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Clarice Valente (born Lispector) was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
Clarice had 2 sisters: Leia (Elisa) Lispector and one other sibling.
Clarice married Maury Gurgel Valente on month day 1943, at age 22.
Maury was born on month day 1921, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Personal Info
Clarice lived in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Clarice passed away on month day 1977, at age 56 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Clarice Valente (born Lispector)
Clarice Lispector in Famous People Throughout History
Clarice Lispector was born on December 10 1920, in Chechelnyk, Ukraine.
Clarice had one sibling: Elisa Lispector.
Her occupations were Model, Screenwriter, Translator, Journalist, Novelist and Writer.
Clarice passed away on December 9 1977, at age 56 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Clarice Lispector in Biographical Summaries of Notable People
Clarice Lispector was born on December 10 1920, in Chechelnyk, to Pinkhas Lispector and Mania Krimgold Lispector.
Clarice had 2 sisters: Elisa Lispector and Tanya Lispector.
Clarice married Maury Gurgel Valente on January 23 1943, at age 22.
They had 2 sons: Pedro Gurgel Valente and Paulo Gurgel Valente.
Her occupation was Writer, Journalist.
Clarice passed away on December 9 1977, at age 56 in Rio de Janeiro.
Clarice Eldest (born Lispector) was born on month day 1918, in birth place.
Clarice had 9 siblings.
Clarice married Josh Eldest.
Josh was born on month day 1915, in birth place.
They had 4 children.
Clarice passed away on month day 1997, at age 79.
Documents of Clarice Eldest (born Lispector)
Clarice Eldest (born Lispector) in Record-Journal - Oct 27 1986

Connecticut Newspapers, 1791-2009

"... City Briefs Library lists new books The following books have been added to the collection at the Meriden Public Library: FICTION "To Kill the Potemkin," Joseph Mark; "Hour of the Star,” Clarice Lispector; "Winter's Child," Dea Trier Morch; “Lady Killer," Masako Togawa; "Night Games," Colin Wilcox. nonfiction "Africa News Cookbook: African Cookery for Western Kitchens;” "Heads, Hides, and Horns ..."
Publication place: Meriden, New Haven County, CT, USA
Clarice Eldest (born Lispector) in The Jewish Chronicle - May 8 1987

The Jewish Chronicle

"... cliches in "Hour of the Star," which is funny and compassionate and ultimately sad. This little gem of a film is the work of two women, director Suzana Amoral and Brasilian-Jewish novelist Clarice Lispector. Charlie Sbeen In "Platoon* Mystical letters and signs Illuminating Bach's supreme art ART BARRY FEALDMAN The manifold aspects of Joe Rose's art are presented in his new exhibition at the Ben ..."
Publication place: London, England, United Kingdom
Clarice Eldest (born Lispector) in The Free Lance-Star - Jan 14 2001

Virginia Newspapers, 1792-2008

"... some of the intriguing female voices that have done much to define contemporary Latin American literature. Just six of the writers are women, and though these include the celebrated Angeles and Clarice Lispector, missing are arguably more important writers, including Rosario Ferre, Elena Garro and Elena Poniatowska. Missing, too, are prominent young the region's most important literary demographic ..."
Publication place: Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania County, VA, USA
Clarice Gandhi (born Lispector) was born in 1920.
Clarice married Mahatma Gandhi.
Mahatma was born in 1869.
They had 2 children: Jim Morrison and one other child.
Clarice passed away in 1977, at age 57.
Documents of Clarice Gandhi (born Lispector)
Clarice Gandhi (born Lispector) in Wellesley College Bulletin, Mass., 2008-2009
"... novels as well as short stories and memoir. Authors to be studied: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Clarice Lispector, Juan Rulfo, lorge Luis Borges, Silvina Bullrich, Camilo Jose Cela, Victor Perera, Maria Amparo ..."
Publication place: Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA
Clarice Gandhi (born Lispector) in The Leader-Post - July 4 1986

Canada Newspapers, 1752-2007

"... expecting lhe glossy surrealism of a Bye Bye Brazil, or what Amaral would call "tourist movies that give even our poverty a pretty, pasteurized look." Based on llie novel by the lale Clarice Lispector. The Hour of the Star tells the story of a simple, girl from northeast Brazil who goes to llie large southern city of Sao Paulo to Work as a typist in a warehouse. Except for its ambiguous ending ..."
Publication place: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Clarice Lispector was born in 1920.
Clarice passed away.
Documents of Clarice Lispector
Clarice Lispector in Undergraduate Catalog, West Chester University, PA, 2000-2001
"... Isabel Allende. Jorge Amado. Miguel Angel Asrurias, Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Clarice Lispector. Elena Poniatowska, and Luis Rafael Sanchez. # ESP 324 Language and Culture of Puerto Rico ..."
Publication place: Pennsylvania, USA
Clarice Lispector in Undergraduate Catalog, West Chester University, PA, 2002-2003
"... Isabel AUende, Jorge Amado, Miguel Angel Asmrias, Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Clarice Lispector, Elena Poniatowska, and Luis Rafael Sanchez. No knowledge of Spanish is required. ESP 315 Spanish ..."
Publication place: Pennsylvania, USA
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Clarice Lispector had 5 siblings: Filomena (Belinha), Amélia and 3 other siblings.
Clarice passed away.
Documents of Clarice Lispector
Clarice Lispector in Undergraduate Catalog, West Chester University, PA, 1999-2000
"... Isabel Allende, Jorge Amado, Miguel Angel Asturias, Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Clarice Lispector, Elena Poniatowska, and Luis Rafael Sanchez. # ESP 324 Language and Culture of Puerto Rico ..."
Publication place: Pennsylvania, USA
Haya Pinkhasovna, (Clarice), חיה פינחסובנה, קלריס, Клариси Lispector, ליספקטור (born Лиспектор) was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
Haya had 3 sisters: Leia (Elisa) Lispector and 2 other siblings.
Haya married Maury Gurgel Valente in 1943, at age 22.
Maury was born on month day 1921, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Personal Info
Haya lived in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Haya passed away on month day 1977, at age 56 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Clarice Lispector was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
Clarice had 2 sisters: Elisa Lispector and one other sibling.
Clarice married Maury Gurgel Valente on month day 1943, at age 22 in marriage place.
They had one son: Pedro Lispector Valente.
Clarice passed away on month day 1977, at age 56 in death place.
Clarice Gurgel Valente (born Lispector) was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
Clarice had 2 sisters: Elisa Lispector and one other sibling.
Clarice married Maury Gurgel Valente on month day 1943, at age 22 in marriage place.
Maury was born on month day 1921, in birth place.
They divorced on month day 1964, in divorce place.
Clarice passed away on month day 1977, at age 56 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
Record image of Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Clarice Lispector
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