot had 3 siblings: Julia E Atwood and 2 other siblings.
Elliot lived in 1860, in address, Vermont.
Elliott R Atwood, III was born on month day 1951.
Elliott passed away on month day 1951, at age less than one in death place, Florida.
Documents of Elliott R Atwood
Elliott R Atwood in BillionGraves
Elliott R Atwood was born on October 22 1951.
Elliott passed away on October 23 1951, at age less than one.
He was buried in Lutz Cemetery, Lutz, Florida, United States.
Elliott George Atwood was born on month day 1911, in birth place.
Elliott had 7 siblings: Lillian Elizabeth Newell (born Atwood), Annie Reta Atwood and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived on month day 1921, in address.
Elliott passed away on month day 2002, at age 90 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Elliott (Eliot) Newell Atwood was born on month day 1839, in birth place, Massachusetts.
Elliott had 2 brothers: Perez W. Atwood and one other sibling.
Elliott passed away on month day 1856, at age 17 in death place, Massachusetts.
He was buried in burial place, Massachusetts.
Elliott Atwood was born in 1909, in birth place, Washington.
Elliott had 6 siblings: James Edwin Atwood, Ruth Vicoria Atwood and 4 other siblings.
Elliott passed away in 1993, at age 84.
Elliott M. Atwood was born in 1885, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliott married Mattie C. Atwood (born Perrim (n)) in 1907, at age 22 in marriage place, Georgia.
Mattie was born in 1886, in birth place, South Dakota.
They had one child.
Elliott passed away.
Documents of Elliott M. Atwood
Elliot M Atwood in 1910 United States Federal Census
Elliot M Atwood was born circa 1885, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliot married Mattie C Atwood.
Mattie was born circa 1886, in birth place, South Dakota.
They had one daughter: Adeline C Atwood.
Elliot lived in 1910, in address, Georgia.
Elliot M Atwood in 1920 United States Federal Census
Elliot M Atwood was born circa 1885, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliot had one brother: Henry G Atwood.
Elliot married Mattie C Atwood.
Mattie was born circa 1886, in birth place, Iowa.
They had one daughter: Addie C Atwood.
Elliot lived in 1920, in address, Georgia.
Record image of Elliott McIntosh Atwood

Elliott McIntosh Atwood

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Elliott McIntosh Atwood passed away.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood in Evening star - ‎July 19 1943

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... pilot, commented: "We look like we have been on a 48-hour pass.? The other survivors included Staff Sergt. Jesse P. McGee of Ironton, Mo., right waist-gunner, and Technical Sergt. Elliott Atwood of Cusiek, Wash, top turret gunner. Opposition Is Voiced To Ickes Plan to Cut Midwest Gas Ration (Earlier Story on Page A-l.) By the Associated Press. Several Midwestern members of ..."
Publication place: Washington, District Of Columbia
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood in The Wenatchee daily world. - ‎Dec 20 1910

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... OF AMERICA? Howardl Camp No. 3973. meets every X 3 and C ?h!rd Thursday mwmfml * the month at Sprague hall. Visiting members eordlahy invited. Anna V. May. Recorder; Elite Atwood. Oracle TEMPEST REBEKAH LODGE NO. 114 meets in I. O. O. F. Hall the second t, ml fourth Wednesday evenings of ?ach month. Bertha Page, N G.; Margaret Dunn. V. ..."
Publication place: Wenatchee, Chelan, Washington
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood in The Wenatchee daily world. - ‎Nov 19 1910

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Adit. ROYAI, NEIGHBORS OF Howard fimp No39"?. meets e ery "rat S? ilUfd Thursday evening in the month at Sprague ha.ll. VWttel members cordiahy Invited. Anna W. May. Recorder; Elite Atwood. Oracle TEMPEST REBEKAH LODGE NO. 114 m-ets in I. O. O. F. Hall th* second nn,l fourth Wednesday evenings or each month. Catherine Holcomb. M. (J.: Bertha Page. V. G.: ..."
Publication place: Wenatchee, Chelan, Washington
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood in The Boston Globe - ‎Nov 16 1891

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... convention. Chair inan Pearson favors having the caucuses evening and the convention Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Litchfield and their daughters. Deacon Daniel Atwood and his son. Elliott Atwood, with their families and Mis Eliza C. Fisher of are to reside in Palatka, Fla., this w inter. Members of the Lowell Camera Club are to decide. Tuesday even ng. ..."
Publication place: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States
Elliott Atwood was born on month day 1908, in birth place, Washington.
Elliott had 7 siblings: Ruth Victoria Atwood, John Thomas Atwood and 5 other siblings.
Elliott married Edith Louise Atwood (born Milliken) on month day 1933, at age 24 in marriage place, Washington.
Edith was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Washington.
They had 3 sons: Richard Dale Atwood and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1910, in address, Washington.
He lived in 1920, in address, Washington.
He lived in 3 more places.
Elliott passed away on month day 1993, at age 84 in death place, Washington.
Elliott McIntosh Atwood was born on month day 1884, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliott had 6 siblings: Louise McIntosh Atwood, Henry Grantland Atwood and 4 other siblings.
Elliott married Mattie Cornell Atwood (born Perrin) on month day 1907, at age 23 in marriage place, Georgia.
Mattie was born on month day 1885, in birth place, Georgia.
They had one daughter: Adeline Cornell Hubbard (born Atwood).
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1900, in address, Georgia.
He lived in 1910, in address, Georgia.
He lived in 2 more places.
Elliott passed away on month day 1942, at age 58 in death place, Georgia.
He was buried in burial place, Georgia.
Elliott Edward Atwood was born on month day 1902, in birth place, Virginia.
Elliott had one brother: William Hartley Atwood.
Elliott married Nettie Lucille Atwood (born Bramble) on month day 1927, at age 24 in marriage place, Virginia.
Nettie was born on month day 1908, in birth place, Virginia.
They had one daughter: Velma L Atwood.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1910, in address, Virginia.
He lived in 1920, in address, Virginia.
Elliott passed away on month day 1986, at age 83 in death place, Virginia.
Elliott George Atwood was born on month day 1911, in birth place.
Elliott had 7 siblings: Edna Maud Atwood, Bessie Beatrice Atwood and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived on month day 1921, in address.
Elliott passed away on month day 2002, at age 90 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Record image of Elliott R Atwood

