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Charlotte Normand, Lavallee (born Vallee), Lavallee was born on month day 1733, in birth place.
Charlotte was baptized in 1733, in baptism place.
Charlotte had 8 siblings: Angelique Mondina (born Vallee), Jean Baptiste Vallee and 6 other siblings.
Charlotte married Joseph Normand on month day 1750, at age 16 in marriage place.
Joseph was born on month day 1727, in birth place.
They had 16 children: Andre Richard Normand, Reine Robin (born Normand) and 14 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1809, at age 76 in death place.
Charlotte Chauveau (born Vallee) was born on month day 1685, in birth place.
Charlotte was baptized on month day 1685.
Charlotte had 21 siblings: Suzanne Baudin-Bodin (born Vallée), Marthe Miville Deschenes (born Vallee) and 19 other siblings.
Charlotte married Pierre Chauveau in 1707, at age 21 in marriage place.
Pierre was born on month day 1686, in birth place.
They had 13 children: Marie Francoise Chauveau, Marie Anne Chauveau and 11 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1756, at age 70 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Charlotte Normand (born Vallee) was born on month day 1733, in birth place.
Charlotte had 8 siblings: Marie Josephte Gilbert (born Lavallee), Louise Lavallee and 6 other siblings.
Charlotte married JOSEPH Normand.
JOSEPH was born on month day 1727, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Joseph Normand, Charlotte Martha Normand and 4 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1761, at age 27 in death place.
Charlotte Thérèse VALLEE was born on month day 1905.
Charlotte had 2 siblings: Yvonne Marguerite Hélène BLANC (born VALLEE) and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Charlotte lived in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1977, at age 71 in death place.
Documents of Mademoiselle Charlotte Thérèse VALLEE
Charlotte Therese VALLEE in France Deaths
Charlotte Therese VALLEE was born on month day 1905, in birth place.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1977, at age 71 in death place.
Charlotte Guilbault (born Vallee) was born on month day 1724, in birth place.
Charlotte married Charles Guilbault.
Charles was born on month day 1716, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Charlotte Gadoury (born Guilbault).
Charlotte passed away on month day 1760, at age 35 in death place.
Charlotte Brigitte Tessier (born Vallee) was born on month day 1734, in birth place.
Charlotte married Louis Michel Tessier on month day 1761, at age 27 in marriage place.
Louis was born on month day 1736, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Josephte Lefebvre (born Tessier), Michel Tessier and 4 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1776, at age 42 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Charlotte THIBAUT (born VALLEE) was born on month day 1711, in birth place.
Charlotte married Mathurin THIBAUT on month day 1742, at age 30 in marriage place.
Mathurin was born on month day 1695, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Gabrielle THIBAULT, Henry THIBAULT and 3 other children.
Charlotte passed away.
Charlotte Delagrave (born Vallee) was born on month day 1781, in birth place.
Charlotte was baptized on month day 1781, in baptism place.
Charlotte married Louis Benjamin Delagrave on month day 1799, at age 18 in marriage place.
Louis was born on month day 1777, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Agnès Vallière (born DELAGRAVE), Louis Benjamin Delagrave and 7 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1821, at age 40 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Charlotte Jeanne Julenne GONDOUIN (born VALLEE) was born on month day 1787, in birth place.
Charlotte had 2 siblings: Aimable Rose Julienne LEGASTELLOIS (born VALLEE) and one other sibling.
Charlotte married François GONDOUIN on month day 1813, at age 26 in marriage place.
François was born in 1787, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Henriette Jeanne LETELLIER (born GONDOUIN) and 3 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1874, at age 87 in death place.
Charlotte BARBOT (born VALLEE) was born on month day 1717, in birth place.
Charlotte had 6 siblings: Anne BREGAIN (born VALLEE), Christophe VALLEE and 4 other siblings.
Charlotte married Richard BARBOT on month day 1744, at age 27 in marriage place.
Richard was born circa 1710, in birth place.
They had one son: Jean BARBOT.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1750, at age 32 in death place.
Charlotte Jeanette Cole (born Vallee) was born on month day 1922, in birth place, New Hampshire.
Charlotte married Wallace William Cole on month day 1944, at age 22 in marriage place, New Hampshire.
Wallace was born on month day 1922, in birth place, New Hampshire.
They had 2 children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 2013, at age 91 in death place, Florida.
Charlotte Vallee (born Rouger) was born on month day 1656, in birth place.
Charlotte married Pierre VALLEE.
Pierre was born on month day 1656, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Jeanne Bazile (born Vallee).
Charlotte passed away on month day 1703, at age 47 in death place.
Charlotte GASNIER (born VALLEE) was born on month day 1649, in birth place.
Charlotte married Jean GASNIER on month day 1682, at age 33 in marriage place.
Jean was born on month day 1658, in birth place.
They had one son: Charles GASNIER.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1687, at age 38 in death place.
Charlotte VERDIER (born VALLEE) was born on month day 1681, in birth place.
Charlotte married Mathurin VERDIER on month day 1709, at age 28 in marriage place.
They had one son: Louis VERDIER.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1744, at age 63 in death place.
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee in The Telegraph - ‎Mar 15 1955

