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Dorothy Blaie (born Kunkler) was born on month day 1916, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy had 2 siblings: Bertha M Kunkler and one other sibling.
Dorothy married Eugene Edward Adams on month day 1943, at age 26 in marriage place, Ohio.
Eugene was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Ohio.
They had one child.
Dorothy passed away in month 1978, at age 62 in death place.
Documents of Dorothy Blaie (born Kunkler)
Dorothy Adams in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Dorothy Adams was born on June 19 1915.
Dorothy lived in Santa Ana, California 92707, USA.
Dorothy passed away in December 1978, at age 63.
Dorothy Dale Adams in California Deaths, 1940 - 1997
Dorothy Dale Adams was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1978, at age 63 in death place, California.
Dorthy D Kunkler in 1930 United States Federal Census
Dorthy D Kunkler was born circa 1916, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorthy had 2 brothers: Clarence C Kunkler and one other sibling.
Dorthy lived in 1930, in address, Ohio.
Dorothy Mary Baisey (born Kunkler) was born on month day 1928, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy married John Vernon, II Baisey on month day 1945, at age 17 in marriage place, Pennsylvania.
John was born on month day 1921, in birth place, North Carolina.
They had 2 daughters: Beulah Mary Baisey and one other child.
Dorothy then married Mr. Bartnik.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in between 1998 and 2002, in address, Arizona.
Dorothy passed away on month day 2016, at age 87 in death place, California.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Dorothy Mary Baisey (born Kunkler)
Dorothy Mary Baisey (born Kunkler) in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Apr 10 1978

Pennsylvania Newspapers, 1795-2009

"... 2-4 end 7-9 pm ei tt thomas ja. SMITH FUNERAL HOME, Center Ave, wher services will be held Tue. morning N ll o'clock VARCHETTO r y-,;; Kunkler Ver chetto. N Renkin; beloved wife pf N AArs. Dorothy Baisey. mry totte Schwenke. Charie Kurator. AArs. Dorma Burkhart; sli gr ande tul- on VINARSKY On Arntt 9, OTE Cw ot John mether N John Michael, sivier of Ann Mw aw et and Francas Romek. Friendt re- Blvd ..."
Publication place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Dorothy Kunkler was born on month day 1924, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorothy had 2 sisters: Ruth M Schoppenhorst (born Kunkler) and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1935, in address.
She lived in 1940, in address, Indiana.
She lived on month day 2010, in address.
Dorothy passed away on month day 2015, at age 90.
Documents of Dorothy Kunkler
Dorothy Mae Kunkler in Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
Dorothy Mae Kunkler was born on month day 1924.
Dorothy passed away on month day 2015, at age 90.
She was buried in burial place, Indiana.
Dorothy Kunkler in 1940 United States Federal Census
Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1925, in Indiana, USA, to Prosper Kunkler and Clotilda Kunkler.
Dorothy had 2 sisters: Mildred Kunkler and Ruth Kunkler.
Dorothy lived in 1935, in Same House - 504 Sixth Street, Huntingburg, Patoka, Dubois, Indiana, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 504 Sixth Street, Huntingburg, Patoka, Dubois, Indiana, USA.
Dorothy KUNKLER was born on month day 1913, in birth place, South Dakota.
Dorothy had 10 siblings: Veronica Eilene Konkler, Jerome Konkler and 8 other siblings.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1936, at age 22 in death place, Ohio.
Dorothy Mae Schnepper was born on month day 1928, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorothy had 7 siblings: Frances E Meyer, Gloria Jean Kunkler and 5 other siblings.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1996, at age 68 in death place, Indiana.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Dorothy Mae Schnepper
Dorothy M Kunkler in 1930 United States Federal Census
Dorothy M Kunkler was born circa 1929, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorothy had 6 siblings: Mary Kunkler, Benjamin Kunkler and 4 other siblings.
Dorothy lived in 1930, in address, Indiana.
Dorothy M Schnepper in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Dorothy M Schnepper was born on April 9 1928.
Dorothy lived in Olney, Illinois 62450, USA.
Dorothy passed away on August 3 1996, at age 68.
Dorothy Kunkler in 1940 United States Federal Census
Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1928, in Indiana, USA, to Anthony Kunkler and Minnie Kunkler.
Dorothy had 4 siblings: Victor Kunkler, Anthony Kunkler, Frances Kunkler and Gloria Kunkler.
Dorothy lived in 1935, in Same Place - 1307 Newton Street, Jasper, Bainbridge, Dubois, Indiana, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 1307 Newton Street, Jasper, Bainbridge, Dubois, Indiana, USA.
Dorothy M Kunkler was born in 1912.
Dorothy had 5 siblings: Ralph E Kunkler, Walter Thomas Konklin and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1920, in address, Ohio.
She lived in 1930, in address, Ohio.
She lived in 2 more places.
Dorothy passed away in 2001, at age 89.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler in The Pittsburgh Press - ‎Apr 25 1956

