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Christina Nomell (born Aronsson) was born on month day 1845, in birth place.
Christina had 6 siblings: Anne Kajsa (Karine) Aronsdatter, Johan Petter Aronsen and 4 other siblings.
Christina married Johannes Andreasson (Andersen) Nomel.
Johannes was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
They had 10 children: Henrik Nomell, Kristian Nomell and 8 other children.
Christina then married Unknown.
Personal Info
Christina lived in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1931, at age 85 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Christina Nomell (born Aronsson)
Kristine Nomel in Norway Death Registrations
Kristine Nomel was born on month day 1845.
Kristine lived in address.
Kristine passed away on month day 1931, at age 85.
She was buried in burial place.
Kristine Nomel in 1910 Norway Census
Kristine Nomel was born on month day 1844, in birth place.
Kristine married Johannes Nomel.
Johannes was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Karl Nomel and 3 other children.
Kristine lived in 1910, in address.
Kristine Aronsdatter in 1865 Norway Census
Kristine Aronsdatter was born circa 1844.
Kristine had 5 siblings: Johan Petter Aronsen, Nils Aronsen and 3 other siblings.
Kristine lived on month day 1865, in address.
Christina Karlsson (born Aronsson) was born on month day 1859, in birth place.
Christina had 4 siblings: Anna Lovisa Gustavsson (born Gustavsdotter) and 3 other siblings.
Christina married Karl Enok Karlsson.
Karl was born on month day 1861, in birth place.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1896 and 1904, in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1948, at age 89 in death place.
Documents of Christina Karlsson (born Aronsson)
Kristina Charlotta Josefina Karlsson f. Netzell in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kristina Charlotta Josefina Karlsson f. Netzell was born on month day 1859, in birth place.
Kristina lived in between 1935 and 1944, in address.
Berte Kirstine Karlsen in 1891 Norway Census
Berte Kirstine Karlsen was born in 1859, in birth place.
Berte married Karl Karlsen.
Karl was born in 1856, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Gustava Dortea Sørensen.
Berte lived in 1891, in address.
Christina Cathrina Aronsson (born Stephansdotter) was born on month day 1812, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1812, in baptism place.
Christina had 10 siblings: Fredrika Stefansdotter, Brita Margareta Stefansdotter and 8 other siblings.
Christina married Carl Aronsson on month day 1845, at age 32 in marriage place.
Carl was born on month day 1819, in birth place.
They had 4 sons: Anders Karlsson and 3 other children.
Christina passed away on month day 1884, at age 72 in death place.
Documents of Christina Cathrina Aronsson (born Stephansdotter)
Katarina Pehrsson in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Katarina Pehrsson was baptized on month day 1812, in baptism place.
Kristina Katrina Stefansdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kristina Katrina Stefansdr. was born on month day 1812.
Kristina married ? Aronsson on month day 1845, at age 32.
? was born on month day 1819.
Kristina lived in between 1862 and 1870, in address.
Christina C. Stefansdotter in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Christina C. Stefansdotter was born on month day 1812.
Christina was baptized on month day 1812, in baptism place.
Christina lived in 1812, in address.
Christina Ersson (born Olsdotter) was born on month day 1762, in birth place.
Christina had 2 siblings: Brita Jonsson (born Sjulsdotter) and one other sibling.
Christina married Matts Eriksson (Ersson) on month day 1789, at age 27 in marriage place.
Matts was born on month day 1762, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Maria Henriksson (born Mattsdotter) and 2 other children.
Christina then married Nils Aronsson in 1802, at age 39.
Nils was born in 1773.
They had one son: Mats Nilsson.
Christina then married Unknown.
They had one son: Aron Nilsson.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1834 and 1845, in address.
She lived in between 1846 and 1851, in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1848, at age 86 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Christina Ersson (born Olsdotter)
Christina Olofsdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Christina Olofsdr. was born in 1762.
Christina married Nils Aronsson in 1802, at age 40.
Nils was born in 1773.
Christina lived in between 1834 and 1845, in address.
Magaretha Christina Olofsdotter in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Magaretha Christina Olofsdotter was born on month day 1762.
Magaretha was baptized on month day 1762, in baptism place.
Magaretha lived in 1762, in address.
Kirsti Olsdatter Øre in Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
Kirsti Olsdatter Øre was born circa 1763.
Kirsti was buried on month day 1850, in burial place.
Christina Lisa Aronsson (born Andersdotter) was born on month day 1804, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1804, in baptism place.
Christina had 7 siblings: Cajsa Greta Olofsson (born Andersdotter), Nils Andersson and 5 other siblings.
Christina married Carl Magnus Aronsson on month day 1820, at age 15 in marriage place.
Carl was born on month day 1792, in birth place.
