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Record image of Eddie L Lelm

Eddie L Lelm, 1912 - 1975

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Eddie L Lelm was born on month day 1912, in birth place, North Dakota.
Eddie had 12 siblings: Arthur H Lelm, Vernon Herbert Lelm and 10 other siblings.
Eddie married Katharine Lelm (born Fischer) on month day 1937, at age 25.
Katharine was born on month day 1915, in birth place, North Dakota.
They had 3 children: Eileen M Lelm and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Eddie lived in 1920, in address, North Dakota.
He lived in 1925, in address, North Dakota.
He lived in 4 more places.
Eddie passed away on month day 1975, at age 63 in death place, Illinois.
He was buried in burial place, Illinois.
Documents of Eddie L Lelm
Eddie L Lelm in The Bismarck Tribune - Jan 10 1935

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... The recruits were given a physical examination and stationed temporarily at Fort Lincoln before assignment to the state camps. The enrollment by counties includes: McLean—John Teenquist, Eddie Lelm, Edwin A. Holwagner and Charles Eglet. Dunn—Sylvester Beko. Gregory Degeie, John Lauser and Alvert Keller. Burleigh—Martin Gellner, Herbert Keller, Lyle Gagnler, Leslie Porter and Joseph Glum. Mclntosh ..."
Publication place: Bismarck, Burleigh, North Dakota, USA
Eddie Lelm in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Eddie Lelm was born on March 13 1912.
Eddie lived in Peoria, Illinois 61604, USA.
Eddie passed away in August 1975, at age 63.
Eddy Lelm in 1920 United States Federal Census
Eddy Lelm was born circa 1913, in birth place, North Dakota.
Eddy had 7 siblings: Albert Lelm, Elsia Lelm and 5 other siblings.
Eddy lived in 1920, in address, North Dakota.
Eddie L Lelm in 1930 United States Federal Census
Eddie L Lelm was born circa 1912, in birth place, North Dakota.
Eddie had 6 siblings: George G Lelm, Arthur W Lelm and 4 other siblings.
Eddie lived in 1930, in address, North Dakota.
Record image of Edward Lelm

Edward Lelm, 1912 - 1975

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Edward Lelm was born on month day 1912, in birth place, North Dakota.
Edward had 11 siblings: Albert Bernhardt Lelm, Elsie Lelm and 9 other siblings.
Edward married Katharine Lelm (born Fischer).
Katharine was born on month day 1915, in birth place, North Dakota.
Personal Info
Edward lived in 1915, in address, North Dakota.
He lived in 1920, in address, North Dakota.
He lived in 3 more places.
Edward passed away on month day 1975, at age 63 in death place, Illinois.
He was buried in burial place.
Record image of Eddie O L Lelm

Eddie O L Lelm, born Circa 1912

1950 United States Federal Census
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Eddie O L Lelm was born circa 1912, in North Dakota, United States.
Eddie married Katie Lelm.
Katie was born circa 1916, in North Dakota, United States.
They had 2 children: Gary E Lelm and Nancy K Lelm.
Personal Info
Eddie lived in Kichapvo Ave.
He lived on April 1 1950, in Kichapvo Ave, Limestone Township, Peoria, Illinois, United States.
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