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ARTHUR ALFRED ALIZON was born on month day 1882.
ARTHUR had 4 brothers: Charles henri ALIZON and 3 other siblings.
ARTHUR married DENISE ERNESTINE FRIDOLINE ALIZON (born VERNA) on month day 1906, at age 24 in marriage place.
DENISE was born on month day 1886.
They had one daughter: BERTHE ERNESTINE MARIE VELLUET (born ALIZON).
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
ARTHUR passed away.
Arthur Jean François ALIZON was born circa 1853, in birth place.
Arthur had one sister: Josephine ALIZON.
Personal Info
Arthur lived in 1872, in address.
Record image of Arthur Jean François ALIZON

Arthur Jean François ALIZON, died 1902

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Arthur Jean François ALIZON passed away on month day 1902, in death place.
Arthur Jean François ALIZON was born on month day 1852, in birth place.
Arthur married Marie Adeline JOB on month day 1881, at age 28 in marriage place.
Jules ALIZON was born on month day 1892, in birth place.
Arthur Didier André ALIZON was born on month day 1901, in birth place.
Arthur married Renée Marguerite Jeanne AGENET on month day 1923, at age 22 in marriage place.
Renée was born on month day 1899, in birth place.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Arthur Alfred ALIZON

Arthur Alfred ALIZON

France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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Arthur Alfred ALIZON married Denise Ernestine Fridoline VERNA on month day 1906, in marriage place.
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