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Albert Léon WATEL was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
Albert had 9 siblings: Julienne Marie WATEL, Jules Louis WATEL and 7 other siblings.
Albert married Joséphine Alphonsine WATEL (born DELODDERE).
Joséphine was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Paul Léon WATEL, Albert Edouard Watel and 7 other children.
Albert passed away of cause of death on month day 1942, at age 48 in death place.
Documents of Albert Léon WATEL
Albert Léon WATEL in France, Military Death Index, 1914-1961
Albert Léon WATEL was born on November 29 1893, in Lille, Nord, France, to Joseph WATEL and Marie Joséphine WATEL.
Albert married Joséphine DOLODOLERO on December 26 1917, at age 24.
Albert passed away on August 26 1942, at age 48 in Auschwitz, Poland.
Record image of albert watel

albert watel, 1929 - 1986

MyHeritage Family Trees
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albert watel was born on month day 1929, in birth place.
albert had 12 siblings: monique soulé (born watel), andré watel and 10 other siblings.
albert married Unknown.
They had 5 daughters: Gabriel WATEL, Suzanne WATEL and 3 other children.
albert passed away on month day 1986, at age 57 in death place.
Documents of albert watel
Albert Etienne Eugene WATEL in France Deaths
Albert Etienne Eugene WATEL was born on month day 1929, in birth place.
Albert passed away on month day 1986, at age 57 in death place.
Albert Edouard Watel-Dehaynin was born on month day 1862.
Albert had one brother: Paul Watel.
Albert married Jeanne Flore Watel (born Dehaynin) on month day 1884, at age 22 in marriage place.
Jeanne was born on month day 1865, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Louis Gabriel Albert Watel-Dehaynin, Pierre Charles Watel-Dehaynin and 4 other children.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Albert passed away in 1934, at age 71 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Albert Edouard Watel-Dehaynin
Albert Edouard WATEL-DEHAYNIN in France, Legion of Honour
Albert Edouard WATEL-DEHAYNIN was born on month day 1862, in birth place.
Albert Edouard WATEL in France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
Albert Edouard WATEL married Jeanne Flore DEHAYNIN on month day 1884, in marriage place.
Albert WATEL DEHAYNIN in France, Daily Burial Registers of Parisian Cemeteries
Albert WATEL DEHAYNIN was born circa 1863.
Albert passed away in death place.
He was buried on month day 1934, in burial place.
Record image of albert watel

albert watel, 1902 - 1964

MyHeritage Family Trees
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albert watel was born on month day 1902, in birth place.
albert married Eugénie watel (born le pen).
Eugénie was born on month day 1903, in birth place.
They had 13 children: monique soulé (born watel), andré watel and 11 other children.
albert passed away on month day 1964, at age 61 in death place.
Albert Edouard Watel was born on month day 1918, in birth place.
Albert had 8 siblings: Paul Léon WATEL, Albertine Joséphine BERTRAND (born WATEL) and 6 other siblings.
Albert passed away on month day 1918, at age less than one in death place.
Record image of Albert Watel

Albert Watel, 1906 - 1967

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Albert Watel was born in 1906, in birth place.
Albert married Laure Watel (born Alberti).
Laure was born in 1904, in birth place.
They had one child.
Albert passed away in 1967, at age 61.
Record image of Albert Watel

Albert Watel, died 1986

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Albert Watel was born in birth place.
Albert married Denise Watel (born Chélin).
Denise was born in 1930, in birth place.
They had one child.
Albert passed away in 1986.
Record image of Albert WATEL

Albert WATEL, born 1864

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Albert WATEL was born in Calculated: 1864.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Albert WATEL

