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Caroline Norris (born Atterbury) was born in 1838, in birth place, Missouri.
Caroline had 13 siblings: Greene Rufus Pinckney Atterbury, Mary Todd (born Atterbury Atterberry) and 11 other siblings.
Caroline passed away in 1869, at age 31 in death place, Missouri.
Caroline Sophia Gray (born Atterbury) was born on month day 1897, in birth place.
Caroline had 8 siblings: Alice Frances S Atterbury, Frederick John Durley Atterbury and 6 other siblings.
Caroline married Sydney Gray in month 1920, at age 22 in marriage place.
Sydney was born on month day 1896, in birth place.
They had one son: Peter Sydney Selby (born Gray).
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1901, in address.
She lived on month day 1911, in address.
She lived in 1939, in address.
Caroline passed away on month day 1987, at age 90 in death place.
Documents of Caroline Sophia Gray (born Atterbury)
Caroline Atterbury in 1901 England & Wales Census
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1897, in birth place.
Caroline had 5 siblings: Charles Atterbury, Arthur Atterbury and 3 other siblings.
Caroline lived in 1901, in address.
Caroline Atterbury in 1911 England & Wales Census
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1898, in birth place.
Caroline had 3 siblings: Charles Atterbury and 2 other siblings.
Caroline lived on month day 1911, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Caroline Sophia Gray in England & Wales Deaths, GRO Indexes, 1969 - 2007
Caroline Sophia Gray was born on month day 1897.
Caroline passed away in month 1987, at age 90 in death place.
Caroline Sophia Gray in England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
Caroline Sophia Gray was born on month day 1897.
Caroline passed away in month 1987, at age 90 in death place.
Caroline Haydon Martin (born Atterbury) was born in 1861, in birth place.
Caroline married William Woodgate Martin on month day 1892, at age 31 in marriage place.
William was born in 1838, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 3 daughters: Evelyn (Eva) Martin and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Caroline lived on month day 1911, in address, Kentucky.
Caroline passed away on month day 1950, at age 89.
Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1837.
Caroline had 10 siblings: Elizabeth Hodgins (born Atterbury), Sarah Ann Wilson (born Atterbury) and 8 other siblings.
Caroline passed away on month day 1838, at age one.
Caroline Atterbury (born Peebles) was born on month day 1818, in birth place, Kentucky.
Caroline had one brother: William Peebles.
Caroline married Charles Barnett Atterbury.
Charles was born on month day 1813, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had one daughter: Emily Jane Wiggins (born Atterbury).
Caroline passed away on month day 1859, at age 40 in death place, Illinois.
Documents of Caroline Atterbury (born Peebles)
Caroline Atterbury in 1850 United States Federal Census
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1819, in birth place, Kentucky.
Caroline married Barnet Atterbury.
Barnet was born circa 1814, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 7 children: Wm Atterbury, Marion Atterbury and 5 other children.
Caroline lived in 1850, in address, Illinois.
Caroline Tranter (born Atterbury) was born on month day 1872, in birth place.
Caroline was baptized on month day 1872, in baptism place.
Caroline married John Tranter in month 1894, at age 22 in marriage place.
John was born in 1870, in birth place.
They had 3 children: John Tranter and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1891, in address.
She lived in 1901, in address.
She lived on month day 1901, in address.
Caroline passed away.
Documents of Caroline Tranter (born Atterbury)
Caroline Atterbury in England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1872.
Caroline was baptized on month day 1872, in baptism place.
Caroline Atterbury in 1891 England & Wales Census
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1872, in birth place.
Caroline had 4 siblings: Henry Atterbury and 3 other siblings.
Caroline lived in 1891, in address.
Caroline Maude Atterbury was born on month day 1857, in birth place.
Caroline was baptized on month day 1858, in baptism place.
Caroline had 6 siblings: Selina Heapy (born Atterbury), Herbert Atterbury and 4 other siblings.
Caroline passed away.
Caroline Haydon Martin (born Atterbury) was born in month 1861, in birth place.
Caroline had 2 siblings: William Paley Atterbury and one other sibling.
Caroline married William Woodgate Martin on month day 1892, at age 30 in marriage place.
William was born circa 1838, in birth place.
Caroline then married Unknown on month day 1892, at age 30 in marriage place.
Caroline then married Unknown on month day 1892, at age 30 in marriage place.
Documents of Caroline Haydon Martin (born Atterbury)
Caroline Hayden Atterbury in 1871 England & Wales Census
Caroline Hayden Atterbury was born circa 1861, in birth place.
Caroline had 2 siblings: William Poley Atterbury and one other sibling.
Caroline lived in 1871, in address.
Caroline Marsden (born Atterbury) was born in 1840, in birth place.
Caroline married Robert Marsden.
Robert was born in 1839, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Sarah Ann Eaton (born Marsden).
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1851, in address.
She lived in 1851, in address.
She lived in 3 more places.
Documents of Caroline Marsden (born Atterbury)
Caroline Marsden in 1881 England & Wales Census
Caroline Marsden was born circa 1841, in birth place.
Caroline married Robert Marsden.
Robert was born circa 1839, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Sarah A Marsden and 2 other children.
Caroline lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Caroline Marsden in 1871 England & Wales Census
Caroline Marsden was born circa 1841, in birth place.
Caroline married Robert Marsden.
Robert was born circa 1839, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Sarah A Marsden and 2 other children.
Caroline lived in 1871, in address.
Caroline Atterbury was born in month 1858, in birth place.
Caroline had 8 siblings: Thomas Atterbury, Esther Atterbury and 6 other siblings.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1861, in address.
Documents of Caroline Atterbury
Caroline Maude Atterbury in England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
Caroline Maude Atterbury was born on month day 1858.
Caroline was baptized on month day 1862, in baptism place.
Caroline Atterbury in 1861 England & Wales Census
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1858, in birth place.
Caroline had 6 siblings: Catharine A Atterbury, Thomas Atterbury and 4 other siblings.
Caroline lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
Caroline was baptized on month day 1839, in baptism place.
Caroline had 4 siblings: Jesse Atterbury and 3 other siblings.
Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1820, in birth place.
Caroline was baptized on month day 1821, in baptism place.
Caroline had 3 siblings: Robrt. Atterbury and 2 other siblings.
Record image of Caroline Maude Atterbury

