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Constance Hilda Beijer (born Aronsson) was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Constance was baptized on month day 1886, in baptism place.
Constance married Ossian Adolf Viktor Beijer on month day 1905, at age 19.
Ossian was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
They had one child.
Personal Info
Constance lived in between 1905 and 1910, in address.
She lived in between 1910 and 1915, in address.
She lived in between 1920 and 1928, in address.
Constance passed away on month day 1972, at age 86 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Constance Hilda Beijer (born Aronsson)
Hilda Constance Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Hilda Constance Aronsson was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Hilda married Adolf Viktor Ossian Beijer on month day 1905, at age 19.
Adolf was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
Hilda lived in between 1905 and 1910, in address.
Hilda Konstance Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Hilda Konstance Aronsson was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Hilda married Adolf Viktor Ossian Bejer on month day 1905, at age 19.
Adolf was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
Hilda lived in between 1910 and 1915, in address.
Hulda Carlson in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Hulda Carlson was born on July 2 1886.
Hulda lived in 60648, USA.
Hulda passed away in May 1972, at age 85.
Hilda Constance Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Hilda Constance Aronsson was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Hilda married Adolf Viktor Ossian Beijer on month day 1905, at age 19.
Adolf was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
Hilda lived in between 1905 and 1910, in address.
Constance Elli Alice Aronsson (born Rosenqvist/Aronsson) was born on month day 1916, in birth place.
Constance married Viktor Einar Aronsson on month day 1957, at age 41 in marriage place.
Viktor was born on month day 1914, in birth place.
Personal Info
Constance lived in 1950, in address.
She lived in 1986, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Constance passed away on month day 1986, at age 70 in death place.
Constance, Hilda Beijer (born Aronsson) was born on month day 1886, in birth place.
Constance married Ossian, Adolf Viktor Beijer.
Ossian was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
They had one son: Thure Larsson.
Constance passed away on month day 1972, at age 86.
Constance Aronsson was born in 1908.
Constance passed away in 1998, at age 90.
She was buried in Upphärads Kyrka, Upphärad, Västra Götalands Län, Sweden.
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