They had 10 children: Maria Charlotta Andersson (born Carlsdotter), Nils Johan Carlsson and 8 other children.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1831 and 1838, in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1856, at age 51 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Christina Lisa Aronsson (born Andersdotter)
Lisbeth Andersdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Lisbeth Andersdr. was born on month day 1804, in birth place.
Lisbeth lived in between 1826 and 1836, in address.
Stina Lisa Andersdotter in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Stina Lisa Andersdotter was born on month day 1804.
Stina was baptized on month day 1804, in baptism place.
Stina lived in 1804, in address.
Stina Andersdotter in Sweden, Södermanland Church Records, 1604-1900; index 1640-1860
Stina Andersdotter lived on month day 1856, in address.
Stina passed away on month day 1856, in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Stina Carlsdotter in Sweden Household Examination Books
Stina Carlsdotter was born on month day 1804, in birth place.
Stina lived in between 1856 and 1860, in address.
Stina passed away on month day 1856, at age 52.
Christina Margaretha Aronsson (born Pehrsdotter) was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
Christina married Aron Aronsson on month day 1861, at age 25.
Aron was born on month day 1840, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Pehr August Aronsson, Johan Anton Aronsson and 5 other children.
Christina passed away on month day 1923, at age 86 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Christina Margaretha "Stina Greta" Aronsson (born Pehrsdotter)
Stina Greta Pehrsdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Stina Greta Pehrsdr. was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
Stina married Aron Aronsson in 1861, at age 24.
Aron was born on month day 1840.
They had 6 children: Pehr August Aronsson, Johan Anton Aronsson and 4 other children.
Stina lived in between 1885 and 1887, in address.
Christina Margaretha Pehrsson in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Christina Margaretha Pehrsson was baptized on month day 1836, in baptism place.
Kristina Persdotter in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kristina Persdotter was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
Kristina married Per August Gustafsson.
Per was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Karl Peter, Hilda Therese and 7 other children.
Kristina lived in between 1882 and 1889, in address.
Christina* Lovisa Dorothea Aronsson was born on month day 1826, in birth place.
Christina* had 5 sisters: Sophia Charlotta Aronsson, Catharina Maria Sandberg (born Aronsson) and 3 other siblings.
Christina* married Unknown.
They had 2 sons: Erik Johan Aronsson and one other child.
Personal Info
Christina* lived in address.
She lived on month day 1826, in address.
She lived in 8 more places.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Christina* passed away on month day 1873, at age 46 in death place.
Documents of Christina* Lovisa Dorothea Aronsson
Chr. Lovisa Dorothea Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Chr. Lovisa Dorothea Aronsson was born on month day 1826.
Chr lived in between 1865 and 1868, in address.
Christina Lovisa Dorothea Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Christina Lovisa Dorothea Aronsson was born on month day 1826.
Christina lived in 1869, in address.
Christina Lovisa Aronsson / Andersson (born Nilsdotter) was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1822, in baptism place.
Christina had 8 siblings: Petter Isak Nilsson, Nicolaus Nilsson and 6 other siblings.
Christina married Anders Peter Aronsson on month day 1861, at age 39 in marriage place.
Anders was born on month day 1827, in birth place.
They had one son: Anders Elof Andersson.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1856 and 1862, in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1894, at age 72 in death place.
Documents of Christina Lovisa Aronsson / Andersson (born Nilsdotter)
Kersti Nilsdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kersti Nilsdr. was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
Kersti married Nils Svensson.
Nils was born on month day 1823, in birth place.
They had 3 sons: Nils and 2 other children.
Kersti lived in between 1886 and 1895, in address.
Christina Kerstin Aronsson (born Jonsdotter) was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
Christina married Daniel Aronsson on month day 1855, at age 25 in marriage place.
Daniel was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Aron Danielsson, Anna Persson Linde (born Danielsdotter) and 3 other children.
Christina then married Unknown.
They had 3 sons: Karl Jönsson and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Christina lived in 1830, in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1865, at age 35 in death place.
Documents of Christina Kerstin Aronsson (born Jonsdotter)
Kerstin Jonsdotter in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kerstin Jonsdotter was born on month day 1830.
Kerstin lived in between 1853 and 1860, in address.
Christina Jönsdotter in Sweden, Deaths
Christina Jönsdotter married Daniel Aronsson.
Christina lived in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1865, in death place.
