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Dora Bleiweiss (born Lebenbaum) was born in 1883, in birth place.
Dora had 9 siblings: Hawa Lebenbaum, Sender Lebenbaum and 7 other siblings.
Dora married George Joseph Bleiweiss.
George was born in 1876, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Fannie Bleiweiss and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Dora lived in 1930, in address, Michigan.
She lived in 1935, in address, Michigan.
She lived in 1940, in address, Michigan.
Dora passed away in 1958, at age 75 in death place, Michigan.
Documents of Dora Bleiweiss (born Lebenbaum)
Dora Bleiweiss in 1930 United States Federal Census
Dora Bleiweiss was born circa 1883, in birth place.
Dora married Joseph Bleiweiss.
Joseph was born circa 1876, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Fannie Bleiweiss.
Dora lived in 1930, in address, Michigan.
Dora BLEJWAS (born Lebenbaum) was born circa 1871, in birth place.
Dora had 9 siblings: Mosiek Hersz Lebenbaum, Rywka Estera Lebenbaum and 7 other siblings.
Dora married George Joseph BLEJWAS in 1897, at age 26 in marriage place.
George was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Sarah Sandler (born Bleiweiss), Fanny MINDEL (born Bleiweiss) and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Dora lived in address, New York.
She lived in address.
She lived in 5 more places.
Dora passed away on month day 1957, at age 86 in death place, Michigan.
She was buried in burial place.
Dora Schildhorn (born Lebenbaum) married Harry Schildhorn.
They had 2 children: Robert Schildhorn and one other child.
Dora passed away.
Dora Bleiweiss (born Lebenbaum) was born in 1881, in birth place.
Dora married George Bleiweiss.
George was born in 1872, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Sarah Sandler (born Bleiweiss) and 3 other children.
Dora passed away in 1957, at age 76 in death place, Michigan.
Dora Rivkin (born Lebenbaum) was born in 1900.
Dora married David Rivkin.
David was born on month day 1899, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Dora passed away in 1942, at age 42 in death place.
Record image of Dora Lebenbaum

Dora Lebenbaum

Geni World Family Tree
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Dora Lebenbaum had 6 siblings: no name Lebenbaum, Eva Lebenbaum and 4 other siblings.
Record image of Dora Lebenbaum

Dora Lebenbaum

Geni World Family Tree
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Dora Lebenbaum married Harry Schildhorn.
They had one son: Robert Schildhorn.
Dora Lebenbaum was born circa 1907.
Dora Bleiweiss (born Lebenbaum) married George Bleiweiss.
They had one daughter: Frances Richland (born Mindel).
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