Elliott R Atwood, born Circa 1923

1940 United States Federal Census
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Elliott R Atwood was born circa 1923, in Florida, USA, to Harry D Dean and Louise N Dean.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1935, in Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida.
He lived in 1940, in Livingston Road, E Precinct 45, Hillsborough, Florida, USA.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood, born Circa 1903

1940 United States Federal Census
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Elliott Atwood was born circa 1903, in Virginia, USA.
Elliott married Nettie Atwood.
Nettie was born circa 1909, in Virginia, USA.
They had 3 children: Velma Atwood, John Atwood and Robert Atwood.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1935, in Same House - 1515 Carolina, Coleman Place, Tanners Creek Mag D, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
He lived in 1940, in 1515 Carolina, Coleman Place, Tanners Creek Mag D, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
Record image of Elliott E Atwood

Elliott E Atwood, born Circa 1903

1950 United States Federal Census
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Elliott E Atwood was born circa 1903, in Virginia, United States.
Elliott married Nettie L Atwood.
Nettie was born circa 1909, in Virginia, United States.
They had 2 sons: John E Atwood and Robert L Atwood.
Personal Info
Elliott lived on April 1 1950, in Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia, United States.
Record image of Elliott R Atwood

Elliott R Atwood, born Circa 1923

1950 United States Federal Census
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Elliott R Atwood was born circa 1923, in Florida, United States.
Elliott married Ann V Atwood.
Ann was born circa 1928, in Florida, United States.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in Sunset Lane.
He lived on April 1 1950, in Sunset Lane, Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida, United States.
Record image of Elliott D Atwood

Elliott D Atwood, 1948 - 2012

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Elliott D Atwood was born on July 3 1948.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in USA.
Elliott passed away on November 10 2012, at age 64.
George, Elliott Atwood was born in 1849, in birth place, Georgia.
George had one brother: John Atwood.
George married Sophia, Lachlan Atwood (born LaRoche).
Sophia was born on month day 1851.
They had 8 children: James Lachlan Atwood, Jules Epping Atwood and 6 other children.
George passed away in 1914, at age 65.
Record image of Elliott M T Atwood

Elliott M T Atwood, born 1883

1900 United States Federal Census
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Elliott M T Atwood was born in month 1883, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliott had 6 siblings: Louise M Atwood, Henry G Atwood and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1900, in address, Georgia.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood, born 1885

1900 United States Federal Census
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Elliott Atwood was born in month 1885, in birth place, Georgia.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1900, in address, Georgia.
Record image of Elliott R Atwood

Elliott R Atwood, 1922 - 1972

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Elliott R Atwood Jr was born on month day 1922, in birth place, Florida.
Elliott passed away on month day 1972, at age 50.
Record image of Elliott R Atwood

Elliott R Atwood, born Circa 1900

1910 United States Federal Census
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Elliott R Atwood was born circa 1900, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliott had 5 siblings: George W Atwood, Elizabeth Atwood and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1910, in address, Georgia.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood, born Circa 1903

1910 United States Federal Census
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Elliott Atwood was born circa 1903, in birth place, Virginia.
Elliott had one brother: William H Atwood.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1910, in address, Virginia.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood, born Circa 1909

1910 United States Federal Census
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Elliott Atwood was born circa 1909, in birth place, Washington.
Elliott had 5 siblings: John T Atwood, Ellen J Atwood and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1910, in address, Washington.
Record image of Elliott R Atwood

Elliott R Atwood, born Circa 1900

1930 United States Federal Census
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Elliott R Atwood was born circa 1900, in birth place, Georgia.
Elliott had 5 siblings: Elizabeth B Atwood, Theodore O Atwood and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1930, in address, Georgia.
Record image of Elliott E Atwood

Elliott E Atwood, born Circa 1903

1930 United States Federal Census
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Elliott E Atwood was born circa 1903, in birth place, Virginia.
Elliott married Nettie L Atwood.
Nettie was born circa 1909, in birth place, Virginia.
They had one daughter: Velma L Atwood.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1930, in address, Virginia.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood, born Circa 1909

1930 United States Federal Census
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Elliott Atwood was born circa 1909, in birth place, Washington.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1930, in address, Washington.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood, born Circa 1856

1870 United States Federal Census
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Elliott Atwood was born circa 1856, in birth place, Connecticut.
Personal Info
Elliott lived on month day 1870, in address, Connecticut.
Record image of Elliott Atwood

Elliott Atwood, born Circa 1909

1920 United States Federal Census
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Elliott Atwood was born circa 1909, in birth place, Washington.
Elliott had 3 brothers: John Thomas Atwood and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Elliott lived in 1920, in address, Washington.
Record image of Elliott Delyle Atwood

Elliott Delyle Atwood, died 2012

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Elliott Delyle Atwood passed away on month day 2012.
He was buried in burial place, Virginia.
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