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Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1906, in birth place.
Bernhard married Marie Aronsohn (born Frieser) on month day 1942, at age 36.
Marie was born on month day 1914, in birth place.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Bernhard passed away of cause of death on month day 1943, at age 36 in death place.
Documents of Bernhard Aronsohn
Bernhard Aronsohn in Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1906, in birth place.
Bernhard lived in address.
Bernhard passed away on month day 1943, at age 36 in death place.
Bernhard Aronsohn in Jewish Holocaust Memorials and Jewish Residents of Germany 1939-1945
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on February 20 1906, in Gnesen.
Bernhard lived in Reeuwijk.
Bernhard passed away on January 31 1943, at age 36 in Auschwitz.
Bernhard Aronsohn in Germany, Jewish Victims of Nazi Persecution, 1933-1945
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on February 20 1906, in Gniezno, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland.
Bernhard lived in Gnesen (Gniezno).
Bernhard passed away on January 31 1943, at age 36 in Auschwitz, extermination camp.
Bernhard Aronsohn in Jewish Holocaust Memorials and Jewish Residents of Germany 1939-1945
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on February 20 1906, in Gnesen (poln. Gniezno) / - / Posen.
Bernhard lived in Gniezno, Woj. Wielkopolskie.
Bernhard passed away on January 31 1943, at age 36 in Auschwitz.
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Bernhard married Ida Behr (born (Ostberg) Behr) on month day 1941, at age 67 in marriage place.
Ida was born on month day 1888, in birth place.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in address.
He lived in 1903, in address.
He lived in 1903, in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Bernhard passed away on month day 1942, at age 67 in death place.
Documents of Bernhard Aronsohn
Bernhard Aronsohn in Germany, Jewish Victims of Nazi Persecution, 1933-1945
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on August 1 1874, in Chodzież, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland.
Bernhard lived in Lübtheen, Rostock and Hamburg.
Bernhard Aronsohn in German Minority Census, 1939
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Bernhard lived in month 1939, in address.
Bernhard passed away on month day 1945, at age 70.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Bernhard Aronsohn married Johanna Aronsohn (born Cohn).
They had 2 children: Erna Alexander (born Aronsohn) and one other child.
Bernhard passed away.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn in Indiana tribu?ne. - ‎Sep 24 1904

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Jahren stehen-de Arbeiter Ludwig Hosmann st?rzte in eine Zinkpfanne, die mit fl?ssigem Zink gef?llt toax', und verbrannte sich so furchtbar, da? Haut und Kleider in Fetzen herabhingen. Gollub. Kaufmann Bernhard Aronsohn, der vor zwei Jahren sein 25j?hriges Jubil?um als Rathmann begmg, hat nunmehr auch sein 2cjah-riges Amtsjubil?um als Beigeordne-ter feiern k?nnen. Bei der Gratula-tion der st?dtischen Beh?rden ' wurde dem Jubilar ..."
Publication place: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn, born 1842

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Bernhard married Amalia Margolis on month day 1886, at age 43.
Amalia was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Marina Rebecka and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in between 1920 and 1925, in address.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn, born 1842

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Bernhard married Amalia Margolis on month day 1886, at age 43.
Amalia was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Marina Rebecka and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in between 1891 and 1895, in address.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn, born 1842

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Bernhard married Amalia Margolis on month day 1886, at age 43.
Amalia was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Mariana Rebecka and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in between 1910 and 1915, in address.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn, born 1842

Sweden Household Examination Books
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Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Bernhard married Amalia Margolis Aronsohn on month day 1886, at age 43.
Amalia was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Mariana Rebecka.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in between 1920 and 1925, in address.
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Bernhard married Ida Ostberg.
Ida was born on month day 1888, in birth place.
Bernhard passed away on month day 1942, at age 67 in death place.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn

Geni World Family Tree
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Genealogy record of Bernhard Aronsohn
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn

Geni World Family Tree
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Bernhard Aronsohn married Sara Aronsohn.
Sara was born in 1886.
They had one daughter: Emma Camrass (born Aronsohn).
Bernhard Aronsohn was born in 1906.
Bernhard married Marie Aronsohn (born Frieser) on month day 1942, at age 36.
Marie was born in 1914, in birth place.
Bernhard passed away on month day 1943, at age 37 in death place.
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1906, in birth place.
Bernhard passed away on month day 1943, at age 36.
Bernhard Aronsohn was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn

Jewish Holocaust Memorials and Jewish Residents of Germany 1939-1945
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Personal Info
Bernhard Aronsohn lived in Dortmund, Provinz Westfalen.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn, born 1868

Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1891-1943
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Bernhard Aronsohn was born circa 1869.
Bernhard had one brother: J Aronsohn.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in address.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn, born Circa 1882

New York Castle Garden Immigrants
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Bernhard Aronsohn was born circa 1882, in birth place.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in address.
He lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Bernhard Aronsohn

Bernhard Aronsohn, born Circa 1882

Germans Immigrating to the United States
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Bernhard Aronsohn was born circa 1882, in birth place.
Personal Info
Bernhard lived in address.
He lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
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