Caroline Maude Atterbury

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Caroline Maude Atterbury was baptized on month day 1862, in baptism place.
Caroline Norris (born Atterbury) was born in 1838.
Caroline had 10 siblings: Martha Sterberry Porter (born Atterbury), Green Rufus Pickney Atterbury and 8 other siblings.
Caroline married Samuel, Marion Norris.
Samuel was born in 1835.
Caroline passed away in 1869, at age 31.
Nancy, Caroline Jones (born Atterbury) was born on month day 1823, in birth place, South Carolina.
Nancy had 8 siblings: Charles John Atterbury, Mary Love (born Atterbury) and 6 other siblings.
Nancy married James, A Jones.
James was born in 1810, in birth place, Georgia.
Nancy passed away on month day 1865, at age 41 in death place, Mississippi.
Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1837.
Caroline had 10 siblings: William Thomas Atterbury, Thomas Wright Atterbury and 8 other siblings.
Caroline passed away on month day 1838, at age one.
Record image of Caroline Alice Atterbury

Caroline Alice Atterbury, Circa 1857 - 1881

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline Alice Atterbury was born circa 1857.
Caroline passed away in month 1881, at age 24 in death place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, Circa 1820 - 1882

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1820.
Caroline passed away in month 1882, at age 62 in death place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, Circa 1887 - 1955

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1887.
Caroline passed away in month 1955, at age 68 in death place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, died 1838

