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Cathar. Marie Beecken (born Lemcke) was born on month day 1843, in birth place.
Cathar had 4 sisters: Carol. Marie Schlüter (born Lemcke) and 3 other siblings.
Cathar married Heinr. Christh. Beecken on month day 1870, at age 26.
Heinr was born on month day 1840, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Karl Gustav Beecken and one other child.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Cathar passed away in 1917, at age 73 in death place.
Cathar. Elisab. Lemcke (born Cordes) was born on month day 1694, in birth place.
Cathar had 3 siblings: Anna Cathar. Kröger (born Cordes) and 2 other siblings.
Cathar married Jürgen Christ. Lemcke on month day 1715, at age 21.
Jürgen was born on month day 1687, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Marie Elisab. Kröger (born Lemcke) and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Cathar passed away on month day 1760, at age 66 in death place.
Cathar. Marie Lemcke (born Müller) was born in birth place.
Cathar had 3 siblings: Hinr. Christh. Müller and 2 other siblings.
Cathar married Jürgen Christh. Lemcke on month day 1756.
Jürgen was born on month day 1729, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Jürgen Christh. Lemcke and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Cathar passed away on month day 1805, in death place.
Cathar. Magd. Lemcke (born Meyer) was born in birth place.
Cathar married Jürgen Christ. Lemcke on month day 1713.
Jürgen was born on month day 1687, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Anna Magd. Lühr (born Lemcke).
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Cathar passed away on month day 1714, in death place.
Record image of Cathar. Sophia Lemcke

Cathar. Sophia Lemcke

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Cathar. Sophia Lemcke was baptized on month day 1776, in baptism place.
Cathar had 2 sisters: Dorothea Friderica Lemcken and one other sibling.
Cathar. Elisab. Lemcke (born Möllern) married Carl Fr. Lemcke.
They had one daughter: Sophie Marie Elisabeth Lemcke.
Record image of Cathar. Lemcke

Cathar. Lemcke, born 1827

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Johanna Friederica Zachow was born on month day 1827.
Personal Info
Johanna lived in 1827, in address.
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