Albert WATEL, Circa 1879 - 1879

France, Nord Civil Deaths, 1820-1935
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Albert WATEL was born circa 1879, in birth place.
Albert passed away on month day 1879, at age less than one in death place.
Albert Séraphin Watel was born on month day 1782, in birth place.
Albert married Marie Anne Joseph Watel (born Harlet) on month day 1809, at age 26 in marriage place.
Marie was born on month day 1790, in birth place.
They had one son: Jean Baptiste Watel.
Albert passed away on month day 1837, at age 55 in death place.
Albert Joseph WATEL was born on month day 1753, in birth place.
Albert married Marie Isbergue DUPONT on month day 1807, at age 53 in marriage place.
Marie was born on month day 1767, in birth place.
Albert passed away on month day 1834, at age 80 in death place.
Albert WATEL was born on month day 1902, in birth place.
Albert married Eugénie LE PEN.
Eugénie was born on month day 1903, in birth place.
They had one son: André WATEL.
Albert passed away on month day 1964, at age 61 in death place.
Albert WATEL was born in 1863.
Albert passed away in 1934, at age 71.
Albert Jules Joseph WATEL was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
Albert married Marie FOURNIER in 1921, at age 47.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Albert WATEL

Albert WATEL, born 1919

France, World War II Prisoners of War
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Albert WATEL was born on month day 1919, in birth place.
Personal Info
Albert lived on month day 1940, in address.
Record image of Albert Gaston Joseph WATEL

Albert Gaston Joseph WATEL, born 1875

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Albert Gaston Joseph WATEL was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
Record image of Albert Charles Eugène WATEL

Albert Charles Eugène WATEL, born 1863

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Albert Charles Eugène WATEL was born on month day 1863, in birth place.
Record image of Albert Paul André WATEL

Albert Paul André WATEL, born 1900

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Albert Paul André WATEL was born on month day 1900, in birth place.
Record image of Albert WATEL

Albert WATEL, born 1879

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Albert WATEL was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Record image of Albert WATEL

Albert WATEL, died 1879

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Albert WATEL passed away on month day 1879, in death place.
Record image of Albert Seraphine WATEL

Albert Seraphine WATEL, died 1837

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Albert Seraphine WATEL passed away on month day 1837, in death place.
Record image of Albert Charles Eugène WATEL

Albert Charles Eugène WATEL, died 1864

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Albert Charles Eugène WATEL passed away on month day 1864, in death place.
Record image of Albert François WATEL

Albert François WATEL, died 1762

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Albert François WATEL passed away on month day 1762, in death place.
Albert Victor Julien WATEL was born on month day 1915, in birth place.
Albert passed away on month day 1994, at age 79 in death place.
Albert Victor WATEL was born on month day 1911, in birth place.
Albert passed away on month day 1987, at age 76 in death place.
Albert WATEL was born circa 1862.
Albert passed away on month day 1765, in death place.
Record image of Albert WATEL

Albert WATEL, born 1879

France, Vital Records Index
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Albert WATEL was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Albert Achille Raoul WATEL was born on month day 1906, in birth place.
Record image of Albert Séraphin WATEL

Albert Séraphin WATEL

France, Vital Records Index
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Albert Séraphin WATEL married Marie Anne Joseph BARLET on month day 1809, in marriage place.
Record image of Albert Seraphin WATEL

Albert Seraphin WATEL

France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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Albert Seraphin WATEL married Marie Anne Josephe CHARLET on month day 1809, in marriage place.
Record image of Albert Ozé Rémond WATEL

Albert Ozé Rémond WATEL

France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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Albert Ozé Rémond WATEL married Angéline Lucie NICOLAS on month day 1888, in marriage place.
Record image of Albert Ozé Rémond WATEL

Albert Ozé Rémond WATEL

France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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Albert Ozé Rémond WATEL married Angéline Lucie NICOLAS.
Record image of Albert Rémond WATEL

Albert Rémond WATEL

France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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Albert Rémond WATEL married Angéline Lucie NICOLAS.
Record image of Albert Victor WATEL

Albert Victor WATEL, born 1911

France, Military Enlistees and Conscripts of Nord
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Albert Victor WATEL was born on month day 1911.
Record image of Albert Leon WATEL

Albert Leon WATEL

France, Military Enlistees and Conscripts of Nord
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Genealogy record of Albert Leon WATEL
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