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... the YWCA A public whist parly will bc held at the Town Hall Wednesday evening for the benefit of Windham grange. The Benevolent Society met al the home of Charlotte Vallee for their meeting. Members were reminded to bring articles for the Summer fair to coming meetings. Aprons are to be brought next month. Refreshments were served by Mrs Vallee, Mis Wendell antl Complete Line of 'GS tt anri all fe in took AH work guaranteed. INDIAN HEAD PLATE GLASS CO. 40 Walor St. Dial 3-5801 MMM at discovering quality ..."
Publication place: Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee in Star-News - ‎Feb 21 2005

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... for a 6-1 victory over High Point in women's tennis action. Match 1 l Hoss Kisor d. Suzanne Ann Talus (IIP). bj 2. Molly Molony Kristin Mears d lris Charlotte Vallee (HP). 8 4. 3. Kato Marshall Louren filliettaz d. Messick (HP), bo 1 t Hess a Suzonne J 6 0.2 Ann Same Kiser 3 Molly Molony (UNC W) d lns ..."
Publication place: Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, United States
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee in The Telegraph - ‎Jan 5 1954

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... 25. OES. wlli have Its ln WINDHAM Lodies Society Has Election Of Officers Windham. Jan the December meeting of the Ladie Benevolent Society held at the home of Mrs Charlotte Vallee, Salem, with a large- attendance, the following officers were elected for lhe ensuing president, Mrs Eunice yiee president. Mrs Alyce Sandberg: secretary. June Lamson: treasurer. Frances Dow; corresponding Rulh Lovell ..."
Publication place: Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee in The Telegraph - ‎Apr 20 1955

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... 25. Dessert whist for the benefit of the Woman's club was held at the home of Mrs Alyce Sandberg. Another party wlli be held Wednesday at the home of Charlotte Vallee. Leonard Downing was pleasantly surprised by relatives on hta birthday recently'. Present at the party were; Mr and Mrs Francis Downing, Mr and Mrs Renolds Downing, Kennth Downin, Mrs Beverly ..."
Publication place: Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States
Marie Charlotte Chauveau (born Vallée) was born on month day 1685, in birth place.
Marie was baptized on month day 1685, in baptism place.
Marie had 10 siblings: Marie Parent (born Vallée), Marie Suzanne Beaudin (born Vallée) and 8 other siblings.
Marie married Pierre Chauveau on month day 1707, at age 21 in marriage place.
Pierre was born on month day 1686, in birth place.
They had 13 children: Marie Charlotte Trudel (born Chauveau), Marie Francoise Chauveau and 11 other children.
Marie passed away on month day 1756, at age 70 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Charlotte Delagrave (born Vallee) was born on month day 1781, in birth place.
Charlotte was baptized on month day 1781, in baptism place.
Charlotte had 6 siblings: Marie Josephe Valée, Miss Valle and 4 other siblings.
Charlotte married Louis Benjamin Delagrave on month day 1799, at age 18 in marriage place.
Louis was born on month day 1777, in birth place.
They had 11 children: Louis Benjamin Delagrave, Catherine-Emelie Delagrave and 9 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1821, at age 40 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Charlotte Vallee (born Beck Nicolas) was born on month day 1818, in birth place.
Charlotte married Pierre Vallee on month day 1835, at age 17 in marriage place.
Pierre was born on month day 1817, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Angélique Vallée, Pierre Peter Vallée and 7 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1857, at age 38 in death place.
Charlotte Pothier (born Jutras) was born circa 1760, in birth place.
Charlotte had 2 siblings: Marie Josephe Jutras Vallee and one other sibling.
Charlotte married Joseph Pothier on month day 1781, at age 21 in marriage place.
Joseph was born on month day 1759, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Josephte Leclerc Blondin (born Pothier), Charlotte Gaultier (born Pothier) and 4 other children.
Charlotte passed away in 1838, at age 78.
She was buried in burial place.
Charlotte VALLEE was born on month day 1717, in birth place.
Charlotte had 6 siblings: Anne VALLEE, Joseph VALLEE and 4 other siblings.
Charlotte married Richard BARBOT on month day 1744, at age 27 in marriage place.
Richard was born circa 1710, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Perrine Francoise BARBOT and 2 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1750, at age 32 in death place.
Charlotte Jeanne Julenne VALLEE was born on month day 1787, in birth place.
Charlotte had 2 siblings: Aimable Rose Julienne VALLEE and one other sibling.
Charlotte married François GONDOUIN on month day 1813, at age 26 in marriage place.
François was born in 1787, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Jean Baptiste François GONDOUIN and 3 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1874, at age 87 in death place.
Charlotte Jeanne Julenne VALLEE was born on month day 1787, in birth place.
Charlotte had 2 siblings: Aimable Rose Julienne VALLEE and one other sibling.
Charlotte married François GONDOUIN on month day 1813, at age 26 in marriage place.
François was born in 1787, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Henriette Jeanne GONDOUIN and 3 other children.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1874, at age 87 in death place.
Charlotte (Henriette) VALLEE was born on month day 1774, in birth place.
Charlotte married Louis POISSON.
Louis was born on month day 1768, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Renée POISSON.
Charlotte then married André Pierre OLLIVAULT.
André was born on month day 1766.
Personal Info
Charlotte lived in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1852, at age 77 in death place.
Record image of Charlotte Perrine VALLEE

