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Ambroisine ATTAGNANT (born VANDAL) was born on month day 1787, in birth place.
Ambroisine married Folquin ATTAGNANT.
Folquin was born on month day 1779, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Clovis Aubin ATTAGNANT and one other child.
Ambroisine passed away on month day 1825, at age 38 in death place.
Ambroisine, Henriette, Joseph ATTAGNANT (born MONCHIEZ) was born on month day 1829, in birth place.
Ambroisine married Clovis, Aubin ATTAGNANT on month day 1852, at age 22 in marriage place.
Clovis was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Ormisda Joseph ATTAGNANT and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Ambroisine lived in 1872, in address.
Ambroisine passed away.
Documents of Ambroisine, Henriette, Joseph ATTAGNANT (born MONCHIEZ)
Ambroisine Henriette Josephe MONCHIEZ in France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
Clovis Aubin ATTAGNANT married Ambroisine Henriette Josephe MONCHIEZ on April 29 1852, in Frévent, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France.
Henriette MONCHIEZ in 1872 France Census
Henriette MONCHIEZ was born circa 1830, in birth place.
Henriette lived in 1872, in address.
Ambroisine Henriette Joseph MONCHIEZ in France, Vital Records Index
Clovis Aubin ATTAGNANT married Ambroisine Henriette Joseph MONCHIEZ on month day 1852, in marriage place.
Ambroisine Bertilde Attagnant (born Senneville) married Charles Xavier Attagnant.
They had one son: Gustave Charles Benoèit Joseph Attagnant.
Ambroisine passed away on month day 1875, in death place.
Ambroisine ATTAGNANT was born circa 1846, in birth place.
Ambroisine had 3 siblings: Gustave ATTAGNANT and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Ambroisine lived in 1872, in address.
Record image of Ambroisine ATTAGNANT

Ambroisine ATTAGNANT, died 1821

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Ambroisine ATTAGNANT passed away on month day 1821, in death place.
Record image of Ambroisine Olimpe ATTAGNANT

Ambroisine Olimpe ATTAGNANT, born 1846

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Ambroisine Olimpe ATTAGNANT was born on month day 1846, in birth place.
Ambroisine ATTAGNANT was born in 1846, in birth place.
Personal Info
Ambroisine lived in 1906, in address.
Ambroisine Bertilde Attagnant (born Senneville) married Charles Xavier Attagnant circa 1860, in marriage place.
Charles was born circa 1840, in birth place.
They had one son: Gustave Charles Benoït Joseph Attagnant.
Ambroisine passed away on month day 1875, in death place.
Record image of Ambroisine Olympe ATTAGNANT

Ambroisine Olympe ATTAGNANT

France, Vital Records Index
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Henri Jules Désiré LEJOSNE married Ambroisine Olympe ATTAGNANT on month day 1873, in marriage place.
Record image of Ambroisine Victoire ATTAGNANT

Ambroisine Victoire ATTAGNANT

France, Vital Records Index
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Antoine François YVAIN married Ambroisine Victoire ATTAGNANT on month day 1802, in marriage place.
Record image of Ambroisine Olympe ATTAGNANT (LEJOSNE)

Ambroisine Olympe ATTAGNANT (LEJOSNE)

France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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Henri Jules Désiré LEJOSNE married Ambroisine Olympe ATTAGNANT on July 15 1873, in Maresquel, Maresquel-Ecquemicourt, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France.
Augustin DUMIER was born on April 17 1835, to Valère Augustin DUMIER and Ambroisine Françoise Alexandre ATTAGNANT.
Augustin married Philomène Marie ROUPCINSKY on April 16 1890, at age 54 in Lille, Nord, Hauts-De-France, France.
Monique Odile DUMUR was born on month day 1846, in birth place.
Monique married Hyacinthe BAR.
Monique passed away on month day 1892, at age 45 in death place.
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