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Eudora Leona Winter (born Kautzman) was born on month day 1880, in birth place.
Eudora had one brother: Frank Kautzman.
Eudora married Frederick William Winter on month day 1904, at age 23 in marriage place.
Frederick was born on month day 1878, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Personal Info
Eudora lived on month day 1895, in address, Kansas.
She lived in 1900, in address, Nebraska.
She lived in 5 more places.
Eudora passed away on month day 1967, at age 87 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Eudora Leona Winter (born Kautzman)
Eudora L Winter in 1930 United States Federal Census
Eudora L Winter was born circa 1881, in birth place, Nebraska.
Eudora lived in 1930, in address, Nebraska.
Dora L Kautzman in 1900 United States Federal Census
Dora L Kautzman was born in month 1880, in birth place, Nebraska.
Dora had one brother: Frank Kautzman.
Dora lived in 1900, in address, Nebraska.
Eudora Winter in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Eudora Winter was born on July 25 1880.
Eudora lived in Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, USA.
Eudora passed away in December 1967, at age 87.
Eudora K. Winter in BillionGraves
Eudora K. Winter was born on July 25 1880.
Eudora passed away on December 18 1967, at age 87.
She was buried in Larkin Sunset Gardens, Sandy, Utah, United States.
Dorothy Kautzman (born Clough) was born on month day 1866, in birth place, Illinois.
Dorothy had 4 siblings: Jane Clough and 3 other siblings.
Dorothy married John William Kautzman on month day 1888, at age 22 in marriage place, Kansas.
John was born on month day 1863, in birth place, Illinois.
They had 3 children: Jennie Mae Magness (born Kautzman) and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Dorothy lived in 1870, in address, Illinois.
She lived in 1880, in address, Illinois.
She lived in 3 more places.
Dorothy passed away on month day 1913, at age 47 in death place, Missouri.
She was buried in burial place, Missouri.
Dora L Winter (born Kautzman) was born in month 1880, in birth place, Ohio.
Dora had one brother: Frank Kautzman.
Dora married Fred W Winter on month day 1904, at age 23 in marriage place, Nebraska.
Fred was born in 1879.
Personal Info
Dora lived in 1885, in address, Nebraska.
She lived in 1900, in address, Nebraska.
She lived in 1930, in address, Nebraska.
Record image of Dora J Kautzman

Dora J Kautzman, born 1877

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Dora J Kautzman was born in 1877, in birth place, Ohio.
Dora L Kautzman was born on January 9 1935.
Dora married Philip W Kautzman.
Dora was buried in Mount Moriah Cemetery, Union Township, Ohio, United States.
Record image of Dora Kautzman

Dora Kautzman, born 1879

1900 United States Federal Census
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Dora Kautzman was born in month 1879, in birth place, Nebraska.
Personal Info
Dora lived in 1900, in address, Missouri.
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