Kerstin Jönsdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kerstin Jönsdr. was born on month day 1830.
Kerstin lived in between 1842 and 1847, in address.
Kerstin Jonsdotter in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kerstin Jonsdotter was born on month day 1830.
Kerstin lived in between 1848 and 1852, in address.
Christina Johansdotter Aronsson (born Wikman) was born on month day 1792, in birth place.
Christina married Carl Johan Aronsson in 1810, at age 17 in marriage place.
Carl was born on month day 1787, in birth place.
They had 10 children: Gustava Id (born Carlsdotter), Carl Gustaf Carlsson and 8 other children.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Christina passed away on month day 1848, at age 56 in death place.
Documents of Christina Johansdotter Aronsson (born Wikman)
Christina Wikman in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Christina Wikman was born in 1792.
Christina married Carl Johan Aronsson.
Carl was born in 1787.
They had 3 children: Hedda Carlsdotter and 2 other children.
Christina lived in between 1848 and 1857, in address.
Christina Vilhemina Andersson (born Aronsson) was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Christina had 6 siblings: Johan Aronsson - Åberg, Johanna Aronsdotter and 4 other siblings.
Christina married Johan Alfred Andersson on month day 1897, at age 24.
Johan was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Hildur Vilhelmina Eriksson (born Andersson), Johan Konrad Andersson and 4 other children.
Christina passed away on month day 1946, at age 73 in death place.
Documents of Christina Vilhemina Andersson (born Aronsson)
Kristina Vilhelmina Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kristina Vilhelmina Aronsson was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Kristina lived in between 1885 and 1897, in address.
Kristina Wilhelmina Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kristina Wilhelmina Aronsson was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Kristina lived in between 1891 and 1899, in address.
Kristina Wilhelmina Aronsson in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kristina Wilhelmina Aronsson was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Kristina lived in between 1891 and 1899, in address.
Christina Aronsson (born Olofsdotter) was born on month day 1762, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1762, in baptism place.
Christina had 8 siblings: Catharina Zachrisson (born Olofsdotter), Maria Emilia Andersson (born Olofsdotter) and 6 other siblings.
Christina passed away on month day 1833, at age 70 in death place.
Documents of Christina Aronsson (born Olofsdotter)
Christina Olofsdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Christina Olofsdr. was born in 1762.
Christina married Nils Aronsson in 1802, at age 40.
Nils was born in 1773.
Christina lived in between 1803 and 1813, in address.
CHRISTINA / KERSTIN ARONSSON (born PETTERSDOTTER FORSBERG) was born on month day 1725, in birth place.
CHRISTINA had 10 siblings: Ingrid Katarina Jakobsson (born Forsberg), Samuel Forsberg and 8 other siblings.
CHRISTINA married Magnus Måns Aronsson on month day 1745, at age 19 in marriage place.
Magnus was born on month day 1716, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Maria Månsson Åstrand (born Månsdotter).
CHRISTINA passed away on month day 1752, at age 26 in death place.
Christina Agneta Aronsson, FRU (born Andersdotter), FRU was born on month day 1859.
Christina married Abram Aronsson on month day 1854.
Abram was born on month day 1846, in birth place.
They had 5 children: HILDA RAKEL JOHANSSON (born ABRAMSSON), Aaron B. Lund and 3 other children.
Christina passed away on month day 1933, at age 73 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Christina Agneta Aronsson, FRU (born Andersdotter)
Christina Agneta Andersdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Christina Agneta Andersdr. was born on month day 1859.
Christina married Abram Aronsson on month day 1891, at age 32.
Abram was born on month day 1846.
They had 4 children: Aron and 3 other children.
Christina lived in between 1882 and 1891, in address.
Kristina Agneta Andersson in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Kristina Agneta Andersson was born on month day 1859.
Kristina was baptized on month day 1859, in baptism place.
Christina Aronsson (born Svensdatter) was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
Christina had 4 siblings: Maria Aronsson (born Svensdotter) and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1841 and 1848, in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1876, at age 45 in death place.
Documents of Christina Aronsson (born Svensdatter)
Kristina Svensdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kristina Svensdr. was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
Kristina married Johan Aronsson on month day 1854, at age 24.
Johan was born on month day 1829, in birth place.
Kristina lived in between 1876 and 1880, in address.
Kristina passed away on month day 1876, at age 45.
Anna Christina Svensdotter in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Anna Christina Svensdotter was born on month day 1830.
Anna was baptized on month day 1830, in baptism place.
Anna lived in 1830, in address.
