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Adelphine Aubin (born Verdon) was born on month day 1835, in birth place.
Adelphine married Joseph Aubin on month day 1856, at age 21 in marriage place.
Joseph was born on month day 1835, in birth place.
They had 11 children: Laura Lacroix, Homère (Oma) Aubin and 9 other children.
Adelphine passed away on month day 1917, at age 81 in death place.
Documents of Adelphine Aubin (born Verdon)
Delphine Aubin in 1881 Canada Census
Delphine Aubin was born circa 1836, in birth place.
Delphine married Joseph Aubin.
Joseph was born circa 1835, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Lore Aubin, Homère Aubin and 6 other children.
Delphine lived on month day 1881, in address.
Adelphine Césarine AUBIN (born HAUTOT) was born on month day 1817, in birth place.
Adelphine married Jean Baptiste AUBIN on month day 1848, at age 31 in marriage place.
Jean was born on month day 1815, in birth place.
Adelphine Aubin was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
Adelphine was baptized on month day 1847, in baptism place.
Adelphine had 10 siblings: François Aubin, Joseph Aubin and 8 other siblings.
Adelphine passed away on month day 1864, at age 17.
Adelphine Césarine Aubin (born Hautot) was born on month day 1817, in birth place.
Adelphine married Jean Baptiste Aubin on month day 1848, at age 31 in marriage place.
Jean was born on month day 1815, in birth place.
Record image of Adelphine Emélie Marguerite AUBIN

Adelphine Emélie Marguerite AUBIN, born 1842

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Adelphine Emélie Marguerite AUBIN was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
Adelphine AUBIN was born circa 1850, in birth place.
Personal Info
Adelphine lived in 1872, in address.
Adelphine Aubin was born circa 1846, in birth place.
Adelphine had 5 siblings: Oliver Aubin, Joseph Aubin and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Adelphine lived in 1861, in address.
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