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Jie held on friday at On Sunday 22 at tha Pittsburgh Edward H of 8903 Rd husband of the lale M Heide father of Edua Eleanor Mrs McFarland Mr Dorothy Kunkler Mr Marv Hamm. Edward. and alio b' three shirra, five brothers and alx and rela are being received at Clamer Funeral Home. North Main St., Serv uer wr be held ..."
Publication place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - ‎Sep 16 1993

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
View record
"... held at Trinity Baptist Church. 3415 Ligonier St Saturday, Sept. 18. 1993 at 2 HEIDE On Tues. Sept. 14. 1993, Edna M. of sister of Vlvian McFarland, Mildred Heide, Dorothy Kunkler, Mary Hamm, Eleanor Morrow, Edward Heide, Robert Heide, Ernest Heide Sr., 'John Heide Sr and the late Ja- net Byerly; also 25 nieces r and nephews and 23 and nephews. ..."
Publication place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler in Beaver County Times - ‎Feb 7 1999

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Riemer; a son and Fred and Leigh Ann Riemer. Economy: a daughter and Ann and Lee Dixon, McDonald. Pa.; two grandsons, Casey Riemer and Michael Dixon, and a sister, Dorothy Kunkler. McKeesport. Friends will be received today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 in the JOHN SYKA FUNERAL HOME. 833 Kennedy Drive. Ambridge, where a service will be conducted ..."
Publication place: Beaver, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - ‎May 28 1963

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... en Friday. May 31, at 8 a. m. Henry J.. on Monday. Mav 27. 1963. husband of Katherlne Adams: father of Mrs. Mae Mc- Vav. Mr. Carollne Robinson. Mrs. Dorothy Kunkler and Clement Reimer; 10 grandchildren: brother STEPHEN A. 5106 Second Ave. Church pn Wednesday at Mav SST 1963.' Wllllam E husband of Helen Ainsworth rlley formerly of Peh.:, brother of ..."
Publication place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States
Dorothy Kunkler was born on September 25 1923.
Dorothy passed away on February 6 2001, at age 77.
She was buried in Grandview Cemetery, Southmont, Pennsylvania, United States.
Dorothy Kunkler was born in 1923.
Dorothy married Ralph W Kunkler.
Dorothy was buried in East Liberty Cemetery, Green, Ohio, United States.
Dorothy Dale Adams (born Kunkler) was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy had 4 siblings: Bertha M Simonton (born Kunkler) and 3 other siblings.
Dorothy married Eugene Edward Adams on month day 1943, at age 27 in marriage place, Ohio.
Eugene was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Ohio.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1920, in address, Ohio.
She lived in 1930, in address, Ohio.
She lived in 2 more places.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1978, at age 63 in death place, California.
She was buried in burial place, California.
Dorothy Lorraine Kunkler (born Heide) was born on month day 1929, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy had one brother: Edward E. Heide.
Dorothy married Richard Donald Kunkler on month day 1950, at age 20 in marriage place, Pennsylvania.
Richard was born on month day 1928, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1930, in address, Pennsylvania.
She lived in 1935, in address.
She lived in 1940, in address, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy passed away on month day 2020, at age 90.
Dorothy Mae Freeman (born Kunkler) was born on month day 1928, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorothy was baptized on month day 1928, in baptism place, Indiana.
Dorothy had 7 siblings: Mary Magdelana Gramelspacher (born Kunkler), Benjamin Mathias Kunkler and 5 other siblings.
Dorothy married Leslie Harlan Freeman.
Leslie was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Arkansas.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1930, in address, Indiana.
She lived in 1935, in address.
She lived in 1940, in address, Indiana.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1996, at age 68 in death place, Indiana.
She was buried in burial place, Indiana.
Dorothy Christina Hibbard (born Kunkler) was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy had 6 siblings: Margaret Louise Salsman (born Kunkler), Frederick Charles Rubin Kunkler and 4 other siblings.
Dorothy married William Hibbard in month 1928, at age 21 in marriage place, Pennsylvania.
William was born on month day 1902, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1910, in address, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy passed away in from 1960, at age 52 in death place, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy, K Dean (born Kunkler) was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy had 7 siblings: Margaret Louise Kunkler, Frederick Charles Rubin Kunkler and 5 other siblings.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1991, at age 84 in death place, Pennsylvania.
Dorothy, Dale Kunkler was born on month day 1915.
Dorothy married Eugene, Edward Adams.
Eugene was born on month day 1915.
They had one daughter: cheryl holthusen (born Adams).
Dorothy passed away on month day 1978, at age 63 in death place, California.
Dorothy, Dale Kunkler was born on month day 1915.
Dorothy had one brother: Lloyd Kunkler.
Dorothy married Eugene, Edward Adams.
Eugene was born on month day 1915.
They had one child.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1978, at age 63.
Dorothy Kunkler (born Temple) was born in 1822.
Dorothy married Franz, Joseph Kunkler.
Franz was born on month day 1819.
They had one daughter: Mary A. Kunkler.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1928

