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Allan Gordon Feore was born on month day 1889, in birth place.
Allan had 9 siblings: Frederick Stephen Feore, Stanley Joseph Feore and 7 other siblings.
Allan married Louise Beatrice Austin Feore (born Jones) in 1913, at age 23 in marriage place.
Louise was born on month day 1889.
They had 6 sons: Allan Joseph Feore, Leslie John Feore and 4 other children.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Allan passed away on month day 1977, at age 87 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Allan Gordon Feore
Allen Gordon Feore in Australia, Victoria Death Index, 1836-1985
Allen Gordon Feore was born circa 1890.
Allen passed away in 1977, at age 87 in death place.
Allen Feore in Australia Death Notices, 1860-2019
Allen Feore passed away circa 1977.
Allen Gordon Feore in Australia, Victoria, Will and Probate Index 1850-2009
Allen Gordon Feore lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Allen passed away on month day 1977.
Allan Joseph Feore was born on month day 1914, in birth place.
Allan had 5 brothers: Leslie John Feore, Ernest Edgar Feore and 3 other siblings.
Allan married Stephanie Betty Feore (born Diener) on month day 1941, at age 27 in marriage place.
Stephanie was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
They had 2 children.
Personal Info
His occupations were occupation and occupation.
Allan passed away on month day 2005, at age 91 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Allan Joseph Feore
Allen Joseph Feore in Australia, Victoria, Will and Probate Index 1850-2009
Allen Joseph Feore lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Allen passed away on month day 2005.
Allen Joseph Feore in Australia, Victoria Marriage Index, 1837-1942
Allen Joseph Feore married Stephannie Betty Diener in 1941, in marriage place.
Allen Joseph (Bon) Feore in Australia Death Notices, 1860-2019
Allen Joseph (Bon) Feore was born circa 1914.
Allen passed away on May 12 2005, at age 91.
"... carried. . The Courikr is posted to *ny address for 6,- per year, ? Adulterated Food At Malverir court on Monday, before Meisrs Hattam, Patterson, M'Millan and Carroll, J's.P, Allan Feore, butcher, Claremont avenue' was charged with selling adulterated sausage meat on October 24 Wm. Barnes, municipal officer, said he purchased ii lbs. of sausage meat at defendant's shop and forwarded ..."
Publication place: Malvern,Caulfield, Victoria, Australia
Record image of Allan Feore

Allan Feore in Prahran Telegraph (VIC) - ‎Dec 2 1916

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Sausage meat and sulphide dioxide wete the principal matters before the 'Malvein Court on Monday. Munici. pa! Insaector Barnes haid:bgen.samp ling sausages and sausage meat, wvith the result that .Allan Feore was charged with hbaving iin excess of ." grains, or 42 per cent, more sulphide than allowed by law in his meat. Mr. Frederick Dunn, analyst, gave this evidence, adding ..."
Publication place: Prahran, Victoria, Australia
Record image of Allan Joseph Feore

Allan Joseph Feore in Age (Melbourne, VIC) - ‎Oct 7 1941

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... of the registration of tho - Melbourne Brokerage Co., Queon-street, city, and the United Sales and Finance Co., with which' Parker was allegod to be associated over the transactions.- Allan Joseph Feore, butcher, NcorJm-road, Oakleiffh, said that about tho end of lasb year ho Instructed the Melbourne Brokerage Co, to dispose of his business. A buyer was brought out, and witness paid ..."
Publication place: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Record image of Allan Joseph Feore

Allan Joseph Feore

Australia Electoral Rolls, 1893-1949
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Personal Info
Allan Joseph Feore lived in 1946, in address.
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