Christina Maria Arensen in Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927
Christina Maria Arensen was baptized on month day 1830, in baptism place.
Christina Aronsson (born Persdotter) was born on month day 1827, in birth place.
Christina married Sven Magnus Aronsson.
Sven was born on month day 1828, in birth place.
They had one son: Carl Magnus Svensson.
Christina passed away on month day 1900, at age 73 in death place.
Documents of Christina Aronsson (born Persdotter)
Kerstina Persdr. in Sweden Household Examination Books
Kerstina Persdr. was born on month day 1827, in birth place.
Kerstina married Sven Persson.
Sven was born on month day 1818, in birth place.
They had 3 sons: Per and 2 other children.
Kerstina lived in between 1856 and 1860, in address.
Christina Cathrina Pehrsdotter in Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
Christina Cathrina Pehrsdotter was born on month day 1827.
Christina was baptized on month day 1827, in baptism place.
Christina lived in 1827, in address.
Christina Aronsdotter Mickola (born Aronsson) was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1822, in baptism place.
Christina had 11 siblings: Seraphia Fredr. Johanss (born Forsberg), Catharina Carolina Aronsdotter Aronsson and 9 other siblings.
Christina passed away on month day 1898, at age 76 in death place.
Christina Aronsson was born in 1913.
Christina married Oscar G Aronsson.
Christina passed away in 1994, at age 81.
She was buried in Evergreen Funeral Chapel and Reception Centre Cemetery and Cremation Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Christina Cathrina Aronsson (born Stephansdotter) was born on month day 1812, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1812, in baptism place.
Christina had 10 siblings: Brita Margreta Stephansdotter, Maria Helena Stephansdotter and 8 other siblings.
Christina married Carl Aronsson on month day 1845, at age 32 in marriage place.
Carl was born on month day 1819, in birth place.
They had 4 sons: Carl Johan Carlsson and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Christina lived in address.
She lived in address.
She lived on month day 1845, in address.
Christina passed away on month day 1884, at age 72 in death place.
Christina Lovisa Aronsdotter was born on month day 1838, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1836, in baptism place.
Christina had 3 siblings: Carolina Ljunggren (born Aronsdotter) and 2 other siblings.
Christina married Anders "Andrew" Anderson.
Anders was born on month day 1832, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Peter Anderson, Albertina Elizabeth Lasson (born Anderson) and 4 other children.
Christina then married Hyrum Wilson.
Hyrum was born on month day 1838, in birth place, Ohio.
Personal Info
Christina lived in address.
She lived in address.
She lived in 3 more places.
Christina passed away on month day 1925, at age 87.
She was buried in burial place, Arizona.
Christina Aronsson (born Svensdotter) was born on month day 1781, in birth place.
Christina had 8 siblings: Unknown Swensson, Greta Swensdotter and 6 other siblings.
Christina married Lars Aronsson on month day 1802, at age 21 in marriage place.
Lars was born on month day 1773, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Sven Larsson, Anders Larsson and 3 other children.
Christina passed away on month day 1853, at age 71 in death place.
Christina Lovisa Aronsson (born Nilsdotter) was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
Christina was baptized on month day 1822, in baptism place.
Christina had 7 siblings: Jonas Gustaf Nilsson, Anna Sophia Gunnarsson (born Nilsdotter) and 5 other siblings.
Christina married Anders Peter Aronsson on month day 1861, at age 39 in marriage place.
Anders was born on month day 1827, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Baby Boy Aronsson and 3 other children.
Christina passed away on month day 1894, at age 72 in death place.
Stina Greta Aronsson (born Pehrsdotter) was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
Stina was baptized on month day 1836, in baptism place.
Stina married Aron Aronsson on month day 1861, at age 25 in marriage place.
Aron was born on month day 1840, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Pehr August Aronsson, Johan Anton Aronsson and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Stina lived in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Stina passed away on month day 1923, at age 86 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Birgitta, Christina Hedlund (born Aronsson, Björn, Hansson Björn) was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Birgitta had 5 siblings: Anna Charlotta Björn Hansson Björn, Nikodemus Björn Björn and 3 other siblings.
Birgitta passed away on month day 1949, at age 75 in death place.
Christina Nomell (born Aronsson) was born on month day 1845, in birth place.
Christina married Johannes, Andreasson Nomel.
Johannes was born on month day 1836, in birth place.
They had 2 sons: Henrik Nomell and one other child.
Christina passed away on month day 1931, at age 85 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Christina, (Cia) Abrahamsson (born Aronsson) married Unknown Abrahamsson.
They had 3 children: Skeri Bengt Melker* Hedlund and 2 other children.
Christina then married Unknown Abrahamsson.
Record image of Christina Wilhelmina Aronsson