1940 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1928, in Ohio, USA, to Henry Kunkler and Theresa Kunkler.
Dorothy had 8 siblings: Theodore Kunkler, Rosemary Kunkler, Frederick Kunkler, Ralph Kunkler, Henry Kunkler, Stella Kunkler, Virginia Kunkler and Donald Kunkler.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1935, in Same House - St Henry R R 1, Granville Twp, Mercer, Ohio, USA.
She lived in 1940, in St Henry R R 1, Granville Twp, Mercer, Ohio, USA.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1915

1940 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1915, in Ohio, USA, to Hettie Kunkler.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1935, in Same Place - 51 Town North Main Street, Rittman Village, Milton Twp, Wayne, Ohio, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 51 Town North Main Street, Rittman Village, Milton Twp, Wayne, Ohio, USA.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1918

1950 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1918, in Pennsylvania, United States.
Dorothy married Frank Kunkler.
Frank was born circa 1913, in Pennsylvania, United States.
They had 2 daughters: Mary C Kunkler and Susan F Kunkler.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in Hartman.
She lived on April 1 1950, in 220 Hartman, Eden Park, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1908

1950 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1908, in Ohio, United States, to Myrtle Markel.
Dorothy had one sister: Ethel Taggart.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in Bankey Ave.
She lived on April 1 1950, in 137 Bankey Ave, Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, United States.
Record image of Dorothy M. Kunkler

Dorothy M. Kunkler

1950 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy M. Kunkler was born in U. S. A. Columbus Ohio, to John W. J. Kunkler and Wanda M. Kunkler.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in Winon.
She lived on April 1 1950, in Winon, Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States.
Record image of Dorothy A Kunkler

Dorothy A Kunkler, 1917 - 2009

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Dorothy A Kunkler was born on October 7 1917.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in McKeesport, Pennsylvania 15132, USA.
Dorothy passed away on November 17 2009, at age 92.
Record image of Dorothy A Kunkler

Dorothy A Kunkler, 1938 - 2003

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Dorothy A Kunkler was born on March 15 1938.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in Bremen, Ohio 43107, USA.
Dorothy passed away on June 22 2003, at age 65.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, 1904 - 1983

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Dorothy Kunkler was born on January 29 1904.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in Wooster, Ohio 44691, USA.
Dorothy passed away in December 1983, at age 79.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born 1915

1920 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born in month 1915, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy had 3 siblings: Clarence Kunkler and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1920, in address, Ohio.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1908

1920 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1908, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorothy had 3 siblings: Lawrence E Kunkler and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1920, in address, Indiana.
Record image of Dorothy Agnes Kunkler

Dorothy Agnes Kunkler, born 1938

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Dorothy Agnes Kunkler was born on month day 1938, in birth place, Ohio.
Record image of Dorothy Agnes Kunkler

Dorothy Agnes Kunkler, born 1938

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Dorothy Agnes Kunkler was born on month day 1938.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1913

1930 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1913, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy had 2 siblings: Hubert Kunkler and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1930, in address, Ohio.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1928

1930 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1928, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy had 5 siblings: Henry Kunkler, Theodore Kunkler and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1930, in address, Ohio.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1899

1930 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1899, in birth place, Missouri.
Dorothy married Ernest Kunkler.
Ernest was born circa 1902, in birth place, Missouri.
They had 2 daughters: Betty J Kunkler and one other child.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1930, in address, Missouri.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1904

1930 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1904, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy married Shirley Kunkler.
Shirley was born circa 1897, in birth place, Ohio.
They had one son: Evva Clyde Kunkler.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1930, in address, Ohio.
Record image of Dorothy M Kunkler

Dorothy M Kunkler, born Circa 1908

1910 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy M Kunkler was born circa 1908, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorothy had 2 siblings: Lawrence E Kunkler and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1910, in address, Indiana.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler, born Circa 1895

1910 United States Federal Census
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Dorothy Kunkler was born circa 1895, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorothy had one sister: Mildred Kunkler.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1910, in address, Ohio.
Dorothy June Kunkler was born on month day 1929, in birth place, Missouri.
Dorothy L. Kunkler passed away on month day 1927, in death place, Ohio.
Dorothy Kunkler passed away on month day 1936, in death place, Ohio.
Record image of Dorothy June Baker (born Kunkler)

Dorothy June Baker (born Kunkler), born Circa 1930

United States and Canada, Index of Obituaries, 1900-2019
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Dorothy June Baker (born Kunkler) was born circa 1930.
Dorothy passed away in death place, California.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler (born Scott)

Dorothy Kunkler (born Scott), born Circa 1924

United States and Canada, Index of Obituaries, 1900-2019
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Dorothy Kunkler (born Scott) was born circa 1924.
Dorothy passed away in death place, Pennsylvania.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler (Saville)

Dorothy Kunkler (Saville)

Australia, New South Wales Marriage Index, 1788-1966
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John Frederick Saville married Dorothy Kunkler in 1957, in marriage place.
Record image of Dorothy Kunkler

Dorothy Kunkler

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Dorothy Kunkler
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