Charlotte Perrine VALLEE, born 1773

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Charlotte Perrine VALLEE was born on month day 1773, in birth place.
Record image of Charlotte VALLEE

Charlotte VALLEE, born 1760

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Charlotte VALLEE was born on month day 1760, in birth place.
Record image of Charlotte Adele VALLEE

Charlotte Adele VALLEE, born 1881

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Charlotte Adele VALLEE was born on month day 1881, in birth place.
Record image of Charlotte Josephine VALLEE

Charlotte Josephine VALLEE, born 1872

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Charlotte Josephine VALLEE was born on month day 1872, in birth place.
Charlotte Vallee, Vallée Lavallée, II was born on month day 1733, in birth place.
Charlotte had 8 siblings: Marie Josephte Lavallee Vallée Lavallée II, Louise Lavallee Vallée Lavallée II and 6 other siblings.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1761, at age 27 in death place.
Charlotte VALLEE (born GEOFFROY) was born in 1481, in birth place.
Charlotte married Jean VALLEE circa 1505, at age 24 in marriage place.
Jean was born in 1475, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Denise VALLOT (born VALLEE).
Charlotte Martel (born Vallee) married Augustin Martel.
They had one daughter: Emelie Lord (born Martel).
Charlotte Vallee (born Lavalle) married Francois Vallee.
They had one daughter: Charlotte Martel (born Vallee).
Record image of Charlotte VALLEE

Charlotte VALLEE, died 1773

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Charlotte VALLEE married Julien LAMBERT.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1773, in death place.
Record image of Charlotte VALLEE

Charlotte VALLEE

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Charlotte VALLEE married Jean POULAIN.
Charlotte was buried on month day 1786, in burial place.
Record image of Charlotte Jeanne Julienne VALLEE

Charlotte Jeanne Julienne VALLEE, died 1874

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Charlotte Jeanne Julienne VALLEE passed away on month day 1874, in death place.
Record image of Charlotte VALLEE

Charlotte VALLEE

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Charlotte VALLEE was buried on month day 1742, in burial place.
Charlotte Dela Vallee was born circa 1863, in birth place.
Personal Info
Charlotte lived in 1891, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee, born Circa 1944

1950 United States Federal Census
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Charlotte Vallee was born circa 1944, in Massachusetts, United States.
Personal Info
Charlotte lived in Mechanstreet.
She lived on April 1 1950, in 334 Mechanstreet, Leominster, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.
Charlotte VALLEE was born circa 1802.
Charlotte married Alphée VALLEE.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1881, at age 79 in death place.
Charlotte VALLEE was born circa 1788.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1812, at age 24 in death place.
Charlotte VALLEE was born circa 1652.
Charlotte married X.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1692, at age 40 in death place.
Charlotte VALLEE was born circa 1698.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1779, at age 81 in death place.
Charlotte Marie Andree VALLEE was born on month day 1912, in birth place.
Charlotte passed away on month day 2005, at age 92 in death place.
Charlotte Henriette Elise VALLEE was born on month day 1914, in birth place.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1976, at age 61 in death place.
Charlotte Louise Adrienne VALLEE was born on month day 1903, in birth place.
Charlotte passed away on month day 1996, at age 93 in death place.
Charlotte Virginie VALLEE was born on month day 1916, in birth place.
Charlotte passed away on month day 2011, at age 94 in death place.
Charlotte E Vallee was born circa 1882, in birth place, Maine.
Personal Info
Charlotte lived in 1905, in address, Minnesota.
Léonard Faidherbes was born on month day 1851, in birth place.
Léonard married Charlotte Vallee on month day 1877, at age 26 in marriage place.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Léonard Faidherbes (Divorce) married Charlotte Vallee on month day 1886, in marriage place.
Record image of Yvon Joseph Paul Beaulieu

Yvon Joseph Paul Beaulieu, born 1948

Quebec Marriage Returns, 1926-1997
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Yvon Joseph Paul Beaulieu was born on month day 1948, in birth place.
Yvon married Charlotte Marie Cecile Vallee on month day 1979, at age 30 in marriage place.
Record image of Jean-Guy Morin

Jean-Guy Morin

Quebec Marriage Returns, 1926-1997
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Jean-Guy Morin was born in birth place.
Jean-Guy married Charlotte Vallee on month day 1970, in marriage place.
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee

France, Births and Baptisms
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Charlotte Vallee was baptized on month day 1693, in baptism place.
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee

France, Births and Baptisms
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Charlotte Vallee was baptized on month day 1734, in baptism place.
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee

France, Births and Baptisms
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Charles Chaudre was baptized on month day 1756, in baptism place.
Record image of Charlotte Vallee

Charlotte Vallee

France, Births and Baptisms
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Louis Gerard Chaudre was baptized on month day 1766, in baptism place.
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