Christina Wilhelmina Aronsson, born 1873

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Christina Wilhelmina Aronsson was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Christina married Johan Alfred Andersson on month day 1897, at age 24.
Johan was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Hildur Wilhelmina, Johan Konrad and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1899 and 1911, in address.
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson, born 1869

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Christina Aronsson was born on month day 1869, in birth place.
Christina had 5 siblings: Josef Jansson Aronsson, Hanna and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1886 and 1890, in address.
Record image of Christina Wilhelmina Aronsson

Christina Wilhelmina Aronsson, born 1873

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Christina Wilhelmina Aronsson was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Christina married Johan Alfred Andersson in 1897, at age 23.
Johan was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Hildur Wilhelmina and one other child.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1891 and 1899, in address.
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson, born 1869

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Christina Aronsson was born on month day 1869.
Christina married Gustaf Alfred Eriksson on month day 1888, at age 19.
Gustaf was born on month day 1864, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Ruth Alfrida and one other child.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1886 and 1890, in address.
Christina Theresia Aronsson was born on month day 1892, in birth place.
Personal Info
Christina lived in address.
Christina Carolina Aronsson was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
Personal Info
Christina lived in address.
Ester Adelina Christina Eriksson was born on month day 1891, in birth place.
Personal Info
Ester lived in address.
Christina Aronsson was born on month day 1799.
Christina was baptized on month day 1799, in baptism place.
Christina passed away on month day 1800, at age less than one.
Christina Catharina Aronsson was baptized on month day 1819, in baptism place.
Christina passed away on month day 1819.
Christina Albertina Aronsson was born on month day 1858.
Christina was baptized on month day 1858, in baptism place.
Christina passed away on month day 1858, at age less than one.
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson, born 1747

Sweden, Baptisms, 1611-1920
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Christina Aronsson was born on month day 1747.
Christina was baptized on month day 1747, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Christina lived in 1747, in address.
Christina Elisabeth Aronsson was born on month day 1819.
Christina was baptized on month day 1819, in baptism place.
Christina passed away on month day 1819, at age less than one.
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson, born 1847

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Christina Aronsson was born on month day 1847.
Christina was baptized on month day 1847, in baptism place.
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Christina Aronsson was baptized on month day 1742, in baptism place.
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson, born 1782

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Christina Aronsson was born on month day 1782.
Christina was baptized on month day 1782, in baptism place.
Record image of Christina Fredrica

Christina Fredrica, born 1843

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Christina Fredrica Aronsson, Johansdotter, Johantytär was born on month day 1843.
Christina had 7 siblings: Henric Johs., Eva Lisa Aronsson Johansdotter Johantytär and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1838 and 1851, in address.
Record image of Christina Fredrica

Christina Fredrica, born 1843

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Christina Fredrica Aronsson, Johansdotter, Johantytär was born on month day 1843.
Christina had 5 siblings: Henrik Johss., Eva Lisa Aronsson Johansdotter Johantytär and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1838 and 1851, in address.
Record image of Christina

Christina, born 1766

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Christina Aronsson, Michelsdotter, Micheltytär was born on month day 1766.
Personal Info
Christina lived in between 1763 and 1774, in address.
Record image of Christina Hjorth Aronsson

Christina Hjorth Aronsson

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Christina Hjorth Aronsson
Record image of Christina Hjorth Aronsson

Christina Hjorth Aronsson

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Christina Hjorth Aronsson
Record image of Christina Hjorth Aronsson

Christina Hjorth Aronsson

Authors of Scholarly Articles
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Genealogy record of Christina Hjorth Aronsson
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson

Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1500 - 1900
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Genealogy record of Christina Aronsson
Record image of Christina Bernhardina Aronsson

Christina Bernhardina Aronsson

Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1500 - 1900
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Genealogy record of Christina Bernhardina Aronsson
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson

Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1500 - 1900
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Genealogy record of Christina Aronsson
Record image of Christina Aronsson

Christina Aronsson, born Circa 1896

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Elin Eng. Nilsson was born circa 1896.
Personal Info
Elin lived in address.
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