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Dorotha Abbott (born Miller) was born on month day 1932.
Dorotha married Herman Eugene Abbott.
Herman was born on month day 1925, in birth place, West Virginia.
Dorotha passed away on month day 2013, at age 81.
She was buried in burial place, West Virginia.
Documents of Dorotha Abbott (born Miller)
Dortha A Abbott in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Dortha A Abbott was born on February 12 1932.
Dortha lived in USA.
Dortha passed away on November 24 2013, at age 81.
Dorothy May Righthouse (born Abbott) was born on month day 1924, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorothy had 2 siblings: Lillian Lenora Reed (born Abbott) and one other sibling.
Dorothy married Icel Alonzo Righthouse on month day 1941, at age 17 in marriage place, Indiana.
Icel was born on month day 1919, in birth place, Indiana.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in address, Indiana.
She lived in 1930, in address, Indiana.
She lived in 2 more places.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1999, at age 75 in death place, Indiana.
She was buried in burial place, Indiana.
Dorotha Adeline Abbott (born Gardner) was born in 1840, in birth place, Massachusetts.
Dorotha married George Warren Abbott on month day 1871, at age 31 in marriage place, Massachusetts.
George was born on month day 1839, in birth place, Massachusetts.
Record image of Dorotha T Abbott

Dorotha T Abbott, born Circa 1910

1950 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha T Abbott was born circa 1910, in Indiana, United States.
Dorotha married Ben H Abbott.
Ben was born circa 1909, in Ohio, United States.
They had one son: Michael S Abbott.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in Sunrise.
She lived on April 1 1950, in 8/10mi on Left Sunrise, Trotwood, Montgomery, Ohio, United States.
Record image of Dorotha Abbott

Dorotha Abbott, born Circa 1928

1950 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha Abbott was born circa 1928, in Oklahoma, United States.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in Hotel.
She lived on April 1 1950, in Hotel, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Record image of Dorotha Abbott

Dorotha Abbott, born Circa 1902

1940 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha Abbott was born circa 1902, in Iowa, USA, to Walter T Borwing.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1935, in Same House - 400 Walnut Street, Windsor Town, Election Precinct 38, Weld, Colorado, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 400 Walnut Street, Windsor Town, Election Precinct 38, Weld, Colorado, USA.
Dorotha A L Abbott was born circa 1900, in birth place.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1901, in address.
Record image of Dorotha L Abbott

Dorotha L Abbott, born 1895

1900 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha L Abbott was born in month 1895, in birth place, Ohio.
Dorotha had one brother: Lionel E Abbott.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1900, in address, Ohio.
Record image of Dorotha Abbott

Dorotha Abbott, born 1897

1900 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha Abbott was born in month 1897, in birth place, Massachusetts.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1900, in address, Illinois.
Record image of Dorotha Julia Abbott

Dorotha Julia Abbott, born 1927

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Dorotha Julia Abbott was born on month day 1927, in birth place, Oklahoma.
Record image of Dorotha Abbott

Dorotha Abbott, born 1909

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Dorotha Abbott was born on month day 1909.
Record image of Dorotha E Abbott

Dorotha E Abbott, born 1940

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Billy Elton Berry was born on month day 1940, in birth place, Iowa.
Record image of Dorotha E Abbott

Dorotha E Abbott, born Circa 1915

1930 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha E Abbott was born circa 1915, in birth place, Iowa.
Dorotha had 8 siblings: Thelma E Abbott, Hugh F Abbott and 6 other siblings.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1930, in address, Iowa.
Record image of Dorotha M Abbott

Dorotha M Abbott, born Circa 1924

1930 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha M Abbott was born circa 1924, in birth place, Indiana.
Dorotha had 3 siblings: Lillian L Abbott and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1930, in address, Indiana.
Record image of Dorotha J Abbott

Dorotha J Abbott, born 1915

1920 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha J Abbott was born in month 1915, in birth place, Utah.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1920, in address, Montana.
Record image of Dorotha A Abbott

Dorotha A Abbott, born Circa 1893

1920 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha A Abbott was born circa 1893, in birth place, New Jersey.
Dorotha married Stewart Abbott.
Stewart was born circa 1894, in birth place, Idaho.
They had one daughter: Dorotha J Abbott.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1920, in address, Montana.
Record image of Dorotha Abbott

Dorotha Abbott, born Circa 1903

1910 United States Federal Census
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Dorotha Abbott was born circa 1903, in birth place, Mississippi.
Personal Info
Dorotha lived in 1910, in address, Mississippi.
Dorotha Elma Abbott was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Iowa.
Record image of Dorotha Mae Abbott (Jones)

Dorotha Mae Abbott (Jones)

Louisiana, Orleans Parish Marriages
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Will T Jones married Dorotha Mae Abbott in month 1959, in marriage place, Louisiana.
Record image of Dorotha Abbott

Dorotha Abbott, born 1915

Utah, Marriages, 1887-1966
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Mary Leavitt was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Nevada.
Mary married Fenton Frehner on month day 1932, at age 17 in marriage place, Utah.
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