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Нейчо Попов was born on month day 1924, in birth place.
Нейчо married Ms. Попов (born Мутафова).
They had one child.
Нейчо passed away on month day 1974, at age 49 in death place.
Documents of Режисьор, Артист Нейчо Попов
Neycho Popov in Famous People Throughout History
Neycho Popov was born on July 13 1924, in Burgas, Bulgaria.
His occupation was an actor.
Neycho passed away on March 20 1974, at age 49 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Neycho Popov in Biographical Summaries of Notable People
Neycho Popov was born on July 13 1924, in Burgas.
Neycho married Stoyanka Mutafova.
His occupation was Film director, Actor.
Neycho passed away on March 20 1974, at age 49 in Sofia.
Нейчо Попов was born in birth place.
Нейчо had 5 siblings: Пенка Райчев Дочев (born Попова Дочева), Алекси Попов and 3 other siblings.
Нейчо married Елена Попов (born Радоева, Попова).
They had 3 children: Петър Нейчев Попов and 2 other children.
Нейчо passed away in 1940, in death place.
Нейчо Методиев Попов was born in birth place.
Нейчо had 2 siblings: Георги Методиев Попов and one other sibling.
Нейчо married Ms. Попова.
They had 2 children.
Нейчо passed away.
Нейчо, Николов Попов was born on month day 1924, in birth place.
Нейчо married Стояна-Мария, Константинова Мутафова.
Стояна-Мария was born on month day 1922, in birth place.
Personal Info
Нейчо lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Нейчо passed away on month day 1974, at age 49 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.