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline Atterbury passed away in month 1838, in death place.
Caroline Jonas (born Atteberry) was born on month day 1850, in birth place, Illinois.
Caroline had 7 siblings: Sarah E. Stewart (born Atteberry), Susanna Martin (born Atteberry) and 5 other siblings.
Caroline married James Newton Jonas on month day 1870, at age 20 in marriage place, Illinois.
James was born on month day 1849, in birth place, Ohio.
They had 9 children: Charles William Jonas, Mary Belle Draper (born Jonas) and 7 other children.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1860, in address, Texas.
She lived in 1870, in address, Illinois.
She lived in 4 more places.
Caroline passed away on month day 1932, at age 82 in death place, Texas.
She was buried in burial place, Texas.
Caroline Atterbury (born Pebbles) was born on month day 1818, in birth place, Kentucky.
Caroline had 11 siblings: Jesse H. Peebles, Miss Peebles and 9 other siblings.
Caroline married Charles Barnett Atterbury on month day 1836, at age 17 in marriage place, Kentucky.
Charles was born on month day 1813, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 11 children: William Washington Atteberry, Louis Marion Atteberry and 9 other children.
Caroline passed away on month day 1859, at age 40 in death place, Illinois.
She was buried in burial place.
Caroline Jonas (born Atteberry) was born on month day 1850, in birth place, Illinois.
Caroline had 8 siblings: Sarah E. Stewart (born Atteberry), Susanna Martin (born Atteberry) and 6 other siblings.
Caroline married James Newton Jonas in 1874, at age 23 in marriage place, Illinois.
James was born on month day 1849, in birth place, Ohio.
They had 9 children: John Terry Jonas, Henry Newton Jonas and 7 other children.
Caroline passed away on month day 1932, at age 82 in death place, Texas.
She was buried in burial place, Texas.
Caroline Atterbury (born Allsop) was born in 1863, in birth place.
Caroline had 7 siblings: Henry Allsop, James Allsop and 5 other siblings.
Caroline married Henry Atterbury on month day 1883, at age 20 in marriage place.
Henry was born in 1853, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Henry Haydn Atterbury, James Edward Atterbury and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1891, in address.
She lived on month day 1901, in address.
She lived in 1911, in address.
Caroline passed away in month 1938, at age 75 in death place.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1829, in birth place.
Caroline had one sister: Matilda Atterbury.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1821, in birth place.
Caroline married David Atterbury.
David was born circa 1828, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Louisa Atterbury and one other child.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1861, in address.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1835, in birth place.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1861, in birth place.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1861, in address.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, died 1938

England & Wales, Index of Wills and Probates, 1853-1943
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Personal Info
Caroline Atterbury lived in address.
Caroline passed away on month day 1938, in death place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, died 1929

England & Wales, Index of Wills and Probates, 1853-1943
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Henry Atterbury married Caroline Atterbury.
Personal Info
Henry lived in address.
Henry passed away on month day 1929, in death place.
Caroline H Atterbury was born circa 1861, in birth place.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1881, in address, Kentucky.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1797, in birth place.
Caroline married John Atterbury.
John was born circa 1796, in birth place.
They had one son: George Atterbury.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1851, in address.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1821, in birth place.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, born 1972

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline Atterbury was born in month 1972, in birth place.
Record image of Caroline Anne Atterbury

Caroline Anne Atterbury, born 1969

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline Anne Atterbury was born in month 1969, in birth place.
Record image of Caroline C Atterbury

Caroline C Atterbury, born 1957

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline C Atterbury was born in month 1957, in birth place.
Record image of Caroline Haydon Atterbury

Caroline Haydon Atterbury, born 1860

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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Caroline Haydon Atterbury was born in month 1860, in birth place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, 1912 - 1989

England & Wales Deaths, GRO Indexes, 1969 - 2007
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Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1912.
Caroline passed away in month 1989, at age 77 in death place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, born 1886

1939 Register of England & Wales
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Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1886.
Caroline married James Atterbury.
James was born on month day 1884.
Personal Info
Caroline lived on month day 1939, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, born 1912

1939 Register of England & Wales
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Caroline Atterbury was born on month day 1912.
Personal Info
Caroline lived on month day 1939, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, born 1863

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
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Henry Herbert Atterbury was born on month day 1863.
Henry was baptized on month day 1863, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Henry lived in 1863, in address.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1821, in birth place.
Caroline married David Atterbury.
David was born circa 1829, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Alice Atterbury.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1871, in address.
Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1836, in birth place.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1871, in address.
Caroline Atterbury (born Blunk) was born in 1798.
Caroline married William Browning on month day 1855, at age 57 in marriage place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury (Norman)

Caroline Atterbury (Norman)

England Marriages, 1538-1973
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Caroline Atterbury married Robert Norman on month day 1865, in marriage place.
Record image of Caroline Atterbury

Caroline Atterbury, born Circa 1847

1880 United States Federal Census
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Caroline Atterbury was born circa 1847, in birth place, Georgia.
Caroline had 6 children: Dora Mcgahee, Ada Mcgahee and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Caroline lived in 1880, in address, Georgia.
Her occupation was a occupation.
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