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Anna Apaffy (born Teleki de Szék) was born on month day 1662, in birth place.
Anna had 14 siblings: Sándor I Teleki de Szék, Mihály III Teleki de Szék and 12 other siblings.
Anna married János V. Kemény de Magyargyerõmonostor.
János was born in 1664, in birth place.
They had 4 children: ZSIGMOND Baron KEMÉNY de Magyargyerömonostor and 3 other children.
Anna then married Mr. Apaffy de Apanagyfalva.
They had one son: György Apaffy de Apanagyfalva.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Anna passed away on month day 1720, at age 58 in death place.
Anna Apaffy (born Bornemisza) was born in 1630.
Anna had 2 sisters: Zsuzsanna Kemény (born Bornemisza) and one other sibling.
Anna married Mihály Apaffy on month day 1653, at age 23.
Mihály was born on month day 1632, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Mihály Apaffy, Éva Apaffy and 3 other children.
Anna passed away on month day 1688, at age 58 in death place.
Documents of Anna Apaffy (born Bornemisza)
Anna Bornemissza in Famous People Throughout History
Anna Bornemissza had one sibling: Kata Bornemisza.
Anna had one child: Michael II Apafi.
Her occupation was a writer.
Anna passed away on August 5 1688, in Dumbrăveni, Romania.
Anna Apaffy (born Bethlen) was born circa 1504, in birth place.
Anna had 10 siblings: MIHÁLY BETHLEN, Ferenc Bethlen and 8 other siblings.
Anna married László Apaffy.
László was born circa 1500, in birth place.
Anna passed away in death place.
Anna APAFFY, iktári. (born BETHLEN), iktári. was born on date, in birth place.
Anna married László III. APAFFY.
Anna passed away in death place.
Anna Apaffy (born Teleki) was born in 1660, in birth place.
Anna had 15 siblings: Sándor Teleki de Szék, Mihály Teleki and 13 other siblings.
Anna passed away.
Anna Apaffy, széki gróf (born Teleki), széki gróf had 5 brothers: Mihály Teleki, László Teleki (főispán Fejér m.) and 3 other siblings.
Anna married Miklós Apaffy.
Anna then married János Kemény.
Anna passed away.
Anna (szek) Apaffy (born Teleky) was born circa 1660, in birth place.
Anna had 12 siblings: Mihaly (szek) Teleky, Janos (szek) Teleky and 10 other siblings.
Anna married Miklos Apaffy.
Miklos was born in birth place.
Anna then married Janos baron Kemeny.
They had one daughter: Krisztina baroness Bethlen (born Kemeny).
Record image of Anna Henter (born Apaffy)

Anna Henter (born Apaffy)

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Anna Henter (born Apaffy) married János Henter.
They had one child.
Record image of Anna Apaffy

Anna Apaffy

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Anna Apaffy had 11 siblings: Mihály Apaffy, Gergely Apaffy and 9 other siblings.
Anna passed away.
Anna Apaffy (born Perneszy) was born circa 1537, in birth place.
Anna married Istvan Apaffy in 1582, at age 45.
Istvan was born in 1533, in birth place.
Anna passed away in 1590, at age 53.
Anna Apaffy (born Bethlen) was born circa 1504, in birth place.
Anna had 8 siblings: Katalin Bethlen, Margit Nagy (born Bethlen) and 6 other siblings.
Anna married Laszlo Apaffy.
Laszlo was born in 1500, in birth place.
Anna passed away in death place.
Record image of Anna Apaffy

Anna Apaffy

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Anna Apaffy married Matthia Apaffy.
They had one son: Joannis Apaffy.
Record image of Anna Apaffy

Anna Apaffy

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Anna Apaffy
Record image of Anna Apaffy

Anna Apaffy

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Anna Apaffy
Record image of Anna Apaffy

Anna Apaffy

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Anna Apaffy
Record image of Anna Apaffy

Anna Apaffy

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Anna Apaffy
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