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escueta Family Tree
WEBDefault Genealogy Language190Mar 22 2014 06:44
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About our family tree
Welcome to our family tree!

My name is liz escueta and I am the Site manager of this Web site.
My genealogy research is focused on the following families: AlanesEscuetaCombalicerMintacNecesitoIf you wish to contribute genealogy information or send your feedback, please contact me here.
Thank you for visiting!
About our family

the family hails from infanta, quezon province

ESCUETA comes from the spanish word - escueto -which means:

  1. (conciso) concise, direct
  2. (sin adorno) unadorned, simple
  3. (libre) free, unencumbered

Ironically, that's about it..

Originally coming from Batangas and other parts of Quezon Province, we have yet to meet other relatives with the same surname.

Most of our relatives known to us are from the Combalicers of Infanta.

Prominent family members:

Eriberto C. Escueta - businessman, customs broker

Miguel C. Escueta Jr. - customs broker

Missing pieces

As said previously, we have yet to trace the roots of the Escueta clan. Our grandfather is the oldest one we know. He and his brother were adopted by their aunt Isabel since childhood due to the death of their parents. Soon after, they wandered to Infanta to seek their fortune and met their respective wives who were in fact, cousins..

So there